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    ty, regardless of physical comorbidity status. These findings support the necessity of multiple lifestyle modifications to prevent premature death in both general elderly populations and those with physical comorbidities.

    In this large-scale study, a healthier lifestyle measured by regular exercise participation, never smoking, never drinking, good dietary diversity and normal weight, was inversely associated with total mortality, regardless of physical comorbidity status. These findings support the necessity of multiple lifestyle modifications to prevent premature death in both general elderly populations and those with physical comorbidities.

    Many long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been extensively identified in higher eukaryotic species. The function of lncRNAs has been reported to play important roles in diverse biological processes, including developmental regulation and behavioral plasticity. However, there are no reports of systematic characterization of long non-coding RNAs in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta.

    In this study, we performed a genome-wide analysis of lncRNAs in the brains of S. invicta from RNA-seq. In total, 1,393 novel lncRNA transcripts were identified in the fire ant. In contrast to the annotated lncRNA transcripts having at least two exons, novel lncRNAs are monoexonic transcripts with a shorter length. Besides, the transcriptome from virgin alate and dealate mated queens were analyzed and compared. The results showed 295 differentially expressed mRNA genes (DEGs) and 65 differentially expressed lncRNA genes (DELs) between virgin and mated queens, of which 17 lncRNAs were highly expressed in the virgin alates and 47 lncRNAs were highly expressed in the mated dealates. By identifying the DELDEG pairs with ahigh association in their expression (Spearman’s |rho|> 0.8 and p-value < 0.01), many DELs were co-regulated with DEGs after mating. Furthermore, several remarkable lncRNAs (MSTRG.6523, MSTRG.588, and nc909) that were found to associate with particular coding genes may play important roles in the regulation of brain gene expression in reproductive transition in fire ants.

    This study provides the first genome-wide identification of S. invicta lncRNAs in the brains in different reproductive states. It will contribute to a fuller understanding of the transcriptional regulation underpinning reproductive changes.

    This study provides the first genome-wide identification of S. invicta lncRNAs in the brains in different reproductive states. It will contribute to a fuller understanding of the transcriptional regulation underpinning reproductive changes.

    While lifestyle risk factors are implicated in the development and progression of cognitive impairment, interventional trials of individual participants have yielded unconvincing evidence. We sought to explore the development of lifestyle interventions targeting the household-unit.

    Semi-structured interviews were carried out among eight households affected by cognitive impairment (i.e.member of the household had cognitive impairment). Interviews took place online using asecure, web-based video platform recommended for patient clinician interaction. Interview content was analysed, and important themes identified.

    Eighteen participants were interviewed within households, of which eight (one per household) had cognitive impairment and others were spouses or first-degree relatives living in the same home. Several themes emerged; 1) household members without cognitive impairment were more likely to report poor sleep habits, and sleep was perceived to be the hardest behaviour to change; 2) diet generated most interest as a potential lifestyle intervention target as most participants believed there is a strong link with nutrition and cognition; 3) physical activity is challenging to adapt due to lack of motivation and focus when individuals are cognitively impaired. Barriers to study participation, including risk of harm, complexity of intervention and deviation from routine emerged during discussions.

    This study identified beliefs and preferences of households towards lifestyle intervention trials. Findings from this study may be used to inform future clinical trial protocols and future qualitative studies should explore acceptability and feasibility of digital intervention applications.

    This study identified beliefs and preferences of households towards lifestyle intervention trials. Findings from this study may be used to inform future clinical trial protocols and future qualitative studies should explore acceptability and feasibility of digital intervention applications.

    mRNA sequencing is a powerful technique, which is used to investigate the transcriptome status of a gene of interest, such as its transcription level and splicing variants. Presently, several RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) methods have been developed; however, the relative advantage of each method has remained unknown. Here we used three commercially available RNA-Seq library preparation kits; the traditional method (TruSeq), in addition to full-length double-stranded cDNA methods (SMARTer and TeloPrime) to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of these three approaches in transcriptome analysis.

    We observed that the number of expressed genes detected from the TeloPrime sequencing method was fewer than that obtained using the TruSeq and SMARTer. We also observed that the expression patterns between TruSeq and SMARTer correlated strongly. Alternatively, SMARTer and TeloPrime methods underestimated the expression of relatively long transcripts. Moreover, genes having low expression levels were undetected sdetected transcripts and splicing events better than the other methods and measured expression levels of genes, in addition to splicing events accurately. However, although detected transcripts and splicing events in TeloPrime were fewer, the coverage at TSS was highest. Additionally, SMARTer was better than TeloPrime with regards to the detected number of transcripts and splicing events among the understudied full-length double-stranded cDNA methods. In conclusion, for short-read sequencing, TruSeq has relative advantages for use in transcriptome analysis.

    To evaluate the effect of a sulfinate agent on the bonding durability of one-step self-etch adhesives (1-SEAs) to smear-layer-covered dentin deproteinized with hypochlorous acid (HOCl).

    Human coronal dentin disks with a standardized smear layer were deproteinized with 100 ppm HOCl solution for 0 s (control), 15 s or 30 s. After rinsing with water for 30 s and air drying, half of the specimens were treated with a sulfinate agent (Scotchbond Universal Dual Cure Activator; SDA) prior to the application of a 1-SEA (Bond Force II [Tokuyama Dental] or Clearfil Universal Bond Quick [Kuraray Noritake]). Microtensile bond strength (µTBS) was measured after 24 h or 10,000 thermal cycles (TC). The data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc tests and t-tests at the 0.05 significance level.

    The 24-h µTBS of both adhesives increased statistically significantly with the HOCl pretreatment for 15 s or 30 s (p < 0.05), but it was not statistically significantly affected by the application of SDA (p > 0.05). However, after TC, the groups treated with the combination of HOCl and SDA maintained their µTBS (p > 0.05), as opposed to untreated dentin and dentin treated with either HOCl or SDA, whose µTBS decreased significantly (p < 0.05).

    The application of the sulfinate agent did not statistically significantly affect the immediate bond strength of 1-SEAs, and it could not prevent a significant decrease in the bond strength to untreated dentin after thermocycling. However, the sulfinate agent significantly improved the bonding durability of 1-SEAs to HOCl smear-layer deproteinized dentin.

    The application of the sulfinate agent did not statistically significantly affect the immediate bond strength of 1-SEAs, and it could not prevent a significant decrease in the bond strength to untreated dentin after thermocycling. However, the sulfinate agent significantly improved the bonding durability of 1-SEAs to HOCl smear-layer deproteinized dentin.This commentary discusses an article by Broekhuizen et al which assesses policy options for scaling up the SURG-Africa surgical team mentoring program in Malawi to increase access to surgical care. In modeling these scenarios, the authors assess the cost of scaling up surgical teams mentoring and the impacts of scaling the program on district hospitals (DHs) and central hospitals (CHs). The additional costs borne by DHs when increasing surgical volume remains a significant issue identified by the authors and could ultimately determine the success of the program. The piece indirectly advocates for an increased role for task-shifting. The Ministry of Health of Malawi will have to ensure the appropriate governance and regulatory processes are in place to maintain quality and accountability.This commentary to Waitzberg et al draws on the research stream on organizational goals in management to examine the findings they report, point out the correspondence of their findings and interpretation with existing theory, including development beyond it. Their work discusses these considerations very well. It also suggests paths to further theoretical development and proposes how their work demonstrate the potential for further research on multiple goals in hospitals. Such research will be important both for health policy and management and for management theory and practice generally.Based on a summary of interviews with 18 experts, Verkerk et al defined the seven key factors that promoted low-value care, which included system, social, and knowledge factors. During the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, these key factors have been influential due to the uncertainty of the disease at the beginning of the pandemic. Globally, several measures have been implemented to reduce low-value care practices and promote high-value care for COVID-19 patients. From huge multicenter, non-industry sponsored or multiplatform trials, to the use of social networks sites is an indispensable and effective way to disseminate medical information. Thanks to these measures, we have transformed a scenario of ignorance into an evidence-based medical scenario in less than a year. Verkerk and colleagues’ proposed key factors are an excellent framework for characterizing and highlighting the lessons that can be learnt from how we have fought against the pandemic and low-value practices.

    Community participation is central to primary healthcare, yet there is little evidence of how this works in conflict settings. In 2016, South Sudan’s Ministry of Health launched the Boma Health Initiative (BHI) to improve primary care services through community participation.

    We conducted a document analysis to examine how well the BHI policy addressed community participation in its policy formulation. We reviewed other policy documents and published literature to provide background context and supplementary data. We used a deductive thematic analysis that followed Rifkin and colleagues’ community participation framework to assess the BHI policy.

    The BHI planners included inputs from communities without details on how the needs assessment was conducted at the community level, what needs were considered, and from which community. The intended role of communities was to implement the policy under local leadership. There was no information on how the Initiative might strengthen or expand local women’s leadership.

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