• Shelton Gregersen opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    uring the COVID-19 pandemic could be useful in staffing facilities during the present and future healthcare crisis.

    Study results suggest that previous experience in treating COVID-19 infected patients is protective in terms of work-avoidance intentions. We also found that amongst HCWs, physicians had a significantly lower intention to avoid working with COVID-19 infected patients. Finally, our results show that increase in anxiety is associated with a higher intention to avoid treating infected patients. Characterization of factors associated with low anxiety levels and low reluctance to work during the COVID-19 pandemic could be useful in staffing facilities during the present and future healthcare crisis.

    In the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis, the Regional Health Observatories (RHO) and the National Federation of RHOs have chosen to make available their expertise regarding development and production of health indicators to support local and national public policies available, in order to plan for the lifting of population lockdown measures.

    To characterize as finely as possible the geographical territories, including overseas territories, using indicators to describe both the population potentially at risk of presenting serious forms of COVID-19 and the demographic and social situations that could favor the circulation of the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

    1,250 profile sheets, one for each public establishment of intermunicipal cooperation in the French departments (excluding Mayotte) presenting 34 indicators were produced. A national synthesis including a typology of these territories in seven classes was also produced.

    This work shows the possibility of describing a series of indicators linked to a specific theme systematically and at fine geographical scales. Along with a typology of territories, this tool can contribute with others to the management of a health crisis.

    This work shows the possibility of describing a series of indicators linked to a specific theme systematically and at fine geographical scales. Along with a typology of territories, this tool can contribute with others to the management of a health crisis.Implementation and enforcement of COVID-19 control measures are essential to limit the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, these actions are very difficult, if not impossible, for part of the population, mainly present in the socio-economically disadvantaged categories. This difficulty is linked, on the one hand, to the lack of health literacy, which is found to be insufficient among almost a third of the European population, and on the other hand, to their increased exposure to the virus. Difficulty in reading and acquiring health measures therefore leads to a challenge for institutions, a socio-economic gap and impacts on future generations. There is therefore no choice than to invest massively in education and health promotion in the long term to minimize the impact of crises and thus limit the increase in inequalities.

    The challenges of communicating with the population during a health crisis are multiple, with the ultimate objective of getting as many people as possible to apply preventive measures.

    The objective of this article is to present the results of an evaluation of the communication contents on COVID-19 prevention broadcast by Santé publique France (the national public health agency) on March 2020, for the general population. Two studies, one quantitative and one qualitative, were carried out during the first lockdown. The „Coronavirus Alert” communication campaign then included four media contents (spots and posters) describing health protective behaviors and signs of the disease.

    Recall of the campaign was particularly high, with nine in ten spontaneously citing messages from the campaign. Over 90% found it easy to understand and useful, although 20% found it induced anxiety. The declared impact on behavior was also very high, with 97% of people affirming to be encouraged by the media contents to implement health protective behaviors. There was, however, lower adherence to the campaign among men and low-income people.The qualitative study clarified some of the results the clarity of the materials was attributed to the pictograms illustrating the health protective behaviors, and the tone of the spots was judged appropriate to the seriousness of the health situation.

    These studies highlight significant exposure to the supports tested and a positive perception of them. Their lessons were useful in continuing the dissemination of the health protection tools produced by Santé publique France.

    These studies highlight significant exposure to the supports tested and a positive perception of them. Their lessons were useful in continuing the dissemination of the health protection tools produced by Santé publique France.From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the upheavals caused by digital technology on the diffusion and use of information have raised major issues for public health. In parallel to the pandemic, the world is facing a real „infodemic” where misinformation mingles with scientific „evidence”. Given this challenging situation, what role should scholars play? They are invited to adopt a posture of engagement in the public space to contribute to the democratization of knowledge.This contribution presents the dynamics generated by the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020 in the humanities and social sciences (SHS) in France. It first describes the main elements of the individual and institutional involvement that give this dynamic the characteristics of an „extra-ordinary” mobilization. Based on a collective research report, it goes on presenting the research themes and issues, as well as the methodological and epistemological reflections put forward by the SHS on the subject of the pandemic and its management. This contribution thus gives an account of the way in which the SHS participate in a social and political understanding of health issues. By carrying out research themes and issues that are sometimes new and sometimes deeply rooted in the scientific capital that is theirs concerning health and environmental crises, the SHS bring their contribution to the description and the analysis of the foundations and consequences of these crises on individuals and societies knowledge likely to enlighten public decision-making.The COVID-19 pandemic led to unprecedented measures being taken to combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Due to its multiple social, educational, economic and health impacts, the almost universal closure of schools worldwide during the first lockdown was undoubtedly one of the most striking measures in the management of this pandemic. One year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 800 million students, or more than half of the world’s school population, are still facing major disruptions to their education, ranging from total school closures to reduced or part-time school hours. Drawing on the scientific data available, consideration of the varied responses proposed in different countries, and the experiences of professionals in the field worldwide, this article analyses the main issues involved in closing and reopening schools, from decision-making to practical implementation in the field. This approach allows us to draw out the first lessons from the crisis and to call for the emergence and sharing, well beyond the school environment, of an educational approach to health. On this basis, it is the production of relevant national frameworks for reflection and the empowerment of local actors that will make it possible to protect pupils, prevent the development of epidemics and maintain a quality educational process.

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus that appeared in December2019 in the city of Wuhan in China spread rapidly. Severe forms of this virus infection cause acute respiratory distress syndromes (ARDS) requiring hospitalization of affected patients in intensive care units (IUCs), providing mechanical ventilation. The capacity of ICUs in the countries most affected by this health crisis quickly became overwhelmed, forcing healthcare providers to choose the patients who would benefit from care. Managing the overload of a healthcare system is the role of disaster medicine, forwhich one of the principles is the triage of patients according to their severity. Having to choose between patients means choosing a statement between deontology (judging the morality of an action according to its intention) and utilitarianism (judging the morality of an action by its consequences).

    The aims of this article are, through the analysis of the trolley problem, to understand and justify the process of allocation of scarce resources found in the guidelines used in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The analysis of the trolley problem allows us to understand in what way our choices are utilitarian or deontological. Saving as many lives as possible”, as advocated in the guidelines, isutilitarian.

    These answers will provide a better understanding of all of the different ways of allocating scare resources according to the deontological or utilitarian approach, especially the one found in the disaster medicine guidelines.

    These answers will provide a better understanding of all of the different ways of allocating scare resources according to the deontological or utilitarian approach, especially the one found in the disaster medicine guidelines.

    This research examines the dialectical relationships between the precautionary principle, the logic of prevention and prudential dynamics, based on accounts of the experiences of academics in nearly fifteen countries around the world.

    The study examines the contradictory relationships generated by the perceptions of risk and urgency between the injunctions to act in accordance with the rules prescribed by the health authorities and the dynamics of self-training allowing the singular and prudent integration of rules for the maintenance of individual and collective life in a pandemic situation.

    Two levels of results are characterized concerning the method, the survey system potentially constitutes a monitoring system enabling the production of „flash surveys” giving access to the state of the epidemic situation from local relays in different countries around the world. With regard to the relationship to knowledge, the results also tend to underline the importance of in-depth educational work to develop a the articulation of prevention, education and ethical aims in public health.

    In Bagneux, a working-class suburb of Paris, during the first wave of the health crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, different categories of professionals were mobilized and had to change their habits to respond to the public’s needs.

    To collect different actors’ testimonies from the social, medical, civic, prevention, and mental health sectors about their experiences during the first wave.

    Qualitative study with individual, semi-directive interviews.

    The results show the redefinition of missions, an adaptation at the level of work organization, a development and reinforcement of partnership links, as well as a reconfiguration of relationships with users. On a knowledge level, we can note the acquisition of scientific knowledge and technical learning.

    The links between partners, colleagues, volunteers, and inhabitants have been reinforced. Agents have learned to better know one another. New techniques have been discovered. During a particularly difficult time, the role that they usually play in terms of health promotion has become essential.

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