• Beach Lamont opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    There are currently various fixation or suspension techniques for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) surgery. Laparoscopic colposacropexy is considered the gold standard. We present the surgical steps of the laparoscopic latero-abdominal colposuspension (LACS) technique and the preliminary results obtained.

    Patients with anterior and/or apical compartment symptomatic POP undergoing LACS are included. The Baden-Walker scale, the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire-Short Form (OAB-q SF), the Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12) and the Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I) scale were used to assess the degree of prolapse, urinary filling and sexual symptoms and the level of satisfaction before and after surgery, respectively. Conventional laparoscopic material and a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) mesh were used.

    Eighteen patients were included with a minimum follow-up time of 6months. The mean surgical time was 70.3±23.8min. Anatomic correction of prolapse was seen in all cases. Only one recurrence was detected. High levels of patient satisfaction were achieved.

    LACS allowed the anatomical reconstruction of the pelvic floor and proved to be a minimally invasive, fast, effective, safe and reproducible technique. More series are needed to evaluate its role against laparoscopic colposacropexy.

    LACS allowed the anatomical reconstruction of the pelvic floor and proved to be a minimally invasive, fast, effective, safe and reproducible technique. More series are needed to evaluate its role against laparoscopic colposacropexy.Shortages of medicines have become a major public health challenge. The aim of this study was to survey national measures to manage and combat these shortages. A questionnaire survey was conducted with public authorities involved in the Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) network. Reponses relating to measures as of March / April 2020 were received from 24 countries (22 European countries, Canada and Israel). In 20 countries, manufacturers are requested to notify – usually on an obligatory basis – upcoming and existing shortages, which are recorded in a register. Further measures include a regular dialogue with relevant stakeholders (18 countries), financial sanctions for manufacturers in cases of non-supply and/or non-compliance with reporting or stocking requirements (15 countries) and simplified regulatory procedures (20 countries). For defined medicines, supply reserves have been established (14 countries), and legal provisions allow the issuing of export bans (10 countries). Some measures have been introduced since the end of 2019 and countries are planning and discussing further action. While governments reacted by taking national measures, the COVID-19 crisis might serve as an opportunity to join forces in cross-country collaboration and develop joint (e.g. European) solutions to address the shortage issue in a sustainable manner. A practical first step could be to work on a harmonisation of the national registers.

    Rotavirus remains the commonest cause of dehydrating diarrhoea, particularly in developing countries. Human infection challenge studies in children in these countries offers an opportunity to rapidly evaluate new vaccine candidates that may have improved efficacy. We evaluated use of Rotarix™ as a live-attenuated challenge agent.

    We undertook an open label, exploratory study in infants receiving two standard doses of Rotarix™ at 6 and 10 weeks of age in a cohort of 22 Zambian infants. The first vaccine dose was considered as primary vaccination, and the second at day 28 as a live-attenuated virus challenge. Saliva, stool and serum samples were collected on days 0, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 28 following each dose. The primary outcome was stool shedding of rotavirus, determined by NSP2 qPCR. We calculated mean shedding index as average of natural logarithm of viral copies per gram of stool.

    After the first dose, viral shedding was high at day 3, peaked by day 5. After the second dose, viral shedding at day 3 was low and reduced gradually in most infants until day 14. Mean shedding index was significantly lower post dose 2 across all infants and timepoints (5.0 virus copies/g of stool [95%CI 0.3-9.7] vs 10.4 virus copies/g of stool [95%CI 6.2-14.6]; p-value < 0.0001; rho = 0.20, SD = 4.97. Seroconversion at day 28 was associated with a mean reduction of -1.03 (95%CI = -8.07, 6.01) in viral shedding after challenge dose but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.774). A borderline positive correlation between fold-change in IgA titre at day 28 from day 0 in saliva and serum was observed; Spearman’s correlation coefficient, r = 0.69; p = 0.086.

    Shedding after the 'challenge’ dose was reduced compared with the first dose, consistent with the induction of mucosal immunity by the first dose. This supports the use of Rotarix vaccine as a live-attenuated infection challenge.

    Medical Research Council (UK) through the HIC-Vac Network.

    Medical Research Council (UK) through the HIC-Vac Network.

    This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the pharmacokinetic (PK) summary estimates of isoniazid (INH) between healthy volunteers and patients with tuberculosis (TB), evaluates whether the current INH dose regimen is appropriate in patients with TB, and evaluates the impact of N-acetyl-transferase-2 (NAT2) status on the PK properties of INH.

    A systematic approach was conducted to find studies with relevant INH PK data published in the English language up to February 2018. The PK properties of INH were extracted with their respective INH dosages and were dose normalized to allow a fair comparison between healthy volunteers and patients with TB. Meta-analysis was then performed for the C

    and AUC estimates for all INH dosages.

    Ninety studies were included in this systematic review. TB status significantly affected the INH C

    and AUC estimates. In healthy volunteers, the dose-normalized INH C

    and AUC were statistically higher than those of patients with TB. No significant differences were founence, testing for acetylator status is highly recommended, and therapeutic drug monitoring would help reduce INH toxicity.

    The goal of this study was to estimate the relative efficacy of acalabrutinib (monotherapy and in combination with obinutuzumab) compared with standard frontline treatments for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in fludarabine-ineligible patients, through a network meta-analysis (NMA).

    The efficacy of acalabrutinib from ELEVATE-TN (study of Obinutuzumab+Chlorambucil, Acalabrutinib [ACP-196]+Obinutuzumab, and Acalabrutinib in Subjects With Previously Untreated CLL) was compared to bendamustine + rituximab, chlorambucil-based therapy, alemtuzumab, ibrutinib mono/combination therapy and venetoclax + obinutuzumab using data from eight randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Relevant RCTs were identified using a systematic literature review. Two evidence networks were constructed Network A, composed solely of RCTs that met the inclusion criteria; and Network B, composed of 7 RCTs and a published cross-trial comparison of ibrutinib from RESONATE-2 and chlorambucil+obinutuzumab from iLLUMINATE. Bayesian NMAs were cmens, and short study follow-up times. Despite these limitations, the NMA provides insights into the relative efficacy of acalabrutinib compared with frontline CLL therapies in the absence of head-to-head clinical trials.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a serious respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2. There is controversy about whether their immunosuppressive status is a risk factor or a protective factor for developing severe disease. We report herein the clinical outcome of three family members that had COVID-19 infection, presenting with and without different risk factors that have been described in more severe disease. Paradoxically, the patient with more risks of developing a severe disease, a 64-year-old woman, 2-years liver transplant recipient under treatment with tacrolimus, presented a similar outcome compared to the two other members of the family. She showed shorter hospitalization time, similar clinical outcome with fewer oxygen needs. The present clinical observation raises the question about the possible beneficial effect of tacrolimus in patients with COVID-19. Indeed, tacrolimus (FK-506) have an inhibitory effect on human coronaviruses by 1) an antiviral effect by binding to the FK-506-binding proteins (FKBP) with a subsequent inhibition of their peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) activity, which seems to be important for the coronavirus life cycle; and 2) regulating the immune response by the inhibition of the activity of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) required for immunosuppression. The present observation states that liver recipients’ patients with COVID-19 may not have worse outcomes when compared with other patients that have COVID-19 risk factors and puts in evidence the two mechanisms related to tacrolimus.

    Recently, the Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Units (UERCA, in Spanish) have been developed in Spain to offer a better quality of life to patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (ACKD), improving their survival and reducing morbidity in this phase of the disease. Nowadays, there is not much evidence in the Spanish and international literature regarding the structure and how to achieve these objectives in the UERCA. From the ERCA working group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN), this project is promoted to improve care for ERCA patients through the definition of quality standards for the operation of the UERCA.

    An initial proposal for quality standards concerning the operation of the UERCA was configured through consultation with the main sources of references and the advice of an expert working group through face-to-face and telematic meetings. Base on this initial proposal of standards, a survey was conducted and sent it via email to 121 nephrology specialist and nursing professionals with to establish the bases for the standardization of the organization of UERCA, and to subsequently work on the configuration of a standards manual for the accreditation of ERCA Units.

    This work constitutes a first proposal of quality standards for the operation of UERCA in Spain. The definition of these standards has made it possible to establish the bases for the standardization of the organization of UERCA, and to subsequently work on the configuration of a standards manual for the accreditation of ERCA Units.

    To determine the reliability and validity of VOG Perea® (VP) and GazeLab® (GL), their correlation and concordance with cover test (CT), and define the margins of variability of the measurement of angle deviation in primary position.

    Forty-four orthotropic patients were included. Alternating prism CT, an examination with VP, and GL were performed. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to determine the reliability, and mean comparison was used to study validity. Correlation coefficient (R) between CT and each video-oculographer was calculated. Bland-Altman diagrams were used to determine concordance. All measurements were expressed in prismatic dioptres (PD).

    The mean horizontal deviation was -0.571 PD with CT; 0.22 PD with VP and 0.4 PD with GL. ICC was 0.246 (95% CI [-0.402]-0.595) in GL and 0.984 [95% CI 0.970-0.992)] in VP. Mean comparison between CT and GL was -0.9286 (CI95% [-1.822]-[0.0355], P=.042) and -0.8423 (95% CI [-1.7190]-0.03450, P=.0593) for CT-VP. Correlation coefficient for VP was R=0.

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