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    Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) has revealed sexual dimorphism in brain stiffness in healthy individuals and multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In an animal model of MS, named experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), we have previously shown that inflammation-induced brain softening was associated with alterations of the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, it remained unclear whether the brain ECM presents sex-specific properties that can be visualized by MRE. Therefore, here we aimed at quantifying sexual dimorphism in brain viscoelasticity in association with ECM changes in healthy and inflamed brains. Multifrequency MRE was applied to the midbrain of healthy and EAE mice of both sexes to quantitatively map regional stiffness. To define differences in brain ECM composition, the gene expression of the key basement membrane components laminin (Lama4, Lama5), collagen (Col4a1, Col1a1), and fibronectin (Fn1) were investigated by RT-qPCR. We showed that the healthy male cortex expressed less Lama4, Lama5, and Col4a1, but more Fn1 (all p less then 0.05) than the healthy female cortex, which was associated with 9% softer properties (p = 0.044) in that region. At peak EAE cortical softening was similar in both sexes compared to healthy tissue, with an 8% difference remaining between males and females (p = 0.006). Cortical Lama4, Lama5 and Col4a1 expression increased 2 to 3-fold in EAE in both sexes while Fn1 decreased only in males (all p less then 0.05). No significant sex differences in stiffness were detected in other brain regions. In conclusion, sexual dimorphism in the ECM composition of cortical tissue in the mouse brain is reflected by in vivo stiffness measured with MRE and should be considered in future studies by sex-specific reference values.Lanna painting is a unique type of painting in many temples in the Northern Thai region. Similar to most mural paintings, they usually decay over time partly due to the activity of microbes. This study aimed to investigate the microorganisms from two Lanna masterpiece paintings in two temples that differ in the numbers of visitors using both culture-dependent and -independent approaches. The microorganisms isolated from the murals were also tested for the biodeterioration activities including discoloration, acid production and calcium precipitation. Most microorganisms extracted from the paintings were able to discolor the paints, but only fungi were able to discolor, produce acids and precipitate calcium. The microorganism communities, diversity and functional prediction were also investigated using the culture-independent method. The diversity of microorganisms and functional prediction were different between the two temples. Gammaproteobacteria was the predominant group of bacteria in both temples. However, the fungal communities were different between the two temples as Aspergillus was the most abundant genus in the site with higher number of visitors [Buak Krok Luang temple (BK)]. Conversely, mural paintings at Tha Kham temple (TK) were dominated by the Neodevriesia genera. We noticed that a high number of visitors (Buak Krok Luang) was correlated with microbial contamination from humans while the microbial community at Tha Kham temple had a higher proportion of saprotrophs. These results could be applied to formulate a strategy to mitigate the amount of tourists as well as manage microorganism to slow down the biodeterioration process.Cell homing for dental pulp tissue engineering has been advocated as a feasible approach to regenerate dental pulp in a clinical setting. In order to develop a translational protocol for clinical application, we wanted to determine the effects of disinfectants on the availability of growth factors from the root canal, the amount that can be obtained in this context, and whether they can be processed for use in tissue engineering procedures. The extraction of growth factors should also be confirmed in a clinical setting. Root canals were prepared in 36 extracted mature teeth, and the amount of TGF-β1 in solution was quantified after different irrigation protocols (sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine) and after intracanal medication (calcium hydroxide). Centrifugal filters with a cut-off of 10,000 Da and 3000 Da were used for efficient concentration, and volumes and amounts of retained TGF-β1 were measured at different time points. During conventional endodontic treatment, ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution was collected after ultrasonic activation from the root canals of mature teeth of 38 patients, and growth factor content was quantified via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite reduced TGF-β1 release into EDTA. This effect was partially reversed by canal enlargement after the use of sodium hypochlorite and by subsequent use of calcium hydroxide. A few minutes of centrifugation with a cut-off of 10,000 Da reduced the initial volume of the irrigant by 90% and led to a continuous increase in concentration to the same extent. Furthermore, TGF-β1 was obtained from root canals of mature teeth during endodontic treatment in quantities that have been shown to elicit desirable cellular responses in a subsequent clinical application. A mixture with a suitable scaffold material and injection into the root canal has the potential to promote dental pulp regeneration.Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) systems have been intensively implemented in Japanese Black cattle in Japan and to create Japanese Black herds out of these areas. Environmental conditions influence MOET efficiency. Thus, we describe results of 137 in vivo, non-surgical embryo flushings performed between 2016-2020, in a full-blood Japanese Black herd kept in Spain and the possible effects of heat, year, bull, donor genetic value, and metabolic condition. Additionally, 687 embryo transfers were studied for conception rate (CR) and recipient related factors. A total of 71.3% of viable embryos (724/1015) were obtained (5.3 ± 4.34/flushing). Donor metabolites did not affect embryo production (p > 0.1), although metabolite differences were observed over the years, and by flushing order, probably related to the donor age. CR was not affected by embryo type (fresh vs. frozen), recipient breed, and whether suckling or not suckling (p > 0.1). CR decreased significantly with heat (44.3 vs. 49.2%; (p = 0.042)) and numerically increased with recipient parity and ET-number. Pregnant recipients showed significantly higher levels of cholesterol-related metabolites, glucose, and urea (p less then 0.05). Therefore, adequate MOET efficiency can be achieved under these conditions, and heat stress should be strongly avoided during Japanese Black embryo transfers. Moreover, recipients’ metabolites are important to achieve pregnancy, being probably related to better nutrient availability during pregnancy.Platelet-leucocyte aggregates (PLA) are a formation of leucocytes and platelets bound by specific receptors. They arise in the condition of sheer stress, thrombosis, immune reaction, vessel injury, and the activation of leukocytes or platelets. PLA participate in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Increased levels of PLA were revealed in acute and chronic coronary syndromes, carotid stenosis cardiovascular risk factors. Due to accessible, available, replicable, quick, and low-cost quantifying using flow cytometry, PLA constitute an ideal biomarker for clinical practice. PLA are promising in early diagnosing and estimating prognosis in patients with acute or chronic coronary syndromes treated by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). PLA were also a reliable marker of platelet activity for monitoring antiplatelet therapy. PLA consist also targets potential therapies in CVD. All of the above potential clinical applications require further studies to validate methods of assay and proof clinical benefits.Salinity is an important environmental factor that directly affects the survival of aquatic organisms, including fish. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of salinity adaptation at post-transcriptional regulation levels is still poorly understood in fish. In the present study, 18 RNA-Seq datasets were utilized to investigate the potential roles of alternative splicing (AS) in response to different salinity environments in the livers of three euryhaline teleosts, including turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A total of 10,826, 10,741 and 10,112 AS events were identified in the livers of the three species. The characteristics of these AS events were systematically investigated. Furthermore, a total of 940, 590 and 553 differentially alternative splicing (DAS) events were determined and characterized in the livers of turbot, tongue sole and steelhead trout, respectively, between low- and high-salinity environments. Functional enrichment analysis indicated that these DAS genes in the livers of three species were commonly enriched in some GO terms and KEGG pathways associated with RNA processing. The most common DAS genes work as RNA-binding proteins and play crucial roles in the regulation of RNA splicing. The study provides new insights into uncovering the molecular mechanisms of salinity adaptation in teleosts.Currently, studies of the SYT11 gene mainly focus on neurological diseases such as schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. However, some studies have shown that the C2B domain of SYT11 can interact with RISC components and affect the gene regulation of miRNA, which is important for cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis, and therefore has an impact on muscle growth and development in animals. The whole-genome resequencing data detected a CNV in the SYT11 gene, and this may affect cattle growth traits. In this study, CNV distribution of 672 individuals from four cattle breeds, Yunling, Pinan, Xianan, and Qinchuan, were detected by qPCR. The relationship between CNV, gene expression and growth traits was further investigated. The results showed that the proportion of multiple copy types was the largest in all cattle breeds, but there were some differences among different breeds. The normal type had higher gene expression than the abnormal copy type. The CNVs of the SYT11 gene were significantly correlated with body length, cannon circumference, chest depth, rump length, and forehead size of Yunling cattle, and was significantly correlated with the bodyweight of Xianan cattle, respectively. These data improve our understanding of the effects of CNV on cattle growth traits. Our results suggest that the CNV of SYT11 gene is a protentional molecular marker, which may be used to improve growth traits in Chinese cattle.Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Patients with pre-existing CAD were shown to have a more severe course of COVID-19, but this association has not been clarified. We performed a meta-analysis to determine the association between CAD and COVID-19 outcomes. We searched Scopus, Medline (PubMed), Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane databases up to 2 November 2021. There were 62 studies with a total population of 49,286 patients included in the meta-analysis. CAD occurrence in survivor vs. non-survivor groups varied and amounted to 9.2% vs. 22.9%, respectively (OR = 0.33; 95%CI 0.29 to 0.39; I2 = 70%; p less then 0.001). CAD was also associated with increased severity of COVID-19 disease and was (10.8% vs. 5.6%, respectively, for severe vs. non-severe groups (OR = 2.28; 95%CI 1.59 to 3.27; I2 = 72%; p less then 0.001). The role of history of CAD in mortality and severe condition in COVID-19 presents itself as prominent-although a risk of bias in retrospective trials needs to be assessed, in case of our meta-analysis the statistically significant results when it comes to higher mortality among patients with CAD compared to non-CAD patients, a more severe condition observed in patients with CAD, and a visibly more frequent admission to intensive care unit in patients with CAD, it seems that an incidence of cardiovascular events plays a role in COVID-19 prognosis.

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