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    80 [95% CI 0.69 to 0.91]; P = 0.09). In asymptomatic participants, the P-RDT displayed a sensitivity of 0.43 (95% CI 0.26 to 0.61). Specificity was 1.00 in symptomatic and asymptomatic children (95% CI 0.99 to 1.00). The overall 73% and 43% sensitivities of P-RDT in symptomatic and asymptomatic children, respectively, was below the 80% cutoff recommended by the World Health Organization. We observed a correlation between VL and P-RDT sensitivity, as well as variation of sensitivity according to DPOS, a major determinant of VL. These data highlight the limitations of RDTs in children, with the potential exception in early symptomatic children ≥12yrs.Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is intrinsically resistant to many beta-lactam antibiotics, including carbapenems, and is resistant to aminoglycosides, which limits the therapeutic repertoire for managing S. maltophilia infections. Additionally, employing automated in vitro susceptibility testing of S. maltophilia is challenging because commercial test systems’ performance is limited (A. Khan, C. A. Arias, A. Abbott, J. Dien Bard, et al., J Clin Microbiol 59e00654-21, 2021, https//doi.org/10.1128/JCM.00654-21). This commentary will briefly discuss the opportunity to use automated commercial susceptibility testing systems with S. maltophilia, with a focus on how to implement their use practically while mitigating risk of error.Evolution is the hallmark of life. Descriptions of the evolution of microorganisms have provided a wealth of information, but knowledge regarding „what happened” has precluded a deeper understanding of „how” evolution has proceeded, as in the case of antimicrobial resistance. The difficulty in answering the „how” question lies in the multihierarchical dimensions of evolutionary processes, nested in complex networks, encompassing all units of selection, from genes to communities and ecosystems. At the simplest ontological level (as resistance genes), evolution proceeds by random (mutation and drift) and directional (natural selection) processes; however, sequential pathways of adaptive variation can occasionally be observed, and under fixed circumstances (particular fitness landscapes), evolution is predictable. At the highest level (such as that of plasmids, clones, species, microbiotas), the systems’ degrees of freedom increase dramatically, related to the variable dispersal, fragmentation, relatedness, or coalescence of bacterial populations, depending on heterogeneous and changing niches and selective gradients in complex environments. Evolutionary trajectories of antibiotic resistance find their way in these changing landscapes subjected to random variations, becoming highly entropic and therefore unpredictable. However, experimental, phylogenetic, and ecogenetic analyses reveal preferential frequented paths (highways) where antibiotic resistance flows and propagates, allowing some understanding of evolutionary dynamics, modeling and designing interventions. Studies on antibiotic resistance have an applied aspect in improving individual health, One Health, and Global Health, as well as an academic value for understanding evolution. Most importantly, they have a heuristic significance as a model to reduce the negative influence of anthropogenic effects on the environment.Infections due to Aspergillus species are an acute threat to human health; members of the Aspergillus section Fumigati are the most frequently occurring agents, but depending on the local epidemiology, representatives of section Terrei or section Flavi are the second or third most important. Aspergillus terreus species complex is of great interest, as it is usually amphotericin B resistant and displays notable differences in immune interactions in comparison to Aspergillus fumigatus. The latest epidemiological surveys show an increased incidence of A. terreus as well as an expanding clinical spectrum (chronic infections) and new groups of at-risk patients being affected. Hallmarks of these non-Aspergillus fumigatus invasive mold infections are high potential for tissue invasion, dissemination, and possible morbidity due to mycotoxin production. We seek to review the microbiology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis of A. terreus species complex, address clinical characteristics, and highlight the underlying mechanisms of amphotericin B resistance. Selected topics will contrast key elements of A. terreus with A. fumigatus. We provide a comprehensive resource for clinicians dealing with fungal infections and researchers working on A. terreus pathogenesis, aiming to bridge the emerging translational knowledge and future therapeutic challenges on this opportunistic pathogen.Microsporidia are obligate intracellular pathogens identified ∼150 years ago as the cause of pébrine, an economically important infection in silkworms. There are about 220 genera and 1,700 species of microsporidia, which are classified based on their ultrastructural features, developmental cycle, host-parasite relationship, and molecular analysis. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that microsporidia are related to the fungi, being grouped with the Cryptomycota as a basal branch or sister group to the fungi. Microsporidia can be transmitted by food and water and are likely zoonotic, as they parasitize a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Infection in humans occurs in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient hosts, e.g., in patients with organ transplantation, patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and patients receiving immune modulatory therapy such as anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody. Clusters of infections due to latent infection in transplanted organs have also been demonstrated. Gastrointestinal infection is the most common manifestation; however, microsporidia can infect virtually any organ system, and infection has resulted in keratitis, myositis, cholecystitis, sinusitis, and encephalitis. Both albendazole and fumagillin have efficacy for the treatment of various species of microsporidia; however, albendazole has limited efficacy for the treatment of Enterocytozoon bieneusi. In addition, immune restoration can lead to resolution of infection. While the prevalence rate of microsporidiosis in patients with AIDS has fallen in the United States, due to the widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), infection continues to occur throughout the world and is still seen in the United States in the setting of cART if a low CD4 count persists.Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations are widely used embedding techniques to computationally investigate enzyme reactions. In most QM/MM computations, the quantum mechanical region is treated through density functional theory (DFT), which offers the best compromise between chemical accuracy and computational cost. Nevertheless, to obtain more accurate results, one should resort to wave function-based methods, which however lead to a much larger computational cost already for relatively small QM subsystems. To overcome this drawback, we propose the coupling of our QM/ELMO (quantum mechanics/extremely localized molecular orbital) approach with molecular mechanics, thus introducing the three-layer QM/ELMO/MM technique. The QM/ELMO strategy is an embedding method in which the chemically relevant part of the system is treated at the quantum mechanical level, while the rest is described through frozen ELMOs. Since the QM/ELMO method reproduces results of fully QM computations within chemical accuracy and with a much lower computational effort, it can be considered a suitable strategy to extend the range of applicability and accuracy of the QM/MM scheme. In this paper, other than briefly presenting the theoretical bases of the QM/ELMO/MM technique, we will also discuss its validation on the well-tested deprotonation of acetyl coenzyme A by aspartate in citrate synthase.The significance of molecules containing difluoromethyl groups is driven by their potential applications in pharmaceutical and agrochemical science. Methods for the incorporation of lightly fluorinated groups such as CF2H have been less well developed. Here we report the use of difluorinated diazoacetone as a practical reagent for the direct synthesis of CF2H-substituted 2-amidofurans through addition to ynamides. These newly designed difluorinated amidofurans were elaborated to create new nitrogen-containing frameworks that would be challenging to obtain otherwise.1,2-trans-Glycosides hydrolyze through different mechanisms at different pH values, but systematic studies are lacking. Here, we report the pH-rate constant profile for the hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl β-D-glucoside. An inverse kinetic isotope effect of k(H3O+)/k(D3O+) = 0.65 in the acidic region indicates that the mechanism requires the formation of the conjugate acid of the substrate for the reaction to proceed, with the heterolytic cleavage of the glycosidic C-O bond. Reactions in the pH-independent region exhibit general catalysis with a single proton in flight, a normal solvent isotope effect of kH/kD = 1.5, and when extrapolated to zero buffer concentration show a small solvent isotope effect of k(H2O)/k(D2O) = 1.1, consistent with water attack through a dissociative mechanism. In the basic region, solvolysis in 18O-labeled water and H2O/MeOH mixtures allowed the detection of bimolecular hydrolysis and neighboring group participation, with a minor contribution of nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Under mildly basic conditions, a bimolecular concerted mechanism is implicated through an inverse solvent isotope effect of k(HO-)/k(DO-) = 0.5 and a strongly negative entropy of activation (ΔS‡ = -13.6 cal mol-1 K-1). Finally, at high pH, an inverse solvent isotope effect of k(HO-)/k(DO-) = 0.5 indicates that the formation of 1,2-anhydrosugar is the rate-determining step.Transition-metal-catalyzed allylic substitution often exhibits complex product selectivity patterns, which have been primarily attributed to π ↔ σ ↔ π isomerization of the η1 and η3 allyl intermediates. Product selectivity may be even further complicated if η1- and η3-allyls share a single transition state (TS), leading to their formation resulting in a post-transition-state bifurcation (PTSB). In this work, density functional theory calculations using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) have been carried out that support the presence of a PTSB in Pd-catalyzed allylic halide activation directly influencing product selectivity. The AIMD results initiated from the TS predict the η1-allyl to be favored in the gas phase and a low dielectric (ε less then 2.5) for trialkylphosphines, while the selectivity shifts toward the η3-allyl in higher dielectrics. The minimum energy path is also predicted to shift in product preference, consistent with the dynamics predictions. The bifurcation in allylic chloride activation is predicted to largely favor the η3-allyl at any solvent polarity. A PTSB was also discovered to be present in Ni and Pt allylic activation but with less bifurcation. These results offer a unique view into the mechanism of metal-catalyzed allylic substitution.Charge transfer between molecules and catalysts plays a critical role in determining the efficiency and yield of photochemical catalytic processes. In this paper, we study light-induced electron transfer between transition-metal-doped aluminum clusters and CO2 molecules using first-principles time-dependent density-functional theory. Specifically, we carry out calculations for a range of dopants (Zr, Mn, Fe, Ru, Co, Ni, and Cu) and find that the resulting systems fall into two categories Cu- and Fe-doped clusters exhibit no ground-state charge transfer, weak CO2 adsorption, and light-induced electron transfer into the CO2. In all other systems, we observe ground-state electron transfer into the CO2 resulting in strong adsorption and predominantly light-induced electron back-transfer from the CO2 into the cluster. These findings pave the way toward a rational design of atomically precise aluminum photocatalysts.

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