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    s. are uniquely well-suited as vaccine vectors for respiratory pathogens, which may be relevant to COVID-19. In addition, MVA delivered via s.s. could represent a more effective dose-sparing smallpox vaccine.Conventional CT scanners use energy-integrating detectors (EIDs). Photon-counting detector (PCD) computed tomography (CT) utilizes a CT detector technology based on smaller detector pixels capable of counting single photons and in addition discriminating their energy. Goal of this study was to explore the potential of higher spatial resolution for imaging of bone metastases. Four female patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer and bone metastases were included between July and October 2019. All patients underwent conventional EID CT scans followed by a high resolution non-contrast experimental PCD CT scan. Ultra-high resolution (UHR) reconstruction kernels were used to reconstruct axial slices with voxel sizes of 0.3 mm × 0.3 mm (inplane) × 1 mm (z-direction). Four radiologists blinded for patient identity assessed the images and compared the quality to conventional CT using a qualitative Likert scale. In this case series, we present images of bone metastases in breast cancer patients using an experimental PCD CT scanner and ultra-high-resolution kernels. A tendency to both a smaller inter-reader variability in the structural assessment of lesion sizes and in the readers’ opinion to an improved visualization of lesion margins and content was observed. In conclusion, while further studies are warranted, PCD CT has a high potential for therapy monitoring in breast cancer.Resistance to endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer is a major clinical problem with poorly understood mechanisms. There is an unmet need for prognostic and predictive biomarkers to allow appropriate therapeutic targeting. We evaluated the mechanism by which minichromosome maintenance protein 3 (MCM3) influences endocrine resistance and its predictive/prognostic potential in ER+ breast cancer. We discovered that ER+ breast cancer cells survive tamoxifen and letrozole treatments through upregulation of minichromosome maintenance proteins (MCMs), including MCM3, which are key molecules in the cell cycle and DNA replication. Lowering MCM3 expression in endocrine-resistant cells restored drug sensitivity and altered phosphorylation of cell cycle regulators, including p53(Ser315,33), CHK1(Ser317), and cdc25b(Ser323), suggesting that the interaction of MCM3 with cell cycle proteins is an important mechanism of overcoming replicative stress and anti-proliferative effects of endocrine treatments. Interestingly, the MCM3 levels did not affect the efficacy of growth inhibitory by CDK4/6 inhibitors. Evaluation of MCM3 levels in primary tumors from four independent cohorts of breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant tamoxifen mono-therapy or no adjuvant treatment, including the Stockholm tamoxifen (STO-3) trial, showed MCM3 to be an independent prognostic marker adding information beyond Ki67. In addition, MCM3 was shown to be a predictive marker of response to endocrine treatment. Our study reveals a coordinated signaling network centered around MCM3 that limits response to endocrine therapy in ER+ breast cancer and identifies MCM3 as a clinically useful prognostic and predictive biomarker that allows personalized treatment of ER+ breast cancer patients.Good health is positively related to children’s educational outcomes, but relationships may not be causal. Demonstrating a causal influence would strongly support childhood and adolescent health as important for education policy. We applied genetic causal inference methods to assess the causal relationship of common health conditions at age 10 (primary/elementary school) and 13 (mid-secondary/mid-high school) with educational attainment at 16 and school absence at 14-16. Participants were 6113 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Exposures were symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), depression, asthma, migraines and BMI. Genetic liability for these conditions and BMI was indexed by polygenic scores. In non-genetic, multivariate-adjusted models, all health conditions except asthma and migraines were associated with poorer attainment and greater school absence. School absence substantially mediated effects of BMI (39.9% for BMI at 13) and migraines (72.0% at 10), on attainment with more modest mediation for emotional and neurodevelopmental conditions. In genetic models, a unit increase in standardized BMI at 10 predicted a 0.19 S.D. decrease (95% CI 0.11, 0.28) in attainment at 16, equivalent to around a 1/3 grade lower in all subjects, and 8.7% more school absence (95% CI1.8%,16.1%). Associations were similar at 13. Genetic liability for ADHD predicted lower attainment but not more absence. Triangulation across multiple approaches supports a causal, negative influence on educational outcomes of BMI and ADHD, but not of ASD, depression, asthma or migraine. Higher BMI in childhood and adolescence may causally impair educational outcomes.In Bacteroidetes, one of the dominant phyla of the mammalian gut, active uptake of large nutrients across the outer membrane is mediated by SusCD protein complexes via a „pedal bin” transport mechanism. However, many features of SusCD function in glycan uptake remain unclear, including ligand binding, the role of the SusD lid and the size limit for substrate transport. Here we characterise the β2,6 fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) importing SusCD from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt1762-Bt1763) to shed light on SusCD function. Co-crystal structures reveal residues involved in glycan recognition and suggest that the large binding cavity can accommodate several substrate molecules, each up to ~2.5 kDa in size, a finding supported by native mass spectrometry and isothermal titration calorimetry. Mutational studies in vivo provide functional insights into the key structural features of the SusCD apparatus and cryo-EM of the intact dimeric SusCD complex reveals several distinct states of the transporter, directly visualising the dynamics of the pedal bin transport mechanism.Energy affects every single individual and entity in the world. Therefore, it is crucial to precisely quantify the „price of energy” and study how it evolves through time, through major political and social events, and through changes in energy and monetary policies. Here, we develop a predictive framework, an index to calculate the average price of energy in the United States. The complex energy landscape is thoroughly analysed to accurately determine the two key factors of this framework the total demand of the energy products directed to the end-use sectors, and the corresponding price of each product. A rolling horizon predictive methodology is introduced to estimate future energy demands, with excellent predictive capability, shown over a period of 174 months. The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated by addressing two policy questions of significant public interest.The spiny mouse (Acomys species) has emerged as an exciting research organism due to its remarkable ability to undergo scarless regeneration of skin wounds and ear punches. Excitingly, Acomys species demonstrate scar-free healing in a wide-range of tissues beyond the skin. In this perspective article, we discuss published findings from a variety of tissues to highlight how this emerging research organism could shed light on numerous clinically relevant human diseases. We also discuss the challenges of working with this emerging research organism and suggest strategies for future Acomys-inspired research.There is conflicting evidence regarding whether humans can make spatially optimal eye movements during visual search. Some studies have shown that humans can optimally integrate information across fixations and determine the next fixation location, however, these models have generally ignored the control of fixation duration and memory limitation, and the model results do not agree well with the details of human eye movement metrics. Here, we measured the temporal course of the human visibility map and performed a visual search experiment. We further built a continuous-time eye movement model that considers saccadic inaccuracy, saccadic bias, and memory constraints. We show that this model agrees better with the spatial and temporal properties of human eye movements and predict that humans have a memory capacity of around eight previous fixations. The model results reveal that humans employ a suboptimal eye movement strategy to find a target, which may minimize costs while still achieving sufficiently high search performance.Whether it be physical, biological or social processes, complex systems exhibit dynamics that are exceedingly difficult to understand or predict from underlying principles. Here we report a striking correspondence between the excitation dynamics of a laser driven gas of Rydberg atoms and the spreading of diseases, which in turn opens up a controllable platform for studying non-equilibrium dynamics on complex networks. The competition between facilitated excitation and spontaneous decay results in sub-exponential growth of the excitation number, which is empirically observed in real epidemics. Based on this we develop a quantitative microscopic susceptible-infected-susceptible model which links the growth and final excitation density to the dynamics of an emergent heterogeneous network and rare active region effects associated to an extended Griffiths phase. This provides physical insights into the nature of non-equilibrium criticality in driven many-body systems and the mechanisms leading to non-universal power-laws in the dynamics of complex systems.Sexual agglutinins of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are proteins mediating cell aggregation during mating. Complementary agglutinins expressed by cells of opposite mating types „a” and „α” bind together to promote agglutination and facilitate fusion of haploid cells. By means of an innovative single-cell manipulation assay combining fluidic force microscopy with force spectroscopy, we unravel the strength of single specific bonds between a- and α-agglutinins (~100 pN) which require pheromone induction. Prolonged cell-cell contact strongly increases adhesion between mating cells, likely resulting from an increased expression of agglutinins. In addition, we highlight the critical role of disulfide bonds of the a-agglutinin and of histidine residue H273 of α-agglutinin. Most interestingly, we find that mechanical tension enhances the interaction strength, pointing to a model where physical stress induces conformational changes in the agglutinins, from a weak-binding folded state, to a strong-binding extended state. Our single-cell technology shows promises for understanding and controlling the complex mechanism of yeast sexuality.Pro-inflammatory activation of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) is causally linked to obesity and obesity-associated disorders. A number of studies have demonstrated the crucial role of mitochondrial metabolism in macrophage activation. However, there is a lack of pharmaceutical agents to target the mitochondrial metabolism of ATMs for the treatment of obesity-related diseases. Here, we characterize a near-infrared fluorophore (IR-61) that preferentially accumulates in the mitochondria of ATMs and has a therapeutic effect on diet-induced obesity as well as obesity-associated insulin resistance and fatty liver. IR-61 inhibits the classical activation of ATMs by increasing mitochondrial complex levels and oxidative phosphorylation via the ROS/Akt/Acly pathway. Taken together, our findings indicate that specific enhancement of ATMs oxidative phosphorylation improves chronic inflammation and obesity-related disorders. IR-61 might be an anti-inflammatory agent useful for the treatment of obesity-related diseases by targeting the mitochondria of ATMs.

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