• Agger Cooney opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu

    Overall, our study underpins that morphometric wing analysis is a robust tool for reliable mosquito identification, which reach the accuracy of COI barcoding.Growth is a complex trait influenced by multiple genes that act at different moments during the development of an organism. This makes it difficult to spot its underlying genetic mechanisms. Since plant growth is intimately related to the effective leaf surface area (ELSA), identifying genes controlling this trait will shed light on our understanding of plant growth. To find new genes with a significant contribution to plant growth, here we used the natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana to perform a genome-wide association study of ELSA. To do this, the projected rosette area of 710 worldwide distributed natural accessions was measured and analyzed using the genome-wide efficient mixed model association algorithm. From this analysis, ten genes were identified having SNPs with a significant association with ELSA. To validate the implication of these genes into A. thaliana growth, six of them were further studied by phenotyping knock-out mutant plants. It was observed that rem1.2, orc1a, ppd1, and mcm4 mutants showed different degrees of reduction in rosette size, thus confirming the role of these genes in plant growth. Our study identified genes already known to be involved in plant growth but also assigned this role, for the first time, to other genes.One of the typical campus scenes is the social interaction between college couples, and the lesson couples must keep learning is to adapt to each other. This fMRI study investigated the shopping interactions of 30 college couples, one lying inside and the other outside the scanner, beholding the same item from two connected PCs, making preference ratings and subsequent buy/not-buy decisions. The behavioral results showed the clear modulation of significant others’ preferences onto one’s own decisions, and the contrast of the „shop-together vs. shop-alone”, and the „congruent (both liked or disliked the item, 68%) vs. incongruent (one liked but the other disliked, and vice versa)” together trials, both revealed bilateral temporal parietal junction (TPJ) among other reward-related regions, likely reflecting mentalizing during preference harmony. Moreover, when contrasting „own-high/other-low vs. own-low/other-high” incongruent trials, left anterior inferior parietal lobule (l-aIPL) was parametrically mapped, and the „yield (e.g., own-high/not-buy) vs. insist (e.g., own-low/not-buy)” modulation further revealed left lateral-IPL (l-lIPL), together with left TPJ forming a local social decision network that was further constrained by the mediation analysis among left TPJ-lIPL-aIPL. In sum, these results exemplify, via the two-person fMRI, the neural substrate of shopping interactions between couples.Eight advanced durum-breeding lines were treated with 5-methyl-azacytidine to test the feasibility of generating sources of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance. Of the 800 treated seeds, 415 germinated and were advanced up to four (M4) generations by selfing. Thirty-two of the resulting 415 M4 lines were selected following preliminary screening and were further tested for FHB resistance for three years at two field locations, and in the greenhouse. Five of the 32 M4 lines showed less than 30% disease severity, as compared to the parental lines and susceptible checks. Fusarium-damaged kernels and deoxynivalenol analyses supported the findings of the field and greenhouse disease assessments. Two of the most resistant M4 lines were crossed to a susceptible parent, advanced to third generation (BC1F3) and were tested for stability and inheritance of the resistance. About, one third of the BC1F3 lines showed FHB resistance similar to their M4 parents. The overall methylation levels (%) were compared using FASTmC method, which did not show a significant difference between M4 and parental lines. However, transcriptome analysis of one M4 line revealed significant number of differentially expressed genes related to biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, MAPK signaling, photosynthesis, starch and sucrose metabolism, plant hormone signal transduction and plant-pathogen interaction pathways, which may have helped in improved FHB resistance.Current understanding of heat shock response has been complicated by the fact that heat stress is inevitably accompanied by changes in specific growth rates and growth stages. In this study, a chemostat culture was successfully performed to avoid the physico-chemical and biological changes that accompany heatshock, which provided a unique opportunity to investigate the full range of cellular responses to thermal stress, ranging from temporary adjustment to phenotypic adaptation at multi-omics levels. Heat-responsive and time-resolved changes in the transcriptome and metabolome of a widely used E. coli strain BL21(DE3) were explored in which the temperature was upshifted from 37 to 42 °C. Omics profiles were categorized into early (2 and 10 min), middle (0.5, 1, and 2 h), and late (4, 8, and 40 h) stages of heat stress, each of which reflected the initiation, adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity steps of the stress response. The continued heat stress modulated global gene expression by controlling the expressThe retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which is among the tissues in the body that are exposed to the highest levels of phagocytosis and oxidative stress, is dependent on autophagy function. Impaired autophagy and continuous cellular stress are associated with various disorders, such as dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease for which effective therapies are lacking. Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor (CysLTR) 1 is a potential modulator of autophagy; thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of CysLTR1 in autophagy regulation in the RPE cell line ARPE-19. The polarized ARPE-19 monolayer exhibited expression of CysLTR1, which was colocalized with β-tubulin III. In ARPE-19 cells, autophagic activity was rhythmically regulated and was increased upon CysLTR1 inhibition by Zafirlukast (ZK) treatment. H2O2 affected the proautophagic regulatory effect of ZK treatment depending on whether it was applied simultaneously with or prior to ZK treatment. Furthermore, mRNA levels of genes related to the leukotriene system, autophagy and the unfolded protein response were positively correlated. As CysLTR1 is involved in autophagy regulation under basal and oxidative stress conditions, a dysfunctional leukotriene system could negatively affect RPE functions. Therefore, CysLTR1 is a potential target for new treatment approaches for neurodegenerative disorders, such as AMD.Pod dehiscence causes important yield losses in cultivated crops and therefore has been a key trait strongly selected against in crop domestication. In spite of the growing knowledge on the genetic basis of dehiscence in different crops, no information is available so far for faba bean. Here we conduct the first comprehensive study for faba bean pod dehiscence by combining, linkage mapping, comparative genomics, QTL analysis and histological examination of mature pods. Mapping of dehiscence-related genes revealed conservation of syntenic blocks among different legumes. Three QTLs were identified in faba bean chromosomes II, IV and VI, although none of them was stable across years. Histological analysis supports the convergent phenotypic evolution previously reported in cereals and related legume species but revealed a more complex pattern in faba bean. Contrary to common bean and soybean, the faba bean dehiscence zone appears to show functional equivalence to that described in crucifers. The lignified wall fiber layer, which is absent in the paucijuga primitive line Vf27, or less lignified and vacuolated in other dehiscent lines, appears to act as the major force triggering pod dehiscence in this species. While our findings, provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying faba bean dehiscence, full understanding of the molecular bases will require further studies combining precise phenotyping with genomic analysis.Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have 2-3 times increased healthcare utilization and annual costs once diagnosed, but little is known about their utilization patterns early in life. Quantifying their early health system utilization could uncover condition-specific health trajectories to facilitate earlier detection and intervention. Patients born 10/1/2006-10/1/2016 with ≥ 2 well-child visits within the Duke University Health System before age 1 were grouped as ASD, ADHD, ASD + ADHD, or No Diagnosis using retrospective billing codes. An additional comparison group was defined by later upper respiratory infection diagnosis. Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) for hospital admissions, procedures, emergency department (ED) visits, and outpatient clinic encounters before age 1 were compared between groups via logistic regression models. Length of hospital encounters were compared between groups via Mann-Whitney U test. In total, 29,929 patients met study criteention.Estuaries are dynamic and selective environments that provide frequent opportunities for the turnover of Phragmites australis populations. We studied Phragmites genetic diversity patterns in three of the major deltas of China, viz. the Yellow River, the Yangtze and the Liaohe, in relation to Phragmites global phylogeography and soil salinity. We found that two distantly related P. australis haplotypes, each with intercontinental distribution, co-occur in these deltas in China. One is European Phragmites (Haplotype O) and is related to P. japonicus; the other (Haplotype P) has its range in East Asia and Australia and is related to the Asian tropical species P. karka. The two haplotypes have differing salt tolerance, with Haplotype O in areas with the highest salinity and Haplotype P in areas with the lowest. Introgressed hybrids of Haplotype P with P. karka, and F1 hybrids with Haplotype O, have higher salt tolerance than Haplotype P. Phylogenetic diversity appears as the factor that better explains population structure and salinity tolerance in these estuaries. Future research may explain whether the two P. australis haplotypes evolved in East Asia, and East Asia is a center of Phragmites diversity, or are introduced and a threat to P. japonicus and P. karka.Here, we describe a novel approach that allows pathologists to three-dimensionally analyse malignant tissues, including the tumour-host tissue interface. Our visualization technique utilizes a combination of ultrafast chemical tissue clearing and light-sheet microscopy to obtain virtual slices and 3D reconstructions of up to multiple centimetre sized tumour resectates. For the clearing of tumours we propose a preparation technique comprising three steps (a) Fixation and enhancement of tissue autofluorescence with formalin/5-sulfosalicylic acid. (b) Ultrafast active chemical dehydration with 2,2-dimethoxypropane and (c) refractive index matching with dibenzyl ether at up to 56 °C. After clearing, the tumour resectates are imaged. The images are computationally post-processed for contrast enhancement and artefact removal and then 3D reconstructed. Importantly, the sequence a-c is fully reversible, allowing the morphological correlation of one and the same histological structures, once visualized with our novel technique and once visualized by standard H&E- and IHC-staining.

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