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In supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), the retention of a solute depends on the temperature, density, pressure, and cosolvent fraction. Here, we investigate how the adsorption of the cosolvent MeOH changes with pressure and temperature and how this affects the retention of several solutes. The lower the pressure, the stronger the MeOH adsorption to the stationary phase; in addition, at low pressure, perturbing the pressure results in significant changes in the amounts of MeOH adsorbed to the stationary phase. The robustness of the solute retention was lowest when operating the systems at low pressures, high temperatures, and low cosolvent fractions in the eluent. Here, we found a clear relationship between the sensitivity of MeOH adsorption to the stationary phase and the robustness of the separation system. Finally, we show that going from classical SFC to ultrahigh-performance SFC (UHPSFC), that is, separations conducted with much smaller packing diameters, results in retention factors that are more sensitive to fluctuations in the flow rate than with traditional SFC. The calculated density profiles indicate only a slight density drop over the traditional SFC column (3%, visualized as lighter → darker blue in the TOC), whereas the drop for the UHPSFC one was considerably larger (20%, visualized as dark red → light green in the TOC). The corresponding temperature drops were calculated to be 0.8 and 6.5 °C for the SFC and UHPSFC systems, respectively. These increased density and temperature drops are the underlying reasons for the decreased robustness of UHPSFC.The provision of urban water and wastewater services contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Urban water supply and wastewater utilities can potentially achieve low-carbon or carbon-neutral operation through many „utility opportunities”. Outside the jurisdiction of water utilities, many water-related „wider opportunities” can also contribute to GHG emissions abatement for cities. This study aims to explore the GHG emissions abatement potential, cost effectiveness, and enabling factors of implementing wider opportunities in cities. Using Amsterdam as a case study, we developed a marginal abatement cost curve to compare the abatement potential and cost effectiveness of both utility and wider opportunities. The results show that many wider opportunities related to thermal energy, water end use, and life cycle are cost-effective with significant abatement potential, compared to utility opportunities. This case study and emerging worldwide examples show that the water industry has a role to play to support wider water-related opportunities in cities. This vision can be supported by developing mechanisms to credit utilities for wider opportunity initiatives, building inter- and intrasectoral partnerships for utilities, accounting for scope 3 emissions of utilities, and being open to extend utilities’ role beyond water and wastewater services providers.The rapid demand for protein-based molecules has stimulated much research on cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS); however, there are still many challenges in terms of cost-efficiency, process intensification, and sustainability. Herein, we describe the microcompartmentalization of CFPS of superfolded green fluorescent protein (sGFP) in alginate hydrogels, which were casted into a μ-channel device. CFPS was optimized for the microcompartmentalized environment and characterized in terms of synthesis yield. To extend the scope of this technology, the use of other biocompatible materials (collagen, laponite, and agarose) was explored. In addition, the diffusion of sGFP from the hydrogel microenvironment to the bulk was demonstrated, opening a promising opportunity for concurrent synthesis and delivery of proteins. Finally, we provide an application for this system the CFPS of enzymes. The present design of the hydrogel μ-channel device may enhance the potential application of microcompartmentalized CFPS in biosensing, bioprototyping, and therapeutic development.Deposition of engineered nanoparticles onto porous media from flowing suspensions is important for soil and groundwater quality. The deposition mechanism is controlled by interaction forces between particles and collectors. We investigated the origin and magnitude of opposing forces between silver and mica surfaces (representing nanosilver and sand grains) in solutions relevant to agricultural soils with direct measurements using a surface force apparatus. Solutions of variable NaNO3, Ca(NO3)2, and humic acid (HA) concentrations were used to differentiate individual contributing forces and quantify surface properties. The measured Hamaker constant for silver-water-mica was consistent with Lifshitz theory. Our results indicate that HA forms an adsorbed surface layer, but its charge, thicknesses, compressibility, and mass are significantly larger on mica than silver. Ca2+ primarily reduced the differences between the initially adsorbed HA layer properties on each surface, making them more similar. Force-distance profiles indicate that, when silver-mica systems were exposed to HA, osmotic-steric, electrostatic, and van der Waals forces dominate. Soft particle theory was deemed inappropriate for this system. Derjaguin’s approximation was utilized to translate force measurements into interaction energy between nanosilver particles and mica collectors. We propose attachment efficiency estimates from measured surface properties, which suggest high particle mobility when nanosilver is applied to HA-rich agricultural soils with modest ionic strength.The two-dimensional (2D) homogeneous assembly of nanoparticle monolayer arrays onto a broad range of substrates constitutes an important challenge for chemistry, nanotechnology, and material science. α-Synuclein (αS) is an intrinsically disordered protein associated with neuronal protein complexes and has a high degree of structural plasticity and chaperone activity. The C-terminal domain of αS has been linked to the noncovalent interactions of this protein with biological targets and the activity of αS in presynaptic connections. Herein, we have systematically studied peptide fragments of the chaperone-active C-terminal sequence of αS and identified a 17-residue peptide that preserves the versatile binding nature of αS. Attachment of this short peptide to gold nanoparticles afforded colloidally stable nanoparticle suspensions that allowed the homogeneous 2D adhesion of the conjugates onto a wide variety of surfaces, including the formation of crystalline nanoparticle superlattices. The peptide sequence and the strategy reported here describe a new adhesive molecule for the controlled monolayer adhesion of metal nanoparticles and sets a stepping-stone toward the potential application of the adhesive properties of αS.In contrast to common DNA walkers, multipedal DNA walkers exhibit larger walking area and faster walking kinetics and provide increased amplification efficiency. Consequently, they have received a considerable amount of attention in biosensing. However, most of them are synthesized by immobilizing multiple DNA walking strands on the surface of Au nanoparticles, which is tedious and time-consuming. Simple preparation of multipedal DNA walkers remains a challenge. Herein, we adopted a simple enzyme-free target-triggered catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA) circuit to synthesize a tripedal DNA walker. By walking on a DNA track-functionalized electrode, a sensitive electrochemiluminescence DNA nanomachine biosensor was constructed for sensing miRNA-21. The DNA walker was powered by toehold-mediated strand displacement; the whole process did not need the assistance of enzymes, thus avoiding tedious procedures and enzyme degradation under unfavorable environmental conditions. Specifically, a superior detection limit of 4 aM and a broad linear range of 10 aM to 1 pM were achieved. This CHA-tripedal DNA walker biosensor was then applied for the detection of miRNA-21 in human serum and showed high selectivity and excellent reproducibility, demonstrating its practical application in bioanalysis. In particular, the Y-shaped tripedal DNA walker comes from the DNA circuit, which makes the approach ideally suited for biosensing of small nucleic acid targets.To date, plasmon resonance energy transfer (PRET)-based analytical approaches still inevitably suffer from limitations, such as lack of appropriate acceptor-donor pairs and the extra requirements of active groups of acceptors, which place great obstacles in extending the application of such methods, especially in the area of living cell studies. Herein, we design and fabricate a kind of „loading-type” plasmonic nanomaterials constituting gold nanoparticles as donors of PRET coated with mesoporous silicon, in which organic small molecules (CHCN) as acceptors of PRET were loaded (Au@MSN-CHCN). This „loading-type” strategy could conveniently integrate acceptor-donor pairs into one nanoparticle, so as to achieve the goal of sensitive detection of biomolecules in a complex physiological microenvironment. Based on the change of PRET efficiency of Au@MSN-CHCN induced by the specific reaction between CHCN and peroxynitrite (ONOO-), ONOO-, which plays an irreplaceable role in a series of physiological and pathological processes, is sensitively and selectively detected. Furthermore, in situ imaging of exogenous and endogenous ONOO- in living cells was achieved even at a single nanoparticle level. This work provides a general approach to construct PRET probes for visualizing various biomolecules in living cells.Different mobilization mechanisms control the metal distribution in surface sediments of the Belgium coastal zone (BCZ) and the anoxic Gotland basin (GB). This mobilization was studied using DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) vertical one-dimensional (1D) profiles of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were measured at 5 mm intervals, while two-dimensional (2D) high-resolution (100 μm) images of smaller zones of the sediment profile were obtained on separate DGT probes. Removal of dissolved Cd, Cu, and Pb in BCZ sediments caused steep vertical gradients at the sediment-water interface that were well replicated in 1D profiles and 2D images. While 1D profiles showed apparent coincident maxima of Co, Mn, and Fe, 2D images revealed mutually exclusive Co and Fe mobilization. Correlation analysis supported this observation and showed a consistent linkage between Co and Mn. Sharp maxima of some metals in the vertical 1D profiles of GB sediment were attributed to localized mobilization in microniches. Examination of an ∼1 mm diameter Cu and Ni maximum in 2D, defined by ∼300 data points, showed that the metals were supplied from localized decomposition of reactive organic material, rather than from reductively dissolving Fe or Mn oxides, and that they were removed as their sulfides.Five mono/di/trinuclear iridium(III) complexes (1-5) bearing the carbazole-derivative-tethered 2-(quinolin-2-yl)quinoxaline (quqo) diimine (N^N) ligand were synthesized and characterized. The photophysical properties of these complexes and their corresponding diimine ligands were systematically studied via UV-vis absorption, emission, and transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy and simulated by time-dependent density functional theory. All complexes possessed strong well-resolved absorption bands at less then 400 nm that have predominant ligand-based 1π,π* transitions and broad structureless charge-transfer (1CT) absorption bands at 400-700 nm. The energies or intensities of these 1CT bands varied pronouncedly when the number of tethered Ir(quqo)(piq)2+ (piq refers to 1-phenylisoquinoline) units, π conjugation of the carbazole derivative linker, or attachment positions on the carbazole linker were altered. All complexes were emissive at room temperature, with 1-3 showing near-IR (NIR) 3MLCT (metal-to-ligand charge-transfer)/3LLCT (ligand-to-ligand charge-transfer) emission at ∼710 nm and 4 and 5 exhibiting red or NIR 3ILCT (intraligand charge-transfer)/3LMCT (ligand-to-metal charge-transfer) emission in CH2Cl2.