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This work provides a new, low-cost, and effective route to improve the performance of TiO2 for effective removing TPMs.Soil phosphorus fractions in wetland ecosystems have received increasing attention due to its high eutrophication risks. Soil samples were collected to 40 cm depth in three sampling seasons to investigate the seasonal dynamics of organic and inorganic phosphorus fractions, bioavailability, and relationship between those and soil properties in a seasonal-flooding wetland in the Yellow River Estuary. The results showed that inorganic phosphorus (IP) and organic phosphorus (OP) contents exhibited much higher levels in the top 10 cm soils, and declined along soil profiles in spring. IP kept constant along soil profiles in fall, while OP decreased in summer and fall. They were greatly affected by water content (WC), pH, Cl-/SO42-, soil organic matter (SOM), and electrical conductivity (EC). Middle labile organic phosphorus (MLOP) and non-labile organic phosphorus (NLOP) accounted for higher percentages of total OP in summer and fall respectively than labile organic phosphorus (LOP) in spring. MLOP and NLOP levels Sustainable desalination can be achieved by adopting renewable energy-based low-cost and low-impact desalting techniques. In this investigation, capability of inclined felt sheet solar distiller in desalting seawater is assessed by evaluating its performance, distillate water quality, economics, and environmental impacts. The distiller with 1.18-m2 aperture area produced around 4.60 L/day of distillate for a cumulative incident solar radiation intensity of about 20.52 MJ/m2 day. Its pollutant removal efficiency is very much superior to other available solar stills reported in literatures. Thermal model developed for estimating distiller’s performance is able to predict its productivity with reasonable accuracy (only 8.0% deviation from experimental values) and was used for estimating distiller’s performance in various seashore locations in India with varying clear days (191 to 246). Yearly mean distillate production and thermal and exergy efficiencies of the proposed distiller range between 3.60 to 4.50 L/day, 36.45 to 42.39%, and 2.85 to 3.65%, respectively, in east seashore locations of India. Moreover, 18.46 tons of CO2, 132.72 kg of SO2, and 54.20 kg of NO emission can be mitigated by adopting the distiller for potable water production. Distillate production cost of inclined felt sheet solar distiller is in the range of 1.15 to 2.29 INR/L and highly depends on the interest rate at which the distiller is financed. Generation of reasonable quantity of high-quality potable water at low cost with huge environmental benefits makes proposed inclined felt sheet solar distiller a suitable option for quenching thirst in coastal and remote locations.The correct presentation of Table 3 is presented in this paper.The present study assesses the treatability of a real industrial wastewater (WW) with a high organic load (chemical oxygen demand (COD) above 5800 mgO2 L-1) by photo-Fenton’s oxidation with the goal of improving the organic matter degradation reached previously, in another work, where the Fenton process was applied in a bubbling reactor. Thus, the process was carried out in a bubble photo reactor (BPR) wherein continuous air supply ensures an efficient mixing of the liquid phase. The effect of the main operatory parameters that influence the WW treatment (i.e., H2O2 and Fe2+ concentrations, initial pH, and UV-Vis radiation intensity) were evaluated, being found that in the best conditions tested (pH0 = 4.6, [Fe2+] = 0.1 g L-1, [H2O2] = 18 g L-1, Qair = 1.0 L min-1-measured at room temperature and atmospheric pressure-and irradiance of 500 W m-2), removals of 95% and 97% for total organic carbon (TOC) and COD, respectively, were achieved. Still, a high reduction of the concentration of the main constituents of this WW was reached, being total for aniline and 86% for sulfanilic acid. The continuous air supply reactor configuration was compared with magnetic stirring; similar mineralization was achieved. However, the air bubbling promotes a good heat transfer within the reactor, minimizing temperature gradients, which is quite advantageous due to the strong exothermicity of the oxidation process during the treatment of such highly loaded real effluents.The current study was conducted to assess the hematological and histopathological changes in major carp (Catla catla) exposed to different concentrations of copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd). For this purpose, Catla catla fish, weighing approximately 230-235 g, were randomly divided into four groups and then exposed to acute doses of Cu (1.25 ppm), Cd (4.5 ppm), and their mixture (2.25 ppm) for 96 h and then 20, 30, and 40% respectively for a period of 30 days. Results showed that red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), lymphocyte, and monocyte decreased significantly, while the total white blood cell count and neutrophil population significantly increased in experimental groups as compared with the control one. Histopathological examination of liver tissues showed karyorrhexis, hepatic cells degeneration, congestion, and hemorrhages. Microscopic analysis of gills’ sections revealed lamellar atrophy, telangiectasia, and necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells. In the kidneys, different histopathological ailments like atrophy of glomeruli, necrosis of renal tubular cells, increased urinary spaces, degeneration of renal tubules, and melanomacrophage aggregates were observed, while in the intestine, atrophy of villi, sloughing of epithelial villi, and congestion were seen after 30 days of exposure. In conclusion, the study indicates that exposure to Cu and Cd for longer period of time causes adverse hematological and histopathological changes in Catla catla fish.
A new species of the genus Caligus is described based on specimens collected from pompano, Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus), caught in eastern Atlantic waters, near the Madeira archipelago.
Pompano (n = 21) were purchased from the local fish market and examined for parasitic copepods. Morphological features of the copepods were examined and drawn using an Olympus BX51 equipped with a drawing tube. Key diagnostic characters were scanned using a confocal laser scanning microscope and a scanning electron microscope.
Caligus madeirensis sp. nov., can be distinguished from all congeners (270 spp.) by the combination of the following characters (i) an accessory process on the 3 outer terminal spines located on the distal exopodal segment of leg 1, (ii) a mandible with 14 teeth, (iii) a sternal furca with parallel, spatulate tines, (iv) a maxilliped with 2 simple setae at base of a claw, (v) a leg 3 with second endopodal segment with 5 pinnate setae, (vi) a 2-segmented leg 4 exopod with I; III spine formula, (viihe result of which, however, might be due to limited sampling.
In female genital rejuvenation and beautification, interest and demand for combined surgical and non-surgical methods are increasing. This study presents the results of our labia minora reduction technique and a vulvovaginal rejuvenation and beautification concept, where a combination of fat injection into the mons pubis and labia majora, if necessary, combined with fractional carbon dioxide (CO
) laser is used.
Genital rejuvenation and beautification were performed on 37 patients between January 2014 and January 2019. Postoperative follow-up for 1year to obtain data on the satisfaction of surgical and non-surgical procedures was performed.
Of the 37 female patients included in the study, 33 (94.5%) were satisfied or very satisfied with their postoperative appearance. Thirty (80%) patients were satisfied or very satisfied with functional results.
The described genital beautification and rejuvenation technique combines different aesthetic female genital surgery techniques and non-surgical noninvasive procedures. These procedures, like other plastic surgeries and procedures, are designed for the subjective improvement of the patients’ appearance and feelings.
This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266 .
This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266 .
Anatomical characteristics that are incongruent with an individual’s gender identity can cause significant gender dysphoria. Hands exhibit prominent dimorphic sexual features, but despite their visibility, there are limited studies examining gender affirming procedures for the hands. This review is intended to cover the anatomical features that define masculine and feminine hands, the surgical and non-surgical approaches for feminization and masculinization of the hand, and to adapt established aesthetic hand techniques for gender affirming care.
The authors performed a comprehensive database search of PubMed, Embase OVID and SCOPUS to identify articles on the characterization of masculine or feminine hands, hand treatments related to gender affirmation, and articles related to techniques for hand masculinization and feminization in the non-transgender population.
From 656 possibly relevant articles, 42 met the inclusion criteria for the current literature search. There is currently no medical literaturl description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266. .
For revision surgeries due to complications associated with alloplastic materials, autologous tissues including dermofat are considered. However, graft absorption, shaping, and donor site morbidity remain crucial challenges. This study aimed to present several surgical techniques of dermofat grafting for rhinoplasty to overcome these challenges.
Patients who underwent autologous dermofat grafting from January 2015 to October 2019 were retrospectively studied, and those who underwent primary rhinoplasty were excluded. The mid-sacral dermis (with the thickest dermal layer) was selected as the main donor site. During dermal harvesting, fat was resected into a wedge shape, to minimize flap tension and dead space risk. A molding technique was applied to improve graft shape and height and minimize graft absorption. Patient records were reviewed for assessing preoperative evaluations, surgical methods, and complications. For evaluating aesthetic outcomes, three rhinoplasty surgeons, blinded to the study purpose, compared preoperative and postoperative photographs.
Among 331 cases undergoing dermofat grafting for revision rhinoplasty, 25 underwent revisions; of these, five, one, and nine cases experienced over-absorption, over-correction, and deviation, respectively. One and eight cases underwent revision due to a widening scar at the dermofat donor site and wound dehiscence, respectively. Notably, one case had inflamed sinus formation.
The advanced dermofat graft technique provided favorable results with selection of appropriate donor site and a dermofat graft with subdermal fat. The application of this molding technique and proper management of donor site ameliorated critical disadvantages, thereby providing a safe and effective alternative for revision rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty.This study investigates the association between the treatment with hydroxychloroquine and mortality in patients admitted with COVID-19. Routinely recorded, clinical data, up to the 24th of April 2020, from the 2075 patients with COVID-19, admitted in 17 hospitals in Spain between the 1st of March and the 20th of April 2020 were used. The following variables were extracted for this study age, gender, temperature, and saturation of oxygen on admission, treatment with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, heparin, steroids, tocilizumab, a combination of lopinavir with ritonavir, and oseltamivir, together with data on mortality. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to investigate the associations. At the time of collecting the data, 301 patients had died, 1449 had been discharged home from the hospitals, 240 were still admitted, and 85 had been transferred to hospitals not included in the study. Median follow-up time was 8 (IQR 5-12) days. Hydroxychloroquine had been used in 1857 patients. Hydroxychloroquine was associated with lower mortality when the model was adjusted for age and gender, with OR (95% CI) 0.44 (0.29-0.67). This association remained significant when saturation of oxygen 37 °C were added to de model with OR 0.45 (0.30-0.68) p less then 0.001, and also when all the other drugs, and time of admission, were included as covariates. The association between hydroxychloroquine and lower mortality observed in this study can be acknowledged by clinicians in hospitals and in the community. Randomized-controlled trials to assess the causal effects of hydroxychloroquine in different therapeutic regimes are required.
Complete pleural symphysis from adhesions is a troublesome intraoperative finding. A blunted costophrenic angle without pleural effusion is an indicator of prior pleural disease; however, the diagnostic accuracy of blunted costophrenic angles for complete pleural symphysis is unclear. This study to determine whether complete pleural symphysis is predicted by the finding of a blunted costophrenic angle.
The operative records of patients who underwent thoracic cavity surgery were retrospectively reviewed. Cases with ipsilateral pleural effusion identified using preoperative computed tomography were excluded. A receiver-operating characteristic curve for complete pleural symphysis was generated to determine the optimal cut-off value of the costophrenic angle based on intraoperative findings for adhesions. The cases were then divided into blunted and sharp costophrenic angle groups, and the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive likelihood ratio, and negative likelihood ratio for complete pleural symphysimple, and convenient screening tool.Here, we report a 54-year-old man who underwent double-sleeve left upper lobectomy for lung cancer and his postoperative course was complicated with COVID-19 pneumonia. Five days after his discharge from hospital, he was re-admitted with mild fever and bilateral multiple ground glass opacities on his chest CT. PCR testing confirmed COVID-19 infection and he was treated according to policies established by our nation’s health authority. He is still receiving adjuvant chemotherapy and remains well at 3 months after the operation.With fast-evolving next-generation sequencing technology, a great amount of plant genome and transcriptome data are becoming available. Due to the availability of mature microRNA (miRNA) sequence information from the miRBase (release 21) database, it is possible to predict endogenous target mimics (eTMs) in plant by searching seed-matched target sites. We identified a total of 2669 non-redundant eTM records in 43 plant species to create a specialized web-based database platform. The platform is named PendoTMBase, which can provide details of the eTMs. Predicted pairing structure between eTMs and their target miRNA, expression levels of eTMs pairs and associated GO annotations are also stored in the database. With evaluations performed in silico, we have found that the eTMs are representative and fit for genetic studies and high value-added plants breeding. The platform also provides a function of predicting novel eTMs based on the miRNA sequences submitted by users.
Onflex™ mesh has replaced Polysoft™ patch on the market, without being clinically evaluated thus far in the transinguinal preperitoneal (TIPP) technique.
All consecutive TIPP registered in our registry during the overlap period of availability of both meshes were included and studied with the chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) as primary endpoint, assessed with a verbal rating scale (VRS), and included in a patient-related outcome measurement (PROM) phone questionnaire.
A total of 181 Onflex cases vs 182 Polysoft cases were studied with a 2-year follow-up rate of 92% vs 88%. The overall rate of pain or discomfort was not statistically different in the 2 studied subgroups (16.5% vs 17.6%; p = 0.71), while moderate or severe pain were significantly more frequent in the Polysoft subgroup (5.5% vs 11.6%; p = 0.01). These symptoms did not interfere with the patient daily life in 16% vs 16.5% of cases, and they were self-assessed as more bothersome than the hernia in only 0.5% vs 0.5% of cases, suggesting an overestimation of the pain by the VRS. Patients assessed the result of their hernia repair as excellent or good in 97.8% vs 96.7% and medium or bad in 2.2% vs 3.3% (p = 0.53). The cumulative recurrence rate was 0% vs 2.2%. Two reoperations (one for early and one for late recurrence) were reported in the Polysoft subgroup (1%), none related to the non-absorbable memory ring.
These results suggest that TIPP with Onflex provides results at least similar than those with Polysoft.
These results suggest that TIPP with Onflex provides results at least similar than those with Polysoft.
Society is responsible for strengthening „caregiver-sensitive” communities based on the principle of social services to the public and are thus oriented towards the appreciation of caring relatives (CR) of people with dementia (PwD), their capability for self-care and participation. This requires methods to emphasize the social value of informal care and to re-evaluate existing support services. The article aims to present the method of „town hall talks”.
In 20communities throughout Germany apublic town hall talk in which CR, actors in the community (AC) and the citizens enter into adialogue, was conducted. In three moderated discussion groups the question of communal responsibility for the provision of resources was addressed. These resources should encourage the CR ability of self-care as well as strategies for their support. In order to make astatement regarding the success of the project planning, three pilot town hall talks were evaluated.
The recruitment of the population sample and the organization of the town hall talks in particular are administratively and logistically challenging. The project can only be successful through networking and intensive cooperation between scientists and the communities. In terms of content and logistics, the project planning of the pilot town hall talks was successful. The method received excellent ratings from the majority of the CR and AC.
Regarding the creation of caregiver-sensitive communities the town hall talks promise great potential. The specific benefit of the method for the CR and the community will be examined.
Regarding the creation of caregiver-sensitive communities the town hall talks promise great potential. The specific benefit of the method for the CR and the community will be examined.The defects into the hexagonal network of a sp2-hybridized carbon atom have been demonstrated to have a significant influence on intrinsic properties of graphene systems. In this paper, we presented a study of temperature-dependent Raman spectra of G peak and D’ band at low temperatures from 78 to 318 K in defective monolayer to few-layer graphene induced by ion C+ bombardment under the determination of vacancy uniformity. Defects lead to the increase of the negative temperature coefficient of G peak, with a value almost identical to that of D’ band. However, the variation of frequency and linewidth of G peak with layer number is contrary to D’ band. It derives from the related electron-phonon interaction in G and D’ phonon in the disorder-induced Raman scattering process. Our results are helpful to understand the mechanism of temperature-dependent phonons in graphene-based materials and provide valuable information on thermal properties of defects for the application of graphene-based devices.
Sport-related concussion (SRC) is a potential issue within Gaelic Football. Therefore, it is essential that concussion management guidelines are adhered to.
The aim of this study is to determine if potential concussive events (PCEs) in the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) National Football League (NFL) are assessed in accordance with GAA concussion guidelines and compare this to other sports.
A descriptive video analysis approach was undertaken to identify PCEs throughout two seasons of play. Subsequent assessment, return to play (RTP) decisions, and signs of concussion were evaluated.
A total of 242 PCEs were identified over 111 matches. Most PCEs (87.2%, n = 211) were assessed by medical personnel. However, 187 (88.6%) of assessments were under 2 min in duration. Of the 242 PCEs, 189 (78.1%) returned to play after on-pitch assessment, and 12 (5.0%) were removed following a PCE. Sixty-one (25.2%) players sustaining a PCE demonstrated one or more signs of concussion, of which 9 (14.8%) were removed from play.
In the GAA NFL, PCEs are often briefly assessed but rarely result in player removal. Introduction of video incident analysis and concussion substitutions, as in other sports, may reduce the long-term burden of SRC on Gaelic Football players.
In the GAA NFL, PCEs are often briefly assessed but rarely result in player removal. Introduction of video incident analysis and concussion substitutions, as in other sports, may reduce the long-term burden of SRC on Gaelic Football players.
Most research evaluating relationships between social network attributes and loneliness have focused on older adult and adolescent networks. The present study examines the relationships between social network size (number of relationships), social network density (whether named relationships are connected to one another) and maternal loneliness during pregnancy.
Eligible women were enrolled at the time of their dating ultrasound (between 8 and 12weeks of gestation). Interested women provided written consent and completed demographic, social network and loneliness measures. Participants completed the same surveys in their third trimester. Mixed-regression models, adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, and insurance type, were used to assess the relationship between social network size, network density, and loneliness.
A total of 94 pregnant women (mean age = 23.77, 70.2% Black, 87.2% public insurance) completed baseline study measures, and 60 participants completed both assessment time points. Completers and non-completers did not differ on key characteristics. Social network density, but not social network size, predicted maternal loneliness ([Formula see text]= -1.27, 95% CI -2.53, -0.01, p = 0.0489) in the first and third trimester.
These findings indicate that pregnant women’s social network density may be more intimately related to feelings of loneliness than the objective number of relationships. This knowledge can begin to inform the design of supportive approaches to improve women’s health.
These findings indicate that pregnant women’s social network density may be more intimately related to feelings of loneliness than the objective number of relationships. This knowledge can begin to inform the design of supportive approaches to improve women’s health.
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) participate in less physical activity (PA) and more sedentary behavior than their peers without ASD.
The study employed Chi-square analyses of the NSCH 2016-2017 data to compare PA, TV/video watching/gaming, and usage of portable electronic devices by children with and without ASD by age and ASD severity.
Results suggest more than two and a half times as many children 6-11 and 12-17years old with ASD failed to engage in 60min of PA during the past week compared to peers without ASD. As children aged, their PA time decreased, with a larger percentage drop for children with ASD. For children ages 6-11years, an inverse relationship was found between PA and ASD severity that was not found for older children. As the children got older, children with ASD spent more time watching TV/video watching/gaming than peers without ASD, with differing results by ASD severity. More children Birth to 5years ASD used portable electronic devices than their peers without ASD and more young children with ASD used devices for 3 or more hours a day. Roughly the same proportions of children 12-17years old used devices for more than 3h a day but differential results were found between children with and without ASD for less than 1h of device use.
These data can be used to advocate for individualized PA interventions and services to increase PA and decrease sedentary behaviors of children with ASD.
These data can be used to advocate for individualized PA interventions and services to increase PA and decrease sedentary behaviors of children with ASD.Mercury chloride (HgCl2) is a compound found in the environment that presents low risk due to low liposolubility. Considering the importance of blood as access rout to the systemic distribution of this toxicant to the organism as well as functions performed by it, this study aimed to investigate the effects of HgCl2 on the peripheral blood of rats, evaluating the oxidative biochemistry, blood count, and morphology of cell populations. For this, 20 adult Wistar male rats were divided into control (n = 10) and exposed (n = 10) groups and received distilled water or HgCl2 at a dose of 0.375 mg/kg for 45 days, respectively, through intragastric gavage. Then, the animals were euthanized and the blood was collected for total mercury (Hg) levels determination, complete blood and reticulocyte count, oxidative biochemistry by Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC), reduced glutathione (GSH) levels, superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and nitric oxide (NO), in blood cells and plasma. Long-term exposure increased total Hg in plasma and blood cells. In blood cells, only TEAC has decreased; in plasma, the HgCl2 increased TBARS and NO levels, followed by a decrease in TEAC and GSH levels. There were no quantitative changes in reticulocytes, erythrocytes, and hemoglobin; however, the number of leukocytes have increased and platelets have decreased. Our results suggest that even in the face of low toxicity when compared with other mercury species, HgCl2 at low doses is able to modulate the systemic redox balance and affect some blood cell populations.The fabrication of a nanointerfaced electrochemical immunosensor is described for the rapid determination of cystatin C, a biomarker that is elevated in diabetic retinopathy. A dispersion of graphene oxide-chitosan (GO-Chit) nanocomposite was used to modify the carbon working electrode, allowing for a high conjugation of anti-cystatin C antibody. This modified sensor was characterized both morphologically and electrochemically, and the sensor performance was evaluated towards selective quantification of cystatin C in simulated as well as serum samples using cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. The sensor was able to detect cystatin C in the concentration range1 – 10 mg/L with a detection limit of 0.0078 mg/L. The preparation time of the sensor was 420 s, which was faster than that of conventional ELISA and other electrochemical sensors reported in literature. The clinical applicability of the proposed electrochemical biosensor was demonstrated through quantification of cystatin C in human serum samples and identification of diabetic retinopathy. A cutoff value of 1.2 mg/L of cystatin C was used beyond which the samples were classified as positive for diabetic retinopathy. Two different working electrodes, namely a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and paper electrodes, were used in the study. The working potential was set to 0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl for experiments with the GCE and 0.15 V for the paper electrodes. The prediction was validated by clinical diagnosis wherein the prediction accuracy of the sensor exceeded 85%. The sensor platform was translated onto a paper substrate and characterized for achieving an optimum sensing performance. This work is the first attempt to employ an electrochemical cystatin C sensor for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy from serum samples. Graphical abstract.The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is a fundamental regulator of blood pressure and has emerged as an important player in the control of inflammatory processes. Accordingly, imbalance on RAS components either systemically or locally might trigger the development of inflammatory disorders by affecting immune cells. At the same time, alterations in the dopaminergic system have been consistently involved in the physiopathology of inflammatory disorders. Accordingly, the interaction between the RAS and the dopaminergic system has been studied in the context of inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS), kidney, and intestine, where they exert antagonistic actions in the regulation of the immune system. In this review, we summarized, integrated, and discussed the cross talk of the dopaminergic system and the RAS in the regulation of inflammatory pathologies, including neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease. We analyzed the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between both systems in the CNS and in systemic pathologies. Moreover, we also analyzed the impact of the commensal microbiota in the regulation of RAS and dopaminergic system and how it is involved in inflammatory disorders. Furthermore, we summarized the therapeutic approaches that have yielded positive results in preclinical or clinical studies regarding the use of drugs targeting the RAS and dopaminergic system for the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Further understanding of the molecular and cellular regulation of the RAS-dopaminergic cross talk should allow the formulation of new therapies consisting of novel drugs and/or repurposing already existing drugs, alone or in combination, for the treatment of inflammatory disorders.During the course of evolution, bacteria have developed an intimate relationship with humans colonizing specific body sites at the interface with the body exterior and invaginations such as nose, mouth, lung, gut, vagina, genito-urinary tract, and skin and thus constituting an integrated meta-organism. The final result has been a mutual adaptation and functional integration which confers significant advantages to humans and bacteria. The immune system of the host co-evolved with the microbiota to develop complex mechanisms to recognize and destroy invading microbes, while preserving its own bacteria. Composition and diversity of the microbiota change according to development and aging and contribute to humans’ health and fitness by modulating the immune system response and inflammaging and vice versa. In the last decades, we experienced an explosion of studies on the role of gut microbiota in aging, age-related diseases, and longevity; however, less reports are present on the role of the microbiota at different body sites. In this review, we describe the key steps of the co-evolution between Homo sapiens and microbiome and how this adaptation can impact on immunosenescence and inflammaging. We briefly summarized the role of gut microbiota in aging and longevity while bringing out the involvement of the other microbiota.
The thoracic cavity is the most frequent site of extrapelvic endometriosis. It exhibits a wide variety of clinical manifestations, such as chest pain, cough, and respiratory distress, and is frequently associated with pelvic endometriosis. Although histological confirmation is the gold standard for a definitive diagnosis, endoscopic identification of the affected area is often difficult. Narrow band imaging (NBI) is an imaging technique that emphasizes vascular structures and is reported to be useful in the diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis.
A 31-year-old woman and 39-year-old woman developed a recurrent right pneumothorax during their menstruation cycles. They both had no medical history suggesting pelvic endometriosis. We planned an elective video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for the suspicion of thoracic endometriosis. In addition to white light alone, an NBI observation enhanced the microvasculature of the suspected lesions and allowed us to identify the affected area more clearly. Partial resections of the diaphragm were performed. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of each specimen confirmed the diagnosis of extrapelvic endometriosis.
NBI may improve the diagnostic accuracy for thoracic endometriosis, especially in clinically suspected patients but without a history of pelvic endometriosis.
NBI may improve the diagnostic accuracy for thoracic endometriosis, especially in clinically suspected patients but without a history of pelvic endometriosis.This study investigated the protective effect of desoxyrhapontigenin (DOP) against isoflurane (ISF)-induced neuronal injury in rats. Neuronal injury was induced in pups by exposing them to 0.75% ISF on postnatal day 7 with 30% oxygen for 6 h. The pups were treated with DOP 10 mg/kg, i.p., for 21 days after ISF exposure. The protective effect of DOP was estimated by assessing cognitive function using the neurological score and the Morris water maze. Neuronal apoptosis was assessed in the hippocampus using the TUNEL assay, and protein expression of caspase-3, Bax, and Bcl-2 was measured by Western blotting. The levels of cytokines and oxidative stress parameters were assessed by ELISA. Western blotting and RT-PCR were performed to measure the expression of NF-kB, TLR-4, Sirt-1, and cyclin B1 protein in the brain. The cognitive function and neurological function scores were improved in the DOP group compared with the ISF group. Moreover, DOP treatment reduced the number of TUNEL-positive cells and the expression of caspase-3, Bax, and Bcl-2 protein in the brains of rats with neuronal injury. The levels of mediators of inflammation and oxidative stress were reduced in the brain tissue of the DOP group. Treatment with DOP attenuated the protein expression of TLR-4, NF-kB, cyclin B1, and Sirt-1 in the brain tissue of rats with neuronal injury. In conclusion, DOP ameliorates neuronal apoptosis and improves cognitive function in rats with ISF-induced neuronal injury. Moreover, DOP treatment can prevent neuronal injury by regulating the TLR-4/cyclin B1/Sirt-1 pathway.Raoiella indica Hirst (Tenuipalpidae) is an obligate phytophagous mite that has rapidly colonized wide areas of tropical America and causes severe injuries, mainly to plants in the families Arecaceae, Heliconiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Musaceae. This study evaluates biological attributes of the species that could explain its potential as invasive pest, its capacity to survive when deprived of food and its dispersal mechanisms, including passive displacement by wind and possible phoretic association with insects. This mite has a higher resistance to starvation than other phytophagous mites, with a maximum 12 days for adult females. Its main dispersal is by wind, even at low velocities. Phoresy on insects was not observed.This article presents the case of refractory facial ulcers with loss of ala nasi as a rare differential diagnosis of chronic facial wounds. We diagnosed trigeminal trophic syndrome as a late complication of a herpes zoster infection. Education to avoid self-manipulation and an occlusive local therapy in combination with neuromodulating drug therapy are at the forefront of therapeutic measures. Further surgical plastic procedures can be used with restraint in therapy-resistant cases.
Besides acute wounds (through trauma or surgical interventions), chronic wounds comprise arelatively large and heterogeneous group of diseases. These include leg ulcers with venous disease greatly prevailing arterial disease, diabetic foot syndrome, and pressure ulcers. Due to aconsiderable treatment resistance against such therapies, new and effective, additive treatment options especially for chronic wounds are needed. Wound treatment with cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) constitutes such an innovative option.
Current research regarding the efficacy of cold plasma for healing of acute and chronic wounds is summarized.
The literature on CAP applications in wound healing has been screened and reviewed.
With CAP, several effects that promote wound healing can be simultaneously applied in one application. On the one hand, CAP exerts astrong and broad antimicrobial activity against biofilm. On the other hand, the plasma cocktail, which consists of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species, UV, and charged particles (electrical current), mediates tissue-stimulating, blood flow-promoting, and anti-inflammatory effects. Marked germ reduction on wounds and accelerated wound healing have already been convincingly demonstrated in controlled clinical studies.
Thecomprehensive CAP study landscape with structured case report summaries and randomized case-control studies allows the conclusion that CAP is safe, effective, and easy to handle for wound treatment. The utilization of CAP in addition to standard wound treatments is starting to enter routine clinical practice.
The comprehensive CAP study landscape with structured case report summaries and randomized case-control studies allows the conclusion that CAP is safe, effective, and easy to handle for wound treatment. The utilization of CAP in addition to standard wound treatments is starting to enter routine clinical practice.Vasculitis is a rare cause of skin ulceration. Depending on the size of the affected vessel, the patient’s comorbidities and the pathophysiology present, different clinical morphologies can be seen, which can often give preliminary indications of the type of underlying vasculitis. There may be systemic or cutaneous manifestations; thus, a targeted diagnostic workup should be initiated at an early stage. Treatment should be interdisciplinary if there is systemic participation. Vasculopathies (e.g., livedoid vasculopathy), in which occlusion of the vascular lumen is the main pathophysiological feature, should be delimitated from vasculitis. If vasculitic or vasculopathic ulceration is present, stage-appropriate wound management is recommended.For the diagnostics of food allergies several points need to be considered. Firstly, it is important to recognize the various clinical pictures that can be caused by a food allergy. The assignment to a disease decides which further examinations are necessary and reasonable. In immunoglobulin (Ig) E‑mediated allergies, the detection of sensitization by determining the specific IgE or the prick test in addition to the medical history is an important mainstay of the diagnostics. Crucial is the fact that the detection of a sensitization against an extract from an allergen source only rarely implies an actual allergy. The majority of positive findings are not clinically relevant. The modern procedure of component-resolved allergy diagnostics improves the significance. Nevertheless, the diagnosis can often only be achieved by oral provocation tests. This article points out possible difficulties with the interpretation of the findings.The immune response is a central process during wound healing. Malfunctions often lead to chronic inflammation, barrier disorders, and ulcerations of the skin. The underlying pathomechanisms are complex and the subject of current dermatological research. The care of wound healing disorders is still inadequate and urgently needs improved therapy concepts. For several years now, the development of modern immunomodulators has enabled the targeted regulation of specific signaling cascades, and their effectiveness in the treatment of wound healing disorders has been proven in numerous case studies. Thus, their use not only leads to more efficient therapeutic approaches, but also provides deeper insight into the pathomechanistic importance of specific signaling pathways in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the skin, which are poorly understood so far. Pyoderma gangrenosum, an autoinflammatory disease, provides a good example to illustrate the progress in therapy and pathomechanistic understanding through the use of new immunomodulators and is explained in more detail in the following article.Intravenous inotropic therapy can be used in patients with advanced heart failure, as palliative therapy or as a bridge to cardiac transplantation or mechanical circulatory support, as well as in cardiogenic shock. Their use is limited to increasing cardiac output in low cardiac output states and reducing ventricular filling pressures to alleviate patient symptoms and improve functional class. Many advanced heart failure patients have sinus tachycardia as a compensatory mechanism to maintain cardiac output. However, excessive sinus tachycardia caused by intravenous inotropes can increase myocardial oxygen consumption, decrease coronary perfusion, and at extreme heart rates decrease ventricular filling and stroke volume. The limited available hemodynamic studies support the hypothesis that adding ivabradine, a rate control agent without negative inotropic effect, may blunt inotrope-induced tachycardia and its associated deleterious effects, while optimizing cardiac output by increasing stroke volume. This review analyzes the intriguing pathophysiology of combined intravenous inotropes and ivabradine to optimize the hemodynamic profile of patients in advanced heart failure. Graphical abstract Illustration of the beneficial and deleterious hemodynamic effects of intravenous inotropes in advanced heart failure, and the positive effects of adding ivabradine.Positron emission tomography (PET) offers the study of biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological functions at a cellular and molecular level. The performance of a PET study mostly depends on the used radiotracer of interest. However, the development of a novel PET tracer is very difficult, as it is required to fulfill a lot of important criteria. PET radiotracers usually encounter different chemical modifications including redox reaction, hydrolysis, decarboxylation, and various conjugation processes within living organisms. Due to this biotransformation, different chemical entities are produced, and the amount of the parent radiotracer is declined. Consequently, the signal measured by the PET scanner indicates the entire amount of radioactivity deposited in the tissue; however, it does not offer any indication about the chemical disposition of the parent radiotracer itself. From a radiopharmaceutical perspective, it is necessary to quantify the parent radiotracer’s fraction present in the tissue. Hence of the radiometabolites of various radiotracers including [11C]PBB3, [11C]flumazenil, [18F]FEPE2I, [11C]PBR28, [11C]MADAM, and (+)[18F]flubatine. Besides, the importance of radiometabolite analysis in PET imaging is also briefly summarized. Moreover, this review also highlights how a slight chemical modification could reduce the formation of radiometabolites, which could interfere with the results of PET imaging.
While low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) remains a key contributor of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), additional risk factors identified through epidemiological and genetic studies have ushered in a fertile era of drug discovery in lipid-lowering therapy. Unlike contemporary small molecule medications, many of the novel agents are biologics utilizing monoclonal antibody (mAb) or RNA interference (RNAi) technologies. This report aims to review the evidence to date, focusing on completed and ongoing clinical trials and how these new agents will impact clinical practice.
We review data from pertinent studies on lipid-lowering biologics in clinical use or have translated to human studies and are undergoing clinical trials.
Several targets affecting lipid metabolism have been identified to be causally associated with ASCVD including proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), angiopoietin-like protein 3 (ANGPTL3), apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3), and lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]). Biotechnological modalities that have been developed for these targets include mAb, small interfering RNA (siRNA), and anti-sense oligonucleotide (ASO) agents. Agents such as alirocumab and evolocumab have shown efficacy in risk reduction of ASCVD in cardiovascular outcome trials and have been incorporated into evidence-based practice guidelines. Other agents included in this review are in various stages of clinical trials and have shown significant efficacy in the reduction of lipid parameters.
The development of new biologics targeting lipid risk factors will provide clinicians additional tools to reduce the risk for ASCVD. Important factors to consider will be cost-effectiveness and improving methods to personalize treatments to risk factors.
The development of new biologics targeting lipid risk factors will provide clinicians additional tools to reduce the risk for ASCVD. Important factors to consider will be cost-effectiveness and improving methods to personalize treatments to risk factors.The close relationship between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and obesity was recognized many years ago. However, complete understanding of the pathological mechanisms underlying the interactions between degeneration of CNS and fat metabolism is still missing. The leptin a key adipokine of white adipose tissue has been suggested as one of the major mediators linking the obesity and AD. Here we investigated the association between peripheral levels of leptin, general metabolic status and stage of the pathogenesis in rat transgenic model of AD. We demonstrate significantly decreased levels of plasma leptin in animals with experimentally induced progressive neurofibrillary pathology, which represents only 62.3% (P = 0.0015) of those observed in normal wild type control animals. More detailed analysis showed a strong and statistically significant inverse correlation between the load of neurofibrillary pathology and peripheral levels of leptin (r = – 0.7248, P = 0.0177). We also observed a loss of body weight during development of neurodegeneration (about 14% less than control animals, P = 0.0004) and decrease in several metabolic parameters such as glucose, insulin, triglycerides and VLDL in plasma of the transgenic animals. Our data suggest that plasma leptin could serve as a convenient peripheral biomarker for tauopathies and Alzheimer’s disease. Decrease in gene expression of leptin in fat tissue and its plasma level was found as one of the consequences of experimentally induced neurodegeneration. Our data may help to design rational diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of tauopathy.Coptis chinensis Franch. has been extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine. The chemical structure of oxyepiberberine, as an alkaloid isolated from Coptis chinensis Franch., has been previously studied. However, anti-cancer effects and underlying mechanisms of oxyepiberberine need to be explored. This study aimed to investigate the anti-cancer effects and underlying mechanisms of oxyepiberberine on LS-1034 human colon cancer cells. The anti-proliferative effects of six derivatives of oxyepiberberine on colon cancer cells were assessed. Among six derivatives, oxyepiberberine showed the greatest anti-proliferative effect on LS-1034 cells with an IC50 value of 1.36 μM. Oxyepiberberine also induced apoptosis and inhibited migration of LS-1034 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Importantly, oxyepiberberine was identified as a potent tubulin polymerization inhibitor. The tubulin polymerization inhibitory effects of oxyepiberberine in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 1.26 μM were observed. A xenograft mouse model of colon cancer showed that oxyepiberberine could suppress tumor growth without an obvious toxicity. Conclusion Oxyepiberberine was found as a novel tubulin polymerization inhibitor, and it could be a promising agent to treat colon cancer.Lack of parental support is related to more adolescent negative mood. However, little is known about how fluctuations of parental support relate to fluctuations of negative mood within adolescents in daily life. The current study aimed to elucidate these processes at a day to day micro-level and examined to which extent adolescents would differ in the association between perceived parental support and adolescent negative mood. The sample consisted of 242 Dutch adolescents (Mage = 13.82, 63.2% female) who completed ecological momentary assessments of 3 weeks 3 months apart. Results from the multilevel regression analyses showed that, on average, adolescents experienced higher levels of negative mood on days when they perceived their parents to be less supportive. Substantial individual differences were found in this association, however, these were partially explained by the level of depressive symptoms and perceived parental intrusiveness. These findings suggest that advice on parental support should be tailored to the unique characteristics of the adolescent.
The present guidelines ( http//leitlinien.net ) focus exclusively on cardiogenic shock due to myocardial infarction (infarction-related cardiogenic shock, ICS). The cardiological/cardiac surgical and the intensive care medicine strategies dealt with in these guidelines are essential to the successful treatment and survival of patients with ICS; however, both European and American guidelines on myocardial infarction and heart failure and also position papers on cardiogenic shock focused mainly on cardiological aspects.
Evidence on the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of ICS was collected and recommendations compiled in anominal group process by delegates of the German Cardiac Society (DGK), the German Society for Medical Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN), the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG), the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI), the Austrian Society for Internal and General Intensive Care Medicine (ÖGIAIM), the Austrian Cardiology Society (ÖKG), the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases (DGPR) and the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), under the auspices of the Working Group of the Association of Medical Scientific Societies in Germany (AWMF). If only poor evidence on ICS was available, general study results on intensive care patients were inspected and presented in order to enable analogue conclusions.
Atotal of 95recommendations, including 2statements were compiled and based on these 7 algorithms with defined instructions on the course of treatment.
A total of 95 recommendations, including 2 statements were compiled and based on these 7 algorithms with defined instructions on the course of treatment.