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Background Mental health is a fundamental and widespread concept with individual meanings. The purpose of this study is to perceive and clarify the factors influencing mental health from the perspectives of nursing students. Methods The present qualitative study was conducted in Khoy, Iran from July-December 2018. Twenty nursing students were selected as the research participants through purposeful sampling method and interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interviews. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed with Graneheim and Lundman’s approach of conventional content analysis. The Trail version of the MAXQDA 10 software was applied to conduct the coding process. Results Data analysis revealed four themes and 12 sub-themes. The themes included feeling of self-worth, religious beliefs, socio-economic factors, and behavioral factors. Conclusion The results showed that mental health in nursing students is a multidimensional phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. The current results could help the nurse educators to intervene and provide suitable, effective, practicable, and culture based mental health services and also help the nursing students achieve mental stability. Therefore, it is suggested that further qualitative and interventional studies should be conducted in this area. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Background There are various causes of male infertility. Infertile men usually have a low quality of life (QoL) and a high level of stress compared with men without infertility problems. The present study aimed to examine the effects of a spousal support program to enhance the QoL of male patients undergoing infertility treatment. Methods The present quasi-experimental study (pretest-posttest) was conducted among 38 infertile couples in Tokyo (Japan) during April-August 2018. The levels of QoL, distress, and spousal support were measured using self-administered valid and reliable questionnaires. The paired t test was used to analyze pre- and post-intervention data with SPSS software (version 23.0). P less then 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results There were significant differences between the pre-test and post-test scores for the relational and emotional sub-scales of QoL. The paired t test results showed that the post-test emotional sub-scale (66.9±16.9) was significantly higher than the pre-test emotional sub-scale (58.5±13.5; t (30)=2.2, P=0.04). Similarly, the post-test relational sub-scale (71.2±21.6) was significantly higher than its pre-test score (60.8±13.7; t (30)=2.3, P=0.03). The majority of the participants 23 (74.2%) expressed satisfaction with the program. Conclusion The spousal support program was well-received and significantly improved part of the QoL of men who were infertile due to various causes. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Background Proper education can improve the quality of life. Multimedia as an interactive educational method and booklet as a traditional one have their own unique effects. This study aimed at compare the interactive multimedia and booklet methods at the time of discharge on the quality of life of kidney transplant patients. Methods In this single-blind interventional study, 80 patients from Bouali Hospital, Shiraz, from September 2017 until June 2018 were selected by convenience sampling, and then divided into two groups (booklet and interactive multimedia) by block randomization. Intervention for the first group included short and long-term care information in the form of a booklet, and an interactive multimedia CD with the same content for the second group. Quality of life was assessed by kidney transplant questionnaire (KTQ) at the time of discharge and after two months. Adherence to education was verified by phone. The data were analyzed through SPSS v.24 software using independent and paired t-tests. Plt;0.05 was considered significant. Results The mean overall quality of life score in both groups increased significantly, P=0.044 for the booklet group and P=0.039 for the multimedia group. In emotional, fatigue, uncertainty/fear domains, both groups showed improvement after the intervention (P less then 0.05). However, in physical symptoms and appearance domains, differences were not significant, before and after education. After intervention, no significant difference was observed between the two groups in the overall and specific domains of quality of life score (P=0.437). Conclusion Both methods had positive impacts on the quality of life and emotional, fatigue and uncertainty/fear domains. Trial Registration Number IRCT201608272950N1. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Background There is a high prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) among Iranian women of reproductive age. However, very few studies have been conducted in Iran to assess the experiences with and concerns about pregnancy and motherhood of such patients. The present study was conducted to better understand the experiences and concerns of women with MS about pregnancy and motherhood. Methods The present qualitative study was conducted from August 2016 to January 2017 among Iranian women with MS visiting the Iran MS Society in Tehran, Iran. The purposive sampling method was used to recruit the participants and the sampling was continued until data saturation. Based on the inclusion criteria, a total of 25 women with MS were recruited in the study. The data were collected by in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews and analyzed using the MAXQDA 10 software. Results The analysis of the interview data resulted in four main categories, namely „Pregnancy concerns”, „Fear of failing as a parent”, „Feeling of threatened fertility”, and „Lack of social support”. The results showed that Iranian women with MS avoided pregnancy due to the negative effects of the disease on their physical abilities and on life in general. They were also concerned about possible infertility, the effect of MS medications on their menstrual cycle, and the limitations of infertility treatments due to the presence of MS. These concerns led them to postpone pregnancy and lose time or opt for voluntary childlessness and consequently miss out on the experience of motherhood. Conclusion MS poses a serious challenge to women who consider getting pregnant and wish to experience motherhood. Health care professionals should support such patients to overcome their concerns and indecisiveness by providing appropriate information and counseling. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Introduction Angola has about 28 million inhabitants and approximately 0.21 physicians/1,000 population. There is only one specialist in some medical fields in the whole country while there is not even one specialist in some other fields. The objective of this study is to investigate the significance of the Cooperation Program for Foreign Doctors (Brazil) and its impact on the provision of specialized medical care in Angola, showing the evolution of the different specialties as well as the emergence of some specialties in Angola. Methods A retrospective study was performed, identifying the Angolan doctors trained in Brazil by the Cooperation Program for Foreign Doctors. The number and specialty of the trained physicians were obtained from the database of the program, and the number of doctors in each specialty in Angola was obtained by consulting the registry of doctors of the various specialist colleges in Angola. Results From February 2011 to March 2019, 111 physicians were trained in 32 specialties; there was a greater increase of 50% or more in 6 specialties, with emphasis on geriatrics, haematology, nuclear medicine, surgical oncology and sleep medicine that had no specialists. Conclusion The lack of specialist doctors is a very common problem in low-income countries; on the other hand, high-income countries are already beginning to limit training in some specialties due to lack of labour market. The Angolan cooperation model could be adopted by several countries to promote a qualitative overall growth in health care. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Introduction This study aimed to explore the challenges of professional identity formation at clinical education environments from the faculty members’ viewpoints. Methods This is a qualitative study. The population consisted of clinical faculty members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. In this study, 39 faculty members participated in an in-depth semi-structured interview. To analyze the data, conventional content analysis approach was used. Open coding was extracted from the participants’ statements that represented their experiences. Then, based on their similarities, the codes were classified. Subcategories were emerged and after arranging, they were classified into categories based on their relationships. Results Instability of professional commitment, patient-centeredness as the missing loop care and treatment, and inappropriate conductive context were explored as the challenges of professional identity in clinical educational environment. Conclusion According to the results of the study, the formation of professional identity among the providers is not an easy task because many factors affect the formation of professional identity. Therefore, a comprehensive shift towards forming the professional identity at individual and organizational level should be planned. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Introduction Capability is built upon knowledge and wisdom, and scientific progress and development is associated with wealth production, national and international authority, and independence. To promote scientific development, as a prerequisite to the country’s progress in other areas, there is a need for strategic planning and creating scientific capacities. Today’s world is facing a rapid growth and development in science and technology, and universities and higher education centers have an important role in the society’s development and progress in the areas of human resources training, science and technology production, and solving different problems. Considering the Iran’s health scientific road map and communication of innovation and reform plans, and since universities are required to identify the areas of authority, this study was conducted to determine the challenges of scientific authority promotion and proper courses of action. Methods In this study, content analysis was used as a qualitative reses in new sciences have occurred in interdisciplinary majors, and these collaborations help to take solid steps towards scientific authority. Copyright © Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Introduction The multiple mini-interview (MMI) model can be useful to evaluate non-cognitive domains and guide the selection process in medical residency programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and acceptability of the MMI model for the selection of residents in a cardiology residency program. Methods We conducted an observational and prospective study. It was performed in a tertiary-care center specialized in cardiology and included candidates for the cardiology residency program in March 2018. Ten stations were developed to evaluate different non-cognitive domains. Reliability was evaluated by the generalizability G coefficient. Candidates and interviewers were surveyed to evaluate the acceptability of the MMI model. Results Nine faculty members were trained and 22 candidates were evaluated. The G study showed a relative G coefficient between 0.56 and 0.73, according to the design. 91% of the candidates stated that they preferred MMI over other types of interviews as a selection method for admission to the residency program, and all the interviewers considered they had enough time to evaluate the candidates and their strengths as future residents.