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Small-scale fading based on the stationary times affects the quality of signals transmitted in the V2V channel, including the information transmission rate and the information error code rate.CYP17A1 is a cytochrome P450 enzyme that has 17-alpha-hydroxylase and C17,20-lyase activities. Cyp17a11 deficiency is associated with high body mass and visceral fat deposition in atherosclerotic female ApoE knockout (KO, d/d or -/-) mice. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effects of diet and Cyp17a1 genotype on the gut microbiome. Female Cyp17a1 (d/d) × ApoE (d/d) (DKO) and ApoE (d/d) (controls) were fed either standard chow or a Western-type diet (WTD), and we demonstrated the effects of genetics and diet on the body mass of the mice and composition of their gut microbiome. We found a significantly lower alpha diversity after accounting for the ecological network structure in DKO mice and WTD-fed mice compared with chow-fed ApoE(d/d). Furthermore, we found a strong significant positive association of the Firmicutes vs. Bacteroidota ratio with body mass and the circulating total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations of the mice when feeding the WTD, independent of the Cyp17a1 genotype. Further pathway enrichment and network analyses revealed a substantial effect of Cyp17a1 genotype on associated cardiovascular and obesity-related pathways involving aspartate and L-arginine. Future studies are required to validate these findings and further investigate the role of aspartate/L-arginine pathways in the obesity and body fat distribution in our mouse model.In this paper, a widely mechanistic model was developed to depict the rheological behaviour of nanoparticulate suspensions with solids contents up to 20 wt.%, based on the increase in shear stress caused by surface interaction forces among particles. The rheological behaviour is connected to drag forces arising from an altered particle movement with respect to the surrounding fluid. In order to represent this relationship and to model the viscosity, a hybrid modelling approach was followed, in which mechanistic relationships were paired with heuristic expressions. A genetic algorithm was utilized during model development, by enabling the algorithm to choose among several hard-to-assess model options. By the combination of the newly developed model with existing models for the various physical phenomena affecting viscosity, it can be applied to model the viscosity over a broad range of solids contents, shear rates, temperatures and particle sizes. Due to its mechanistic nature, the model even allows an extrapolation beyond the limits of the data points used for calibration, allowing a prediction of the viscosity in this area. Only two parameters are required for this purpose. Experimental data of an epoxy resin filled with boehmite nanoparticles were used for calibration and comparison with modelled values.Background Searching for the meaning of human existence is man’s fundamental orientation. People are free to find meaning in their lives, and while they are not always free to choose the conditions of life, they are free to choose their attitude toward the conditions in which they find themselves. When people experience an unchangeable situation, the most important thing is the attitude they take toward it. This study aimed to identify the sense of meaning in life among elite athletes after a spinal cord injury (SCI) and to analyze the different aspects contributing to this domain. Methods The study involved five athletes with at least national-level achievements in sports prior to a SCI. The study consisted of an interview using a communicator and filling out two online questionnaires-a personal questionnaire and the Purpose in Life Scale. Results Analyzing the quantitative results, four participants achieved results indicating a high sense of meaning in life, while one participant achieved a significantly lower result. Conclusions What affects one’s purpose in life is not so much the objective physical limitation but how much physicality one perceives to have lost as a result of the injury. Elite athletes stay involved in the sporting environment, which prevents the loss of purpose and maintains a sense of meaning at a high level. Both telling the story of your own illness and listening to the stories of others help the process of self-healing.The prevalence of infections with the zoonotic enteritis pathogen Campylobacter coli is increasing. Probiotic formulations constitute promising antibiotic-independent approaches to reduce intestinal pathogen loads and modulate pathogen-induced immune responses in the infected human host, resulting in acute campylobacteriosis and post-infectious sequelae. Here, we address potential antipathogenic and immuno-modulatory effects of the commercial product Aviguard® during experimental campylobacteriosis. Secondary abiotic IL-10-/- mice were infected with a C. coli patient isolate on days 0 and 1, followed by oral Aviguard® treatment on days 2, 3 and 4. Until day 6 post-infection, Aviguard® treatment could lower the pathogen burdens within the proximal but not the distal intestinal tract. In contrast, the probiotic bacteria had sufficiently established in the intestines with lower fecal loads of obligate anaerobic species in C. coli-infected as compared to uninfected mice following Aviguard® treatment. Aviguard® application did not result in alleviated clinical signs, histopathological or apoptotic changes in the colon of infected IL-10-/- mice, whereas, however, Aviguard® treatment could dampen pathogen-induced innate and adaptive immune responses in the colon, accompanied by less distinct intestinal proinflammatory cytokine secretion. In conclusion, Aviguard® constitutes a promising probiotic compound to alleviate enteropathogen-induced proinflammatory immune responses during human campylobacteriosis.The recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has refocused attention to the betacoronaviruses, only eight years after the emergence of another zoonotic betacoronavirus, the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). While the wild source of SARS-CoV-2 may be disputed, for MERS-CoV, dromedaries are considered as source of zoonotic human infections. Testing 100 immune-response genes in 121 dromedaries from United Arab Emirates (UAE) for potential association with present MERS-CoV infection, we identified candidate genes with important functions in the adaptive, MHC-class I (HLA-A-24-like) and II (HLA-DPB1-like), and innate immune response (PTPN4, MAGOHB), and in cilia coating the respiratory tract (DNAH7). Some of these genes previously have been associated with viral replication in SARS-CoV-1/-2 in humans, others have an important role in the movement of bronchial cilia. These results suggest similar host genetic pathways associated with these betacoronaviruses, although further work is required to better understand the MERS-CoV disease dynamics in both dromedaries and humans.A waveguide model for a pre-compressed cylindrical natural rubber vibration isolator is developed within a wide frequency range-20 to 2000 Hz-and for a wide pre-compression domain-from vanishing to the maximum in service, that is 20%. The problems of simultaneously modeling the pre-compression and frequency dependence are solved by applying a transformation of the pre-compressed isolator into a globally equivalent linearized, homogeneous, and isotropic form, thereby reducing the original, mathematically arduous, and complex problem into a vastly simpler assignment while using a straightforward waveguide approach to satisfy the boundary conditions by mode-matching. A fractional standard linear solid is applied as the visco-elastic natural rubber model while using a Mittag-Leffler function as the stress relaxation function. The dynamic stiffness is found to depend strongly on the frequency and pre-compression. The former is resulting in resonance phenomena such as peaks and troughs, while the latter exhibits a low-frequency magnitude stiffness increase in addition to peak and trough shifts with increased pre-compressions. Good agreement with nonlinear finite element results is obtained for the considered frequency and pre-compression range in contrast to the results of standard waveguide approaches.Quantum ring accommodating interacting spin-less fermions threaded by magnetic flux with a non-classical component added to a static, inducing persistent current, is considered. It is investigated how current flowing in the ring becomes affected by a state of non-classical flux and how Coulomb interaction between fermions influences entanglement of quantum ring and the driving field. In particular it is shown that in an absence of decoherence and under certain conditions fermion-fermion interaction is necessary for a ring-field entanglement to occur.Future deep space astronauts must maintain adequate nutrition despite highly stressful, isolated, confined and dangerous environments. The present case-study investigated appetite regulating hormones, nutrition status, and physical and emotional stress in a space analog condition an explorer conducting a 93-day unsupported solo crossing of Antarctica. Using the dried blood spot (DBS) method, the subject drew samples of his blood on a regular basis during the expedition. The DBSs were later analyzed for the appetite regulating hormones leptin and adiponectin. Energy intake and nutritional status were monitored by analysis of albumin and globulin (including their ratio). Interleukin-6 (IL-6) was also analyzed and used as an energy sensor. The results showed a marked reduction in levels of the appetite-reducing hormone, leptin, and the appetite stimulating hormone, adiponectin, during both extreme physical and psychological strain. Nutrition status showed a variation over the expedition, with below-normal levels during extreme psychological strain and levels abutting the lower bounds of the normal range during a phase dominated by extreme physical hardship. The IL-6 levels varied substantially, with levels above the normal range except during the recovery phase. It was concluded that a daily intake of 5058 to 5931 calories seemed to allow recovery of both appetite and nutritional status between extreme physical and psychological hardship during a long Arctic expedition. Furthermore, IL-6 may be a sensor in the muscle-liver, muscle-fat and muscle-brain crosstalk. These results may help guide nutrition planning for future astronaut crews, mountaineers and others involved in highly demanding missions.Agarose is a natural seaweed polysaccharide and widely used in the medicine, food, and biological fields because of its high gel strength, non-toxicity, and electrical neutrality. The sulfate group is one of the main charged groups that affect the performance of agarose. In the present study, a simple, eco-friendly, and efficient method was explored for agarose preparation. After desulfation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the sulfate content of agar reached 0.21%. Together with gel strength, electroendosmosis, gelling and melting temperature, the indicators of desulfated agar met the standards of commercially available agarose. Notably, the desulfated agar can be used as an agarose gel electrophoresis medium to separate DNA molecules, and the separation effect is as good as that of commercially available agarose. Further, the H2O2 desulfation process was analyzed. The addition of a hydroxyl radical (HO•) scavenger remarkably decreased the H2O2 desulfation rate, indicating that HO• has a certain role in agar desulfation.