• Baird Preston opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malnutrition should therefore be routinely included in the management of individuals with COVID-19.

    Prolonged hospital stays are reported to be required for individuals with COVID-19, and longer acute setting stays may directly worsen or cause malnutrition, with severe loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, which may lead to poor quality of life and additional morbidity. Nutritional therapy is among the mainstay of therapeutic principles and one of the core contents of comprehensive treatment measures. The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malnutrition should therefore be routinely included in the management of individuals with COVID-19.The article Drug-Drug Interactions with Direct Oral Anticoagulants, written by Kathrin I. Foerster · Simon Hermann · Gerd Mikus · Walter E. Haefeli was published under the incorrect Creative Commons (CC) license (CC-BY).

    The current study investigated the prevalence of compensatory behaviours (caloric restriction, increased exercise and bulimic tendencies) in response to alcohol consumption (also known as Drunkorexia) in students, non-students and previous students, as well as beginning to understand the presence of possible predictors of these behaviours (body esteem, sensation seeking).

    A volunteer sample of students, non-students and previous students (n = 95) completed the Compensatory Eating and Behaviours in Response to Alcohol Consumption Scale, a questionnaire which measures overall Drunkorexia engagement. The participants also completed the Body Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults Scale (BESAA) and the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS) to investigate predictors of Drunkorexia.

    The results indicated that there was no significant difference in Drunkorexia engagement and behaviours between students, non-students and previous students. It was also found that both low body esteem and high sensation seeking tendencies were significant predictors of Drunkorexia; specifically, the appearance esteem factor of the BESAA and the disinhibition factor of the BSSS.

    Findings suggest that Drunkorexia is also present outside of student populations, and therefore, future interventions and research should include non-students in samples. In addition, findings support the idea that Drunkorexia cannot be classified solely as an eating disorder or a substance abuse disorder. As a result of this, further research should be conducted to fully understand why this complex behaviour exists.

    III (Evidence obtained fromcase-control analytic study).

    III (Evidence obtained from case-control analytic study).In the study, Aeromonas strains (n = 12) were isolated from moribund grass carp fry reared in the cage culture unit from the Central Himalayan region of India. They were identified as Aeromonas veronii, by biochemically and 16S rRNA analysis. The experimental bath infection of grass carp fry was performed using A. veronii GCAFBLC 228, one of the 12 isolates at cell concentrations 106 and 108 CFU mL-1. The infected fry showed varied behavioural characteristics followed by tail rot, black pigmentation and hemorrhage in the body 48-96 h post infection. The post bath challenged demonstrated maximum mortality (23%) at cell concentration 108 CFU mL-1 during 10th and 12th day. Histopathology revealed hypertrophy, hyperplasia, fusion of gill lamellae, detachment and epithelial cell detachment in gill, swelling of hepatocytes, granular deposition in liver and tubular degeneration and yellow pigmented macrophage aggregates in the kidney. The in vitro assays for virulence traits recorded that A. veronii GCAFBLC 228 was β-haemolytic having strong cell surface hydrophobicity (CHS) characteristic (> 50%), precipitated after boiling, produced slime, non-suicidal and bound to crystal violet. The antibiogram showed that the strain was susceptible to ciprofloxacin (5 μg), cefotaxime (30 μg), ceftazidime (30 μg), cefoxitin (30 μg), ceftriaxone (30 μg), chloramphenicol (30 μg) and tetracycline (30 μg). Negative staining transmission electron microscopy revealed presence of the lateral flagellum-like structure and cell adherence possibly could be correlated with the pathogenicity of A. veronii GCAFBLC 228. The further investigation is warranted to study the transmission, pathogenesis and epidemiology of A. veronii GCAFBLC 228 to develop the best health management practice for cage farmed fish.Background Minor ailments services are structured pharmacy-based primary health care services that manage minor conditions. Limited training, education and assessment exists to promote the delivery of minor ailments services by pharmacy staff and it is unclear if the existing training and education processes meet professional requirements. Objective To explore the views and experiences of health professional stakeholders such as community pharmacists, intern pharmacists, medicines counter assistants and general medical practitioners with regards to minor ailments services education, training and assessment practices and preferences. Setting This study explored the views and experiences of health professional stakeholders in Australia. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted, audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and then coded thematically using QSR Nvivo12. Main outcome measure Stakeholders’ views and experiences regarding minor ailments services education, training and assessment practices and preferences. Results Twenty-eight interviews were conducted (community pharmacists n = 12; medicines counter assistants n = 4; intern pharmacists n = 9; general medical practitioners n = 3). Thematic analysis generated three themes (1) pharmacy staff who require minor ailment service training; (2) acceptability and willingness to complete additional training; (3) learning preferences and approaches. Stakeholders reported considerations for the diverse roles in service delivery and fit for purpose tailored training. Conclusion Detailed practice guidelines may facilitate clarity of an individual staff member’s role. Education and training in both clinical and non-clinical aspects of the service may be beneficial and may improve minor ailments service uptake and outcomes.Elopement is a common and dangerous concern in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is evidence that behavior analytic treatments can successfully treat elopement, but the research is limited due to small samples and treatment components varying across studies. The current study evaluated the feasibility of studying a manualized intervention for elopement, based on strategies from single-subject research, in a randomized clinical trial with 24 individuals with ASD. Results demonstrated that recruitment was feasible; the manual was acceptable to parents; and therapists followed the manual with high-integrity. Initial efficacy results measured by the Aberrant Behavior Checklist, Clinical Global Impression Scale, and a Home Elopement Safety Checklist suggested improvement in the treatment group that should be studied in future research.The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruptions to healthcare, including direct impacts on service delivery related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Caregiver-mediated tele-assessment offers an opportunity to continue services while adhering to social distancing guidelines. The present study describes a model of tele-assessment for ASD in young children, implemented in direct response to disruptions in care caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We present preliminary data on the outcomes and provider perceptions of tele-assessments, together with several lessons learned during the period of initial implementation.

    Scalp cooling (SC) is the most reliable method for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia. However, it remains unclear if its effectiveness is related to the chemotherapy regimen, sequence, and frequency. This study aims to evaluate SC performance among breast cancer patients who received different chemotherapy regimens.

    The medical records of all consecutive patients undergoing curative-intent chemotherapy and receiving at least one SC session using the DigniCap® System from 2016-2020 in a private Mexican hospital were retrospectively reviewed. SC effectiveness according to chemotherapy regimen was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Successful alopecia prevention was defined as grade 0-1 alopecia (< 50% hair loss not requiring the use of a wig or headpiece) according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0.

    SC adequately prevented alopecia in 56/76 (74%) patients. All 12/12 (100%) and 15/17 (88%) patients receiving paclitaxel-only and docetaxel-based chemotheraministered, suggesting that the chemotherapy sequence, rather than chemotherapeutic agents per se, might have a more significant impact on the effectiveness of SC for the prevention of alopecia.

    Previous work found that lower BMI is associated with a pathologic complete response (pCR) following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Relative dose intensity (RDI) of chemotherapy is an important marker of treatment tolerability. We hypothesized that patients with low BMI would have higher RDI than patients with high BMI, explaining the mechanism for the association between BMI and pCR.

    We conducted a retrospective study of women treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stage I-III breast cancer at Yale New Haven Hospital-Smilow Cancer Hospital. We reviewed medical records to determine tumor characteristics, chemotherapy doses, and reasons for dose reductions or delays. The treatment RDI was calculated using published methods. Chi-squared analyses were conducted to determine the associations between RDI and BMI and between RDI and pCR.

    Our cohort (n = 237) had an average age of 53 years (SD 13) and mean BMI of 29.5kg/m

    (SD 7.0). Fifty-eight patients (24%) received <85% RDI, and 61% of patients experienced at least one dose reduction or delay. BMI was not associated with RDI (p = 0.71), and RDI was not associated with pCR (p = 0.31); however, fewer dose delays was associated with pCR (p = 0.02). The most common reasons for dose reduction or delays were neuropathy, myelosuppression, and personal reasons.

    Nearly one quarter of our cohort had RDI <85%. Although RDI overall was not associated with pCR, having fewer dose delays was associated with pCR. Our results highlight a need for improved patient adherence to and tolerability of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to minimize treatment delays.

    Nearly one quarter of our cohort had RDI less then 85%. Although RDI overall was not associated with pCR, having fewer dose delays was associated with pCR. Our results highlight a need for improved patient adherence to and tolerability of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to minimize treatment delays.Several case reports suggest QT prolongation leading to ventricular arrhythmias with fatal outcome after intoxication with the μ-opioid receptor agonist and anti-diarrheal agent loperamide. The number of cases of loperamide misuse are growing due to its potential stimulating effects. Loperamide intoxications can be treated by naloxone. However, previous reports described a further QT prolongation associated with naloxone administration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of loperamide and naloxone on the cardiac electrophysiology in a sensitive whole-heart model. Twenty-six hearts of New Zealand White rabbits were retrogradely perfused in a modified Langendorff apparatus. Monophasic action potentials were recorded by endo- and epicardially positioned catheters. Hearts were stimulated at different cycle lengths, thereby obtaining action potential duration at 90% of repolarization (APD90) and QT intervals. Programmed ventricular stimulation was used to assess ventricular vulnerability.

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