• Lester Harrell opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    Furthermore, we reveal that the difference in flexibility alone does not explain the significantly faster assembly rate of keratin filaments compared with that of vimentin. Likewise, desmin assembles approximately six times faster than vimentin, even though both their filaments exhibit the same lp value. These data strongly indicate that differences in their individual amino acid sequences significantly impact the assembly rates. Nevertheless, using a single k0 value for each of these three key representatives of the IF protein family, our advanced model does accurately describe the length distribution and mean length dynamics and provides effective filament assembly rates. It thus provides a tool for future investigations on the impact of posttranslational modifications or amino acid changes of IF proteins on assembly kinetics. This is an important issue, as the discovery of mutations in IF genes causing severe human disease, particularly for desmin and keratins, is steadily increasing.Bacterial symbionts associated with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) play an important role in terms of the insecticidal properties of nematodes in pest control. Galleria mellonella larvae, shortly after being infected with three different strains of Heterorhabditis zealandica, which were isolated from South African soil, changed from pale white to steel grey-blue (blue), bright red, and yellow with a green tint (green), respectively. The genetic relatedness of the bacterial symbionts that were isolated from the three strains of H. zealandica was determined by means of comparing the 16S rRNA, recA, gyrB, dnaN, gltX and infB gene sequences. Subsequently, comparing the concatenated sequences revealed the presence of three distinct Photorhabdus species. The H. zealandica strain SF41, associated with Photorhabdus heterorhabditis, produced 'blue’ G. mellonella larvae. The H. zealandica strain MJ2C, associated with Photorhabdus thracensis, yielded 'green’ G. mellonella larvae, while the H. zealandica strain LLM associated with Photorhabdus laumondii subsp. laumondii yielded red larvae. The colour changes in G. mellonella larvae were found to have been instigated by a particular Photorhabdus species associated with H. zealandica. The red and 'green’ phenotypes of G. mellonella larvae were found to represent new combinations of Heterorhabditis and Photorhabdus. In future studies, the colour of infected G. mellonella larvae needs to be reported as a phenotypic character, as it indicates the different bacterial species associated with the same nematode host, as shown in the case of H. zealandica.Wolbachia is a genus of gram-negative endosymbiotic bacterium of maternal transmission, located mainly in the gonads of arthropods, including mosquitoes such as Aedes albopictus. The current distribution of Ae. albopictus in Argentina is restricted to the subtropical northeastern region of the country. Here, we studied the seasonal prevalence of Wolbachia detected in Ae. albopictus larvae and the relationship between the abiotic factors of the larval microhabitat and the infection status, in Eldorado city, Misiones province, subtropical region. The prevalence of Wolbachia infection found was 76.89% (n = 312). From the total samples examined, 52.80% (n = 214) showed double infection with the wAlbA/wAlbB strains, 23.84% (n = 97) infection only with wAlbB, and 0.25% (n = 1) only with wAlbA. The prevalence of double infection did not present statistically significant differences between the sites studied. For single infection, the lowest prevalence value of the wAlbB strain (13.33%) was found in the natural park, whereas the highest was found in the family dwellings and cemeteries. Tire repair shops showed an intermediate value. The wAlbA single infection was identified once. Our results also showed an association between temperature and slightly turbid waters with exposure to the sun in the larval habitats and the probability of infection by Wolbachia.Phosphate, as an important non-renewable agricultural resource, needs to be recovered from wastewater at mg/L scale. Calcite carbonate fine powder was used in P-recovery but could only work in recovering high concentration phosphate. Herein, a new strategy is explored using in situ-formed CaCO3 microspheres (CaCO3-in situ) to realize efficient and fast P-recovery by adding CaCl2 and Na2CO3 solution into low phosphate water (10 mg-P/L). We find that freshly in situ-formed CaCO3 nanoparticles can capture phosphate ions very efficiently and self-assemble into composite CaCO3 microspheres consisting of vaterite and calcite phases. Phosphate ions are possibly immobilized between CaCO3 nanoparticles which stimulate the formation of metastable vaterite CaCO3. Under optimized conditions (Ca/P molar ratio, 6/1), 98% of phosphate can be recovered with a rather low residual phosphate level of ~0.2 mg-P/L within only 30 min which is much time-saving than existing methods. Importantly, superior class P-fertilizer can be obtained with P2O5 content of 20.8 wt% using this novel CaCO3-in situ recovery strategy, which is 4 times as high as that using prepared calcite CaCO3 nanoparticles. The yield of pakchoi, a fast-growing vegetable, was increased by 58.9% (fresh weight) when using the prepared CaCO3-in situ-P fertilizer. This strategy provides a new way of recycling low concentration phosphate while producing high quality fertilizer.The silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) is the most abundant and widely distributed shark species in the marine system of tropical regions. However, it appears that there is limited information on USEPA 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration in silky shark muscle tissue, which has together with the lack of a health risk assessment of human consumption of silky shark filets. The potential toxicity of PAHs in muscles of silky sharks and cancer and non-cancer risk of consumers were assessed. Results showed that the total PAHs (TPAHs) concentration in the muscle tissue of silky sharks was between 62 and 657 ng/g ww, with an average of 234 ± 221 (mean ± standard deviation) ng/g ww, and can be considered as minimally to moderately contaminated level. Naphthalene (NA), phenanthrene (PH), and fluoranthene (FLU) are the most abundant PAHs in silky sharks muscle tissue, accounting for 38.6%, 11.0%, and 19.0% of TPAHs, respectively. The average values of toxic benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) equivalent (TEQcarc) and toxic dioxin equivalent (TEQfish) of PAHs equal to the potency of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in silky shark muscle are 13.5 ± 16.4 ng BaP/g ww and 34.1 ± 77.4 pg TCDD/g ww, respectively, and they showed a good linear relationship (r = 0.928; p less then 0.001). The TEQcarc of silky sharks muscle is higher than USEPA’s screening value of PAHs of 3.2 ng BaP/g ww for adults, indicating a potential negative impact on public health. The calculated hazard index (HI) of PAHs is less than 1, suggesting that residents eating silky shark muscle will not expect to cause significant non-cancer risk. However, the incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) of BaP as 10.6-26.3% and 8.2-32.4% in males and females, respectively, may pose a significant cancer risk. In general, children and the elderly have relatively higher risks, as well as males have a higher cancer and non-cancer risk than females.With the remarkable growth of cities and the increase of built-up areas, mitigation of urban heat island effects has become one of the most crucial challenges in social and environmental sustainability with significant impacts on public health. This has led to an increasing development of urban green infrastructure. Among those nature-based solutions, green wall systems have been receiving a growing attention, being a passive technology with their ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, improve air quality and reduce the heat island effect in urban environments. Despite that growing interest in studying the functions and features of such green systems, and the various types of living walls nowadays available, most studies evaluate their energy efficiency and performance only during the use phase. This study aimed to assess the overall environmental performances of two types of green walls in a life cycle perspective, considering the embodied energy, greenhouse gas emissions, materials and energy consumption, and embodied carbon. After collecting inventory data related to all components and processes of each system, a life cycle assessment with cradle to gate approach has been performed to compare the performances of a felt-based system without organic growth medium and a system based on plastic modules with organic growth medium. The main impacts have been detected in the production stage and materials used in systems structure. By comparing the results achieved in the 16 impact categories analyzed, the felt-based system showed the highest overall impact, with the use of fertilizers and aluminum components playing a crucial part. Polypropylene used to produce the panels, water used for plant irrigation and potting soil composition are the main environmental impact contributors in the plastic-based system. The results pointed out the importance of accurate choice of materials for the design and production of green walls.Among the various methods of pre-treatment of lignocellulosic waste with the objective of optimizing the production of methane, silage stands out as a promising alternative due to its operational simplicity, low cost and effective results. In this work, the silage of orange waste (Citrus cinensis) with 14 and 21 days and its influence on the potential of methane generation was evaluated, also evaluating the impacts of silage on the kinetics of the process. Among several configurations of substrate and inoculum studied, the best configuration observed was using the ensiled residue with 21 days and granular anaerobic sludge (ENS21 + GS), reaching a methane generation potential of about 171 N mL·g-1 VS, increasing by 119% in terms of methane generation potential without silage pre-treatment (WENS+GS), obtaining biogas with 70% in CH4. In relation to the kinetics, the silage process drastically interfered in the kinetic behavior of the methane production, being the Cone model the one that obtained the best adjustments, among those studied, for the orange bagasse residue in the evaluated experimental conditions. Silage is an attractive alternative to increase the production of methane for lignocellulosic waste, as a pre-treatment, without significantly increasing operating costs, and it can also be associated with other sequential processes to take advantage of the maximum energy potential of lignocellulosic waste.The source identification of water pollution and quantification of pollution sources are vital for water environment management. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) affects the form, solubility, and toxicity of pollutants, so the migration and transformation of DOM are crucial for water quality assessment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify pollution sources and quantify their contribution in water environments using fluorescence fingerprint of DOM. The Danjiangkou Reservoir and its main tributaries were selected as the study area. The DOM fluorescence components of pollution source samples were analyzed and the quantitative relationship between DOM spectral indices and nitrate isotopes (δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3-) was established. It was found that humic-like substances were mainly derived from non-point source (NPS) pollution and protein-like substances were from point source (PS) pollution. The fluorescence index (FI) of DOM was positively correlated with PS pollution and negatively correlated with NPS pollution.

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