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Johne’s disease, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), causes weight loss, diarrhoea, and reduced milk yields in clinically infected cattle. Asymptomatic, subclinically infected cattle shed MAP bacteria but are frequently not detected by diagnostic tests. Herein, we compare the metabolite profiles of sera from subclinically infected Holstein-Friesian heifers and antibody binding to selected MAP antigens. The study used biobanked serum samples from 10 naturally MAP-infected and 10 control heifers, sampled monthly from ~1 to 19 months of age. Sera were assessed using flow infusion electrospray-high-resolution mass spectrometry (FIE-HRMS) on a Q Exactive hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer for high-throughput, sensitive, non-targeted metabolite fingerprinting. Partial least-squares discriminant analyses (PLS-DA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of the data discriminated between naturally MAP-infected and control heifers. In total, 33 metabolites that differentially accumulated in naturally MAP-infected heifers compared to controls were identified. Five were significantly elevated within MAP-infected heifers throughout the study, i.e., leukotriene B4, bicyclo prostaglandin E2 (bicyclo PGE2), itaconic acid, 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and N6-acetyl-L-lysine. These findings highlight the potential of metabolomics in the identification of novel MAP diagnostic markers and particular biochemical pathways, which may provide insights into the bovine immune response to MAP.Unicellular volvocalean green algal Haematococcus pluvialis, known as astaxanthin rich microalgae, transforms into aplanospore stage from the flagellate stage when exposed to the stress environments. However, the mechanism of the formation of aplanospore cell wall, which hinders the extraction of astaxanthin and the genetic manipulation is still unclear. In this study, the cell wall components under salicylic acid and high light stresses were explored, and cellulose was considered the main component in the flagellates, which changed gradually into mannose in the aplanospore stages. During the period, the genes related to the cellulose and mannose metabolisms were identified based on the RNA-seq data, which presented a similar expression pattern. The positive correlations were observed among these studied genes by Pearson Correlation (PC) analysis, indicating the coordination between pathways of cellulose and mannose metabolism. The study firstly explored the formation mechanism of aplanospore cell wall, which might be of scientific significance in the study of H. pluvialis.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most frequent pregnancy complications with potential adverse outcomes for mothers and newborns. Its effects on the newborn appear during the neonatal period or early childhood. Therefore, an early diagnosis is crucial to prevent the development of chronic diseases later in adult life. In this study, the urinary metabolome of babies born to GDM mothers was characterized. In total, 144 neonatal and maternal (second and third trimesters of pregnancy) urinary samples were analyzed using targeted metabolomics, combining liquid chromatographic mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and flow injection analysis mass spectrometry (FIA-MS/MS) techniques. We provide here the neonatal urinary concentration values of 101 metabolites for 26 newborns born to GDM mothers and 22 newborns born to healthy mothers. The univariate analysis of these metabolites revealed statistical differences in 11 metabolites. Multivariate analyses revealed a differential metabolic profile in newborns of GDM mothers characterized by dysregulation of acylcarnitines, amino acids, and polyamine metabolism. Levels of hexadecenoylcarnitine (C161) and spermine were also higher in newborns of GDM mothers. The maternal urinary metabolome revealed significant differences in butyric, isobutyric, and uric acid in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. These metabolic alterations point to the impact of GDM in the neonatal period.The effects of global warming have increasingly led to devastating environmental stresses, such as heat, salinity, and drought. Soil salinization is a serious environmental issue and results in detrimental abiotic stress, affecting 7% of land area and 33% of irrigated lands worldwide. The proportion of arable land facing salinity is expected to rise due to increasing climate change fuelled by anthropogenic activities, exacerbating the threat to global food security for the exponentially growing populace. As sessile organisms, plants have evolutionarily developed mechanisms that allow ad hoc responses to salinity stress. The orchestrated mechanisms include signalling cascades involving phytohormones, kinases, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and calcium regulatory networks. As a pillar in a systems biology approach, metabolomics allows for comprehensive interrogation of the biochemistry and a deconvolution of molecular mechanisms involved in plant responses to salinity. Thus, this review highlights soil salinization as a serious environmental issue and points to the negative impacts of salinity on plants. Furthermore, the review summarises mechanisms regulating salinity tolerance on molecular, cellular, and biochemical levels with a focus on metabolomics perspectives. This critical synthesis of current literature is an opportunity to revisit the current models regarding plant responses to salinity, with an invitation to further fundamental research for novel and actionable insights.Purple corn (Zea mays L.) is native to the Andean region, but limited research has been performed about the potential metabolic variability when grown under Andean environmental conditions. This study was aimed at evaluating the phenolic and primary polar metabolites composition of purple corn (kernels and cobs) grown at two Peruvian Andean locations (lowland and highland) using targeted UHPLC (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography) and untargeted GC-MS (gas chromatography mass spectrometry) metabolomic platforms, respectively. Changes in the physical characteristics and the in vitro bioactivity were also determined. Purple corn from the highland zone showed higher contents of ash, crude fiber, total phenolic contents, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) antioxidant capacity, and α-amylase inhibitory activity in kernels, whereas increased levels of flavonoids (anthocyanins and quercetin derivatives) and ABTS [2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] antioxidant capacity were observed in cobs in comparison to lowland samples. No effect of the Andean location was found on the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity relevant for hyperglycemia management, while yield-linked physical characteristics were high in purple corn grown at the lowland zone. Polar primary metabolites related to the carbohydrate (monosaccharides, sucrose, and d-sorbitol), amino acid (valine and alanine), and tricarboxylic acid cycle (succinic, fumaric, and aconitic acid) metabolism were higher in highland purple corn (cob and kernel) likely due to abiotic stress factors from the highland environment. This study provides the foundation for further breeding improvements at Andean locations.MIS-C (multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children) linked to SARS-CoV-2 infection, is a pathological state observed in subjects younger than 21 years old with evidence of either current SARS-CoV-2 infection or exposure within the 4 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms, the presence of documented fever, elevated markers of inflammation, at least two signs of multisystem involvement, and, finally, lack of an alternative diagnosis. They share with adult COVID-19 patients the presence of altered markers of inflammation, but unlike most adults the symptoms are not pulmonary but are affecting several organs. Lipid mediators arising from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) play an important role in the inflammatory response, with arachidonic acid-derived compounds, such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, mainly pro-inflammatory and ω3 PUFA metabolites such as resolvins and protectins, showing anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution activities. In order to assess potential alterations of these FA, we evaluated the bl be able to provide a timely, physiological counterbalance to the formation of pro-inflammatory lipid mediators. In conclusion, this observational study provides evidence of FA alterations in MIS-C children, suggesting a significant contribution of ω6 FA to the observed inflammatory state, and supporting a potential dietary intervention to restore an appropriate balance among the FAs capable of promoting the resolution of the observed inflammatory condition.Lipidomics is the comprehensive analysis of lipids in a given biological system. This investigation is often limited by the low amount and high complexity of biological samples, therefore highly sensitive lipidomics methods are required. Nanoflow-LC/MS offers extremely high sensitivity; however, it is challenging as a more demanding maintenance is often needed compared to conventional microflow-LC approaches. Here, we developed a sensitive and reproducible lipidomics LC method, termed Opti-nQL, which can be applied to any biological system. Opti-nQL has been validated with cellular lipid extracts of human and mouse origin and with different lipid extraction methods. Among the resulting 4000 detected features, 700 and even more unique lipid molecular species have been identified covering 16 lipid sub-classes, while 400 lipids were uniquely structure defined by MS/MS. These results were obtained by analyzing an amount of lipids extract equivalent to 40 ng of proteins, being highly suitable for low abundant samples. MS analysis showed that theOpti-nQL method increases the number of identified lipids, which is evidenced by injecting 20 times less material than in microflow based chromatography, being more reproducible and accurate thus enhancing robustness of lipidomics analysis.Ceramides are a family of lipid molecules, composed of sphingosine and a fatty acid, and transported by lipoproteins (primarily by low-density lipoproteins) in the bloodstream. They are not only structural lipids, but multifunctional and bioactive molecules with key roles in many important cellular pathways, such as inflammatory processes and apoptosis, representing potential biomarkers of cardiometabolic diseases as well as pharmacological targets. Recent data reported ceramide modulation by diet and aerobic exercise, suggesting nutrients and exercise-targeting sphingolipid pathways as a countermeasure, also in combination with other therapies, for risk and progression of chronic disease prevention and health maintenance. In this review, we focus on the available data regarding remarks on ceramide structure and metabolism, their pathophysiologic roles, and the effect of dietary habit and aerobic exercise on ceramide levels. Moreover, advancements and limitations of lipidomic techniques and simplification attempts to overcome difficulties of interpretation and to facilitate practical applications, such as the proposal of scores, are also discussed.Tropical forests are biodiversity hotspots, but it is not well understood how this diversity is structured and maintained. One hypothesis rests on the generation of a range of metabolic niches, with varied composition, supporting a high species diversity. Characterizing soil metabolomes can reveal fine-scale differences in composition and potentially help explain variation across these habitats. In particular, little is known about canopy soils, which are unique habitats that are likely to be sources of additional biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling in tropical forests. We studied the effects of diverse tree species and epiphytes on soil metabolomic profiles of forest floor and canopy suspended soils in a French Guianese rainforest. We found that the metabolomic profiles of canopy suspended soils were distinct from those of forest floor soils, differing between epiphyte-associated and non-epiphyte suspended soils, and the metabolomic profiles of suspended soils varied with host tree species, regardless of association with epiphyte.