• Espinoza Wooten opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu

    The negative correlations were found between the consumption of sugar and URBI (-0,710, p=0.002), bread and grain product consumption (-0.642; p=0.007) and fresh milk consumption (-0.594; p=0.015). Fish consumption correlated with URBI at a moderate level (0.550; p=0.027). The consumption of oils and fats strongly correlated with HDI (-0.788; p less then 0,001). In the group of overweight woman, a moderate negative correlation was noted (-0.511; p=0.043) in cheese and curd consumption. CONCLUSIONS The high level of economic development and urbanization have no direct impact on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Poland. The results of the study indicate existing dependencies of the consumption of some of selected products with respect to the level of urbanization.INTRODUCTION Medical care in geriatrics has its own specificity, and in order to build a successful doctor-patient relationship it is important while studying medicine to learn some functioning aspects of this age group. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to explore and describe the role of emotional intelligence in the attitudes of medical students towards elderly patients, taking into account their the place of residence. The place of residence has an impact on social relations and socialization, which could effect with disparities in behaviour towards elderly patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS Medical University of Lublin students from rural (N=71; M=23.44 SD=1.80) and urban (N=87; M=23.34; SD=1.38) areas took part in the study. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE) and Attitude Towards Elderly Patients Questionnaire (ATEP) were used. RESULTS There are statistically significant differences between medical students from rural and urban areas in their attitude towards elderly patients (p=0.001), but no differences were observed between rural and urban residents in terms of emotional intelligence (general result, action factor and cognitive factor). Positive correlations were observed between action factor (r=0.322), cognitive factor (r=0.311) and general INTE result (r=0.358) and attitude towards elderly patients in the group of medical students from rural area. CONCLUSIONS Medical students from rural areas are characterized by a more positive attitude towards elderly patients than medical students from urban areas. The predictors of attitudes towards elderly patients are the cognitive factor of emotional intelligence and the place of residence of medical students. The results give the opportunity to design a well-developed programme of a geriatric course which could be matched to the personal predispositions of students.INTRODUCTION Lithium has been used in medicine for almost seventy years. Besides beneficial effects, its therapy may cause serious side-effects, with kidney and liver being the organs most vulnerable to its harmful influence. Therefore, research on protective agents against lithium toxicity has been continuing for some time. OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence of additional selenium supplementation on lithium content, as well as homeostasis of the essential microelements iron, zinc, copper and manganese in kidney and liver of rats undergoing lithium exposure. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was performed on 4 groups of male Wistar rats (6 animals each) treated with control – saline; Li-group – Li at doses of 2.7 mg Li/kg b.w. and of 0.5 mg Se/kg b.w., respectively, in the form of water solutions by stomach tube, once a day for 3 weeks. The content of the studied elements in the organ samples was determined using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). RESULTS Lithium administered alone caused a significant increase in its content in liver and kidney. Additional supplementation with selenium reversed these effects, and did not markedly affect other studied microelements compared to control. CONCLUSIONS The obtained results suggest that selenium could be regarded as an adjuvant into lithium therapy. However, considering the limitations of the present study (the short duration, using only one dose and form of selenium) the continuation of the research seems to be necessary to clarify the influence of selenium supplementation on basic microelements and lithium accumulation in organs during lithium exposure.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Lymph node involvement is a strong predictor of disease recurrence and patient survival in vulvar cancer. The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of sentinel lymph node (SLN) screening, the incidence of skip metastases, and lymph node lymphangiogenesis. MATERIAL AND METHODS Fifty-five patients participated in this prospective, single centre study. A double SLN screening method was employed using radiocolloid (technetium-99 sulfur colloid) and 1.0% Isosulfan Blue. Immunohistochemistry, using a mouse monoclonal antibody against D2-40, was used to evaluate lymphatic vessel density (LVD). All calculations were performed using STATISTICA software v. 10 (StatSoft, USA, 2011); p less then 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS Using both methods of SLN detection, 100% accuracy was achieved, and skip metastases were diagnosed in only one woman (1.82%). Peri-tumour median LVD was significantly increased compared with matched intra-tumour samples (p less then 0.001), while median LVD was significantly lower in negative, compared with positive SLN, regardless of whether matched non-SLN were negative (p less then 0.001) or positive (p = 0.005). Metastatic SLN exhibited significantly higher median LVD compared with matched negative non-SLN (p = 0.015), while no significant difference in median LVD was detected between positive SLN and matched positive non-SLN. However, negative SLN had a significantly higher median LVD compared with matched negative non-SLN (p = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS SLN detection is a safe and feasible procedure in vulvar cancer. In patients without nodular involvement, SLN, compared with non-SLN, exhibited significantly higher median LVD, which may be an indication of its preparation to host metastases, and thus requires further investigation.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Using the concepts of Ulrich’s theory of supportive design and Malkin’s healing environment, an eye tracking experiment was designed in order to measure respondents’ reactions while looking at visualisations of various interiors, with the aim of verifying whether certain parameters of an interior are related to emotional reactions in terms of positive stimulation, and the sense of security and comfort. MATERIAL AND METHODS 12 boards were designed, incorporating standard features of an interior, i.e. (1) proportions, (2) lighting, (3) colour scheme of a room, as well as (4) the colours and spatial arrangement of furnishings. Respondents’ reactions were recorded with an eye tracker Tobii TX300 and supplemented by self-descriptions of emotional reactions. RESULTS The results showed that the varying spatial and colour arrangements presented in the interior visualisations provoked different emotional responses, confirmed by pupil reaction parameters, as measured by the eye tracking device. CONCLUSIONS Architectural space can have a diverse emotional significance and impact on an individual’s emotional state. This is an important conclusion from the point of view of optimising and creating the so-called supportive and healing environment. The results have implications for the interpretation of the pupil diameter as an index of emotional reactions to different architectural space visualisations. Testing the eye tracker as a method helpful in diagnosing the emotional reactions to features of the interior is justified, and can provide an effective tool for early diagnosis of the impact of architectural space on the well-being of individuals. It can also be a good form of testing the emotional significance of architectural designs before they are implemented.INTRODUCTION The birth of a sick child, as well as the infant’s subsequent hospitalization in an neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), is undoubtedly stressful for the parents of the infant. Most studies conducted in groups of parents of such children focus on the assessment of the negative changes in their functioning due to such stress. The authors were interested in positive changes in the psychological functioning of parents that may occur after traumatic experiences. These changes are referred to as post-traumatic growth (PTG). OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine whether parents experience post-traumatic growth and to determine the predictors of PTG in fathers and mothers, depending on the coping strategy adopted. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study involved 82 parents, whose children were previously hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit. The methods used included the following standardized psychological tests the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and the COPE Inventory. Socio-demographic and medical data were also collected. RESULTS Analysis of the data proved that the illness and hospitalization of a child are significantly associated with the occurrence of post-traumatic growth in parents. PTG in mothers is higher than in fathers. Predictors of PTG in fathers include the use of strategies aimed at seeking emotional support and positive reinterpretation and growth, while in the group of mothers, seeking emotional support, religious coping and planning were the coping strategies used. CONCLUSIONS Research on post-traumatic growth should be expanded. Knowledge of the predictors of positive growth in a difficult situation can contribute to the widespread implementation of primary and secondary prevention of post-traumatic stress symptoms as well as increase positive changes in individuals who have experienced traumatic events.INTRODUCTION The biggest threat to life are cardiovascular diseases which are a serious problem in Poland, Europe, and worldwide. Therefore, it has become important to have proper health behaviours which significantly eliminate the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. OBJECTIVE The main aim of this study is to present factors that determine health behaviours of the 50+ population with cardiovascular diseases. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was carried out among 411 individuals aged over 50 with cardiovascular diseases. The method used was a diagnostic survey. The study involved an authors’ survey questionnaire and the Inventory of Health-Related Behaviours (IHB). A detailed statistical analysis was carried out in the R programme, version 3.5.1. RESULTS The most common disease in the study group was coronary heart disease – 63.75%. The majority of respondents showed (via Inventory of Health-Related Behaviour [IHB]) that the level of their health behaviours was moderate – 41.12%; the highest level of health behaviours in the study group were related to health practices, while a slightly lower level was observed in the area of positive mental attitude. Statistical significance was also found between the level of intensity of health behaviours and age, gender, BMI, place of residence, education, professional activity and marital status of the respondents. CONCLUSIONS Anti-health behaviours were predominant among the respondents; significant demographic and social factors determining health behaviour were determined, such as age and gender; a high level of health behaviours was found in the group of women with higher education and correct body mass, living in cities and married.

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