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    Experiment 2 demonstrated that articulatory cues had greater weighting than intonation cues on the listeners’ judgements when the fo and formant frequencies were in a gender ambiguous range. These findings counter the assumptions that fo and formant manipulations are sufficient to effectively alter perceived speaker gender.The just noticeable differences (JNDs) of room acoustic parameters are important for the design of concert halls and, in general, research of room acoustics. Precise knowledge of JNDs helps the concert hall designer in assessing the impact that changes in the geometry or materials of the hall will have on its perceived acoustics. When designing a concert hall, creating an appropriate feeling of reverberance for the audience is of prime importance. The early decay time (EDT) parameter has proved to be a better predictor of the perception of reverberance than the classical reverberation time (T30), but no studies have been conducted to specifically determine the EDT JND. In the present study, the EDT JND was investigated for broadband conditions and assessed for individual frequency ranges. A subjective study was conducted with 26 subjects with musical training, in which 21 were considered reliable. The participants listened to orchestral music convolved with measured spatial room impulse responses from three concert halls. The stimuli were auralized in an anechoic chamber using third-order Ambisonic reproduction. The obtained values show that the JNDs for the broadband conditions are lower than those for the individual frequency ranges. The EDT JND for the broadband conditions was found to be approximately 18% of the EDT value.This paper investigates the performance of one-eighth Spherical Fraction Microphone Array through experimental measurement to analyze acoustic scenes in one-eighth of space. The array geometry is designed to be placed in a room corner at the junction of three acoustically rigid walls. Two prototypes are built with 8 and 16 microphones, respectively. The sampling strategy is discussed and a spatial aliasing analysis is carried out both analytically and by numerical simulations. The array performances are evaluated through Spherical Fraction Beamforming (SFB). This approach is based on the decomposition of the acoustic pressure field in a rigid bounded domain. The localization angular error and Directivity Index criterion are evaluated for both arrays. In a first experiment, the arrays are mounted in an eighth of space built inside an anechoic room. The results are compared with simulation and show consistency. The theoretical limitations of SFB in a rigid bounded one-eighth of space are retrieved experimentally. These limitations are also observed in a real configuration an office room. Further investigations on SFB are also conducted in the case of a virtual scene constructed with two sound sources.Many studies have investigated factors contributing to large variations in the outcomes of round-window (RW) stimulation but most have focused on the floating mass transducer (FMT). To determine whether results for the FMT hold for a fixed-type transducer (FTT), this study constructs two coupled finite element models of the transducer and the human ear that incorporate the cochlear third windows and inner structures of these two electromagnetic transducers. We use these FE models of the human ear and transducers to investigate the influence of four design parameters and coupling conditions for the transducers, i.e., the support’s Young’s modulus, the coupling layer’s cross sectional area and Young’s modulus, and the transducer’s cross sectional area. The results show that an increase in the support’s Young’s modulus reduces the output of the FMT but increases that of the FTT. Reducing the cross sectional area and Young’s modulus of the coupling layer significantly increases the low-frequency response of the FMT but slightly reduces that of the FTT. Reducing the cross sectional area of the transducer increases the output of the FMT but reduces that of the FTT. This shows that inner structures of electromagnetic transducers should be considered in the optimal design parameters and coupling conditions for RW stimulation.The detection range of calling animals is commonly described by the passive sonar equations. However, the sonar equations do not account for interactions between source and ambient sound level, i.e., the Lombard effect. This behavior has the potential to introduce non-linearities into the sonar equations and result in incorrectly predicted detection ranges. Here, we investigate the relationship between ambient sound and effective detection ranges for North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in Cape Cod Bay, MA, USA using a sparse array of acoustic recorders. Generalized estimating equations were used to model the probability that a call was detected as a function of distance between the calling animal and the sensor and the ambient sound level. The model suggests a non-linear relationship between ambient sound levels and the probability of detecting a call. Comparing the non-linear model to the linearized version of the same model resulted in 12 to 25% increases in the effective detection range. We also found evidence of the Lombard effect suggesting that it is the most plausible cause for the non-linearity in the relationship. Finally, we suggest a simple modification to the sonar equation for estimating detection probability for single sensor monitoring applications.Dynamic binaural synthesis requires binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) for each head orientation of the listener. Such BRIRs can either be measured with a dummy head or calculated from the spherical microphone array (SMA) data. Because the dense dummy head measurements require enormous effort, alternatively sparse measurements can be performed and then interpolated in the spherical harmonics domain. The real-world SMAs, on the other hand, have a limited number of microphones, resulting in spatial undersampling artifacts. For both of the methods, the spatial order N of the underlying sampling grid influences the reproduction quality. This paper presents two listening experiments to determine the minimum spatial order for the direct sound, early reflections, and reverberation of the dummy head or SMA measurements required to generate the horizontally head-tracked binaural synthesis perceptually indistinguishable from a high-resolution reference. The results indicate that for direct sound, N = 9-13 is required for the dummy head BRIRs, but significantly higher orders of N = 17-20 are required for the SMA BRIRs. Furthermore, significantly lower orders are required for the late parts with N = 4-5 for the early reflections and reverberation of the dummy head BRIRs but N = 12-13 for the early reflections and N = 6-9 for the reverberation of the SMA BRIRs.The acoustic field reflected from a random rough surface loses coherence with the incident field in the Kirchhoff approximation as kh cos θ increases, where k is the incident field wavenumber, h is the root mean square roughness height, and θ is the incidence angle. Thus, for fixed rough-surface properties and incidence angle, a reflected field at lower wavenumber should retain more coherence. Recent results suggest that the frequency-difference autoproduct formed from complex acoustic field amplitudes at two nearby frequencies can recover acoustic information at the difference of those frequencies even when the difference frequency is below the recorded field’s bandwidth. Herein analytical, computational, and experimental results are presented for the extent to which the frequency-difference autoproduct recovers coherence from randomly rough-surface-scattered constituent fields that have lost coherence. The analytical results, developed from the Kirchhoff approximation and formal ensemble averaging over randomly rough surfaces with Gaussian height distributions and Gaussian correlation functions, indicate that the coherence of the rough-surface-reflected frequency-difference autoproduct depends on the surface correlation length and Δkh cos θ, where Δk is the difference of the autoproduct’s constituent field wavenumbers. These results compare favorably with Monte Carlo simulations of rough surface scattering, and with laboratory experiments involving long surface correlation lengths where 1  ≤kh cos θ≤ 3.Sound generated by pile installation using a down-the-hole (DTH) hammer is not well documented and differs in character from sound generated by conventional impact and vibratory pile driving. This paper describes underwater acoustic characteristics from DTH pile drilling during the installation of 0.84-m shafts within 1.22-m steel piles in Ketchikan, Alaska. The median single-strike sound exposure levels were 138 and 142 dB re 1 μPa2s at 10 m for each of the two piles, with cumulative sound exposure levels of 185 and 193 dB re 1 μPa2s at 10 m, respectively. The sound levels measured at Ketchikan were significantly lower than previous studies, and the sound was determined to be non-impulsive in this study as compared to impulsive in previous studies. These differences likely result from the DTH hammer not making direct contact with the pile, as had been the case in previous studies. Therefore, we suggest using the term DTH pile drilling to distinguish from DTH pile driving when the hammer strikes the pile. Further research is needed to investigate DTH piling techniques and associated sound-generating mechanisms and to differentiate the various types of sound emitted, which has important implications for the underwater sound regulatory community.Additive manufacturing (AM) has expanded to a wide range of applications over the last few years, and acoustic applications are no exception. This article is an introduction to the special issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America on AM and acoustics. To provide background to the reader, a brief introduction to the manufacturing approach of AM is included. The ways in which the articles in this special issue advance the field of acoustics are described for a range of applications.The periodic repetitions of laryngeal adduction and abduction gestures were uttered by 16 subjects. The movement of the cuneiform tubercles was tracked over time in the laryngoscopic recordings of these utterances. The adduction velocity and abduction velocity were determined objectively by means of a piecewise linear model fitted to the cuneiform tubercle trajectories. The abduction was found to be significantly faster than the adduction. This was interpreted in terms of the biomechanics and active control by the nervous system. The biomechanical properties could be responsible for a velocity of abduction that is up to 51% higher compared to the velocity of adduction. Additionally, the adduction velocity may be actively limited to prevent an overshoot of the intended adduction degree when the vocal folds are approximated to initiate phonation.Diffuse scattering of ultrasound by the microstructure of polycrystal specimens can be used to evaluate grain size and grain elongation. The existing diffuse scattering models mostly dealt with circular transducers whose symmetrical sound field is insensitive to the asymmetric elongated grain. The sound field of a rectangular transducer provides a new perspective for acquiring additional information. First, the existing single scattering response (SSR) and double scattering response (DSR) models are modified for a rectangular transducer, where the sound field of a rectangular transducer is equivalent to that of an elliptical transducer in the far-field. Therefore, an equivalent single Gaussian beam model is derived using amplitude-equivalent and beamwidth-equivalent coefficients. Then, the spatial correlation function of elongated grains is transformed into the wavenumber domain, giving rise to the SSR and DSR of a rectangular transducer that reveals the interaction effect of an asymmetric sound field and elongated grains on ultrasonic backscattering.

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