Booth Turan opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu
66; 95% CI, 1.08-2.54) and shorter PFS (P = .0059) and OS (P = .0003) for patients with lymphoma-related hypercalcemia but not independently of IPI parameters. These data suggest that hypercalcemia is rather a biomarker of the underlying biological aggressiveness of DLBCL. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Since December, 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has spread to a lot of countries worldwide1,2 . On Jan 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. On March 11, 2020, the spread of COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the WHO. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.INTRODUCTION To develop a new method to quantify the density of nerves, vessels and the neurovascular contacts, we studied skin biopsies in diabetes and control subjects. METHODS Skin biopsies with dual immunofluorescent staining were used to visualize nerves and blood vessels. The density of nerves, vessels, and their neurovascular contacts were quantified with unbiased stereology. Results were compared to examination findings, validated questionnaires and autonomic function. RESULTS In tissue from 19 controls and 20 patients with diabetes, inter-rater and intra-rater intraclass correlation coefficients were high (>0.85, P less then 0.001) for all quantitative methods. In diabetes, the nerve densities (P less then 0.05), vessel densities (P less then 0.01) and the neurovascular densities (P less then 0.01) were lower compared to 20 controls. Results correlated with autonomic function, examination and symptom scores. DISCUSSION We report an unbiased, stereological method to quantify the cutaneous nerve, vessel and neurovascular density and offer new avenues of investigation into cutaneous neurovascular innervation in health and disease. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.A novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019 [1], and after a few weeks, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak as a global pandemic [2]. Scientifically, the virus was named „severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-2) coronavirus” [3]. High-level endemic transmissions occurred in several countries, and while yet very limited, have spread in certain regions of the globe, particularly in Africa [4]. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Febrile seizures can be classified as simple or complex. Complex febrile seizures are associated with fever that lasts longer than 15 minutes, occur more than once within 24 hours, and are confined to one side of the child’s body. It is common in some countries for doctors to recommend an electroencephalograph (EEG) for children with complex febrile seizures. A limited evidence base is available to support the use of EEG and its timing after complex febrile seizures among children. OBJECTIVES To assess the use of EEG and its timing after complex febrile seizures in children younger than five years of age. SEARCH METHODS For the latest update of this review, we searched the following databases on 12 March 2019 Cochrane Register of Studies (CRS Web), which includes the Cochrane Epilepsy Group Specialized Register and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); MEDLINE (Ovid, 1946 to 11 March 2019); and ClinicalTrials.gov. We applied no language restrictions. SELECTION CRITERIA All randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that examined the utility of an EEG and its timing after complex febrile seizures in children. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The review authors selected and retrieved the articles and independently assessed which articles should be included. Any disagreements were resolved by discussion and by consultation with the Cochrane Epilepsy Group. We applied standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. MAIN RESULTS Of 48 potentially eligible studies, no RCTs met the inclusion criteria. AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS We found no RCTs as evidence to support or refute the use of EEG and its timing after complex febrile seizures among children under the age of five. An RCT can be planned in such a way that participants are randomly assigned to the EEG group and to the non-EEG group with sufficient sample size. Since the last version of this review, we have found no new studies. Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.BACKGROUND Oliguria is a frequent trigger for administering a fluid bolus, but the effect of fluid bolus in improving urine output is inadequately demonstrated. Here, we summarize the protocol and detailed statistical analysis plan of the randomized, controlled RESPONSE trial comparing follow-up as the experimental group and a 500 mL crystalloid fluid bolus as the control group for oliguria in critically ill oliguric patients. METHODS Our trial is an investigator-initiated, randomized, controlled, pilot trial conducted in three ICUs in two centers. We aim to randomize 11 altogether 130 hemodynamically stable oliguric patients either to a 2-hour follow-up without interventions or to receive a crystalloid bolus of 500 mL over 30 minutes. The primary outcome is the change in individual urine output during the 2-hour period compared to 2 hours preceding randomization. Doubling of the urine output is considered clinically significant. Additionally, we record the duration of oliguria, physiological and biochemical variables, adverse events, and the incidences of acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapy. CONCLUSIONS Oliguria is a frequent trigger for potentially harmful fluid loading. Therefore, the RESPONSE trial will give information of the potential effect of fluid bolus on oliguria in critically ill patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Aflatoxins are carcinogenic mycotoxins that contaminate many food crops. Maize and groundnuts are prone to aflatoxin contamination, and are the major sources of human exposure to aflatoxins, due to their high intake as staple foods, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Observational studies suggest an association between dietary exposure to aflatoxins during pregnancy and early childhood and linear growth in infants and young children. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects on pre- and postnatal growth outcomes when agricultural and nutritional education interventions during the post-harvest period that aim to reduce aflatoxin exposure are compared to usual support or no intervention. We assessed this in infants, children, and pregnant and lactating women at the household or community level in LMICs. SEARCH METHODS In July and August 2019, we searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science Core Collection, Africa-Wide, LILACS, CAB Abstracts, Agricola, and two trials registeation aimed at changing farmers’ post-harvest practices to reduce aflatoxin exposure by using demonstrations, may result in an increase in WAZ, when compared to usual or no education. Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.in English, German HINTERGRUND Die weltweite Prävalenz von Übergewicht und Adipositas ist alarmierend. Um diesem Public Health Problem zu begegnen, sind präventive Public Health‐ sowie politische Maßnahmen dringend erforderlich. In einigen Ländern wurden in der Vergangenheit Lebensmittelsteuern eingeführt, von denen manche jedoch bereits wieder abgeschafft wurden. Einige Länder wie Norwegen, Ungarn, Dänemark, Bermuda, Dominica, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, sowie das Navajo Nation Reservat (USA) haben spezielle Steuern auf unverarbeiteten Zucker und/oder Lebensmittel mit zugesetztem Zucker eingeführt. Diese Steuern auf unverarbeiteten Zucker und Lebensmittel mit zugesetztem Zucker sind fiskalpolitische Interventionen, die eingeführt wurden, um deren Konsum zu verringern und damit wiederum die negativen gesundheitlichen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen zu reduzieren. ZIELE Ziel dieses Reviews war es, die Wirksamkeit einer Besteuerung von unverarbeitetem Zucker oder von Lebensmitteln mit zugesetztem Zuckucker sind wir unsicher, ob die Besteuerung von unverarbeitetem Zucker oder von Lebensmitteln mit zugesetztem Zucker tatsächlich eine Wirkung auf die Konsumreduktion und die Prävention von Adipositas oder andere unerwünschte Wirkungen auf gesundheitsrelevante Endpunkte hat. Es sind weitere, sorgfältig angelegte Studien erforderlich, um konkrete Schlussfolgerungen über die Wirksamkeit der Besteuerung von unverarbeitetem Zucker oder von Lebensmitteln mit zugesetztem Zucker, hinsichtlich deren Konsumreduktion und im Hinblick auf die Prävention von Adipositas oder andere unerwünschte Wirkungen auf gesundheitsrelevante Endpunkte, zu ziehen.BACKGROUND The aim of this study is to monitor the antioxidant activity (AA) and total phenolic content (TPC) variations of different kinds of teas depending on the infusion temperature and time by using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) combined chemometrics as a rapid method. In this study, black tea, oolong tea, green tea, green tea powder (matcha) samples were brewed at 80°C and 96°C for 2.5 to 30 min. Synchronous fluorescence spectra were recorded at different wavelength interval (Δλ) values for optimal models. AA and TPC of tea samples were determined by 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DDPH) assay and Folin Ciocalteu methods as reference methods, respectively. Partial least square (PLS) method was used for correlation between reference methods and SFS method. RESULTS Results showed that SFS combined with chemometrics could be an alternative rapid way to TPC and AA activity of teas with 0.932 and 0.918 of validation R2 values in fermented teas (black tea-oolong) while with 0.961 and 0.860 of validation R2 values in non fermented teas (green tea and green tea powder), respectively. LOD and RMSEP values were ≤ 6.61 μg/mL and ≤ 17.42, respectively. CONCLUSION Based on the lowest R2 value (0.860) on TPC analysis, proposed method is more appropriate for AA analysis of green tea and green tea powder. Furthermore, infusion time was more effective for obtaining different amounts of TPC and AA in fermented tea types while only infusion temperature was effective on green tea and green tea powder samples. Therefore, obtained calibration-validation models gave better results for fermented tea types. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Anti-MAG (myelin-associated glycoprotein) neuropathy is a disabling autoimmune peripheral neuropathy that is caused by circulating monoclonal IgM autoantibodies directed against the HNK-1 (human natural killer-1) epitope. This carbohydrate epitope is highly expressed on adhesion molecules such as MAG, a glycoprotein present in myelinated nerves. We previously showed the therapeutic potential of the glycopolymer PPSGG [poly(phenyl disodium 3-O-sulfo-β-d-glucopyranuronate)-(1→3)-β-D-galactopyranoside] in selectively neutralizing anti-MAG IgM antibodies in an immunological mouse model and ex vivo with sera from anti-MAG neuropathy patients. PPSGG is composed of a biodegradable backbone that multivalently presents a mimetic of the HNK-1 epitope. In this study, we further explored the pharmacodynamic properties of the glycopolymer and its ability to inhibit the binding of anti-MAG IgM to peripheral nerves. The polymer selectively bound anti-MAG IgM autoantibodies and prevented the binding of patients’ anti-MAG IgM antibodies to myelin of non-human primate sciatic nerves.