• Pennington Rohde opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    MRI re-examination revealed that most of the injected material was removed, and no patient needed a secondary debridement operation.

    PAAG migration after injection augmentation mammaplasty can be clinically characterized into different types based on the migrating direction. It is helpful to perform MRI examinations preoperatively to fully evaluate PAAG migration. Under the guidance of our classification system, the injected material could be effectively eradicated with an acceptable complication rate.

    This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266 .

    This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266 .We recovered 85 fungal isolates from the acid sulphate soils in chronosequence under para-periglacial conditions in King George Island, Antarctica. Thirty-two taxa belonging to the phylum Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Mortierellomycota were identified. Mortierella amoeboidea, Mortierella sp. 2, Mortierella sp. 3, Penicillium sp. 2 and Penicillium sp. 3 dominated the sulphite soils. Despite the multi-extreme physic-chemical conditions of the sulphate soils (low pH, variable content of macro and micronutrients and organic matter), the fungal assemblages exhibited moderate diversity indices, which ranged according to the degree of soil development. Soils with more weathered and, consequently, with highest values of organic carbon shelter the most diverse fungal assemblages, which can be associated with the occurrence of sulphurisation and sulphide oxidation. Different taxa of Mortierella and Penicillium displayed broad pH (3-9) and temperature (5-35 °C) plasticity. The multi-extreme sulphite soils of Antarctica revealed the presence of moderate fungal diversity comprising cold cosmopolitan and psychrophilic endemic taxa. Among these, Mortierella and Penicillium, known to survive in extreme conditions such as low temperature and available organic matter, low pH and high concentrations of metals, might represent interesting techniques to be used in biotechnological processes such as bioleaching in metallurgy and phosphate solubilisation in agriculture.Renal protection from s-ethyl cysteine (SEC) against cisplatin (CP)-induced inflammatory and oxidative injury was examined. Mice were divided into five groups normal group, 0.25% SEC group, CP group, 0.125% SEC + CP group, 0.25% SEC + CP group. After 2 weeks supplementation, mice of CP and SEC + CP groups received CP treatment. H&E stain showed that CP caused infiltration of inflammatory cells and necrosis of tubular cells. SEC pre-treatments attenuated CP-induced inflammatory injury and degeneration. SEC pre-treatments limited CP-stimulated release of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and prostaglandin E2 in kidney. CP raised the renal activity and mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and nuclear factor kappa B. SEC pre-treatments reversed these alterations. CP increased the production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, and lowered glutathione content, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in kidney. SEC pre-treatments reversed these changes. CP up-regulated renal inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA expression, and down-regulated nuclear factor E2-related factor (Nrf)-2 and heme oxygenase (HO)-1 mRNA expression. SEC pre-treatments suppressed iNOS mRNA expression; and enhanced renal Nrf2 and HO-1 mRNA expression. These novel findings suggest that dietary SEC via exerting its multiple bio-functions could be considered as a protective agent for kidney against CP.This study was designed to unravel the pathobiological role of impaired ARID1A expression in gastric carcinogenesis. We examined ARID1A expression immunohistochemically in 98 gastric cancer tissue specimens with regard to the clinicopathological features. Based on the proportion and intensity of ARID1A immunoreactivity at the cancer invasion front, we subdivided the specimens into low- and high-expression ARID1A groups. Notably, low ARID1A expression was significantly correlated with overall survival of the patients. Subsequently, we determined the molecular signature that distinguished ARID1A low/poor prognosis from ARID1A high/good prognosis gastric cancers. A comprehensive gene profiling analysis followed by immunoblotting revealed that a mitochondrial apoptosis mediator, Harakiri, was less expressed in ARID1A low/poor prognosis than ARID1A high/good prognosis gastric cancers. siRNA-mediated ARID1A downregulation significantly reduced expression of the Harakiri molecule in cultured gastric cancer cells. Interestingly, downregulation of ARID1A conferred resistance to apoptosis induced by the mitochondrial metabolism inhibitor, devimistat. In contrast, enforced Harakiri expression restored sensitivity to devimistat-induced apoptosis in ARID1A downregulated gastric cancer cells. The present findings indicate that impaired ARID1A expression might lead to gastric carcinogenesis, putatively through gaining resistance to the Harakiri-mediated apoptosis pathway.

    Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) represented a major breakthrough in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The aim of the present meta-analysis is to assess the effect of continues glucose monitoring (CGM) and flash glucose monitoring (FGM), on glycemic control in type 1 diabetes.

    The present analysis includes randomized clinical trials comparing CGM or FGM with SMBG, with a duration of at least 12weeks, identified in Medline or clinicaltrials.gov. The principal endpoint was HbA1c at the end of the trial. A secondary endpoint was severe hypoglycemia. Mean and 95% confidence intervals for HbA1c and Mantel-Haenzel odds ratio [MH-OR] for severe hypoglycemia were calculated, using random effect models. A sensitivity analysis was performed using fixed effect models. In addition, the following secondary endpoints were explored, using the same methods time in range, health-related quality of life, and treatment satisfaction. Separate analyses were performed for trials comparing CGM with SMBG, and those compar SMBG + MDI showed a large reduction in HbA1c; it is conceivable that the effects of CSII + CGM on glycemic control additives. The only comparison available between FGM and SMBG was conducted in patients in good control.

    GCM compared to SMBG has showed a reduction in HbA1c and severe hypoglycemia in patient with type 1 diabetes. The comparison between CGM + CSII and SMBG + MDI showed a large reduction in HbA1c; it is conceivable that the effects of CSII + CGM on glycemic control additives. The only comparison available between FGM and SMBG was conducted in patients in good control.Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) is an important post-translational modification mainly catalyzed by poly-ADP-ribose polymerase 1 (PARP1). In addition to having important roles in DNA damage detection and repair, it functions in gene expression regulation, especially at the posttranscriptional level. Embryonic lethal abnormal vision-like 1/human antigen R (ELAVL/HuR), a canonical 3′ untranslated region AU-rich element-binding protein, is a crucial mRNA-stabilizing protein that protects target mRNAs from RNA-destabilizing protein- or microRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC)-mediated degradation. Additionally, in some cases, HuR itself either promotes or suppresses translation. Here, we demonstrated that in response to inflammatory stimuli, the PARylation of HuR, mostly at the conserved D226 site, by PARP1 increased the formation of the HuR oligomer/multimer, and HuR oligomerization promoted the disassociation of miRISC and stabilized the pro-inflammatory gene mRNAs. The prevention of PARP1 activation or HuR oligomerization attenuated lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory gene expression and the airway recruitment of neutrophils in mouse lungs. The present study verified a novel mechanism of PARP1 and HuR PARylation in the RNA stability regulation, increasing our understanding of how PARP1 regulates gene expression.Maintaining the integrity of the mitotic spindle in metaphase is essential to ensure normal cell division. We show here that depletion of microtubule-associated protein ATIP3 reduces metaphase spindle length. Mass spectrometry analyses identified the microtubule minus-end depolymerizing kinesin Kif2A as an ATIP3 binding protein. We show that ATIP3 controls metaphase spindle length by interacting with Kif2A and its partner Dda3 in an Aurora kinase A-dependent manner. In the absence of ATIP3, Kif2A and Dda3 accumulate at spindle poles, which is consistent with reduced poleward microtubule flux and shortening of the spindle. ATIP3 silencing also limits Aurora A localization to the poles. Transfection of GFP-Aurora A, but not kinase-dead mutant, rescues the phenotype, indicating that ATIP3 maintains Aurora A activity on the poles to control Kif2A targeting and spindle size. Collectively, these data emphasize the pivotal role of Aurora kinase A and its mutual regulation with ATIP3 in controlling spindle length.

    Inclusion of brain tumour patients in oncological protocols may be hampered by their neurological impairment. The goal of this study was to assess the reliability of Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) and WHO Performance Scale (WHO-PS) scores in this population.

    A cross-sectional survey was conducted through the Association des Neuro-Oncologues d’Expression Française (ANOCEF) and European Neuro-Oncology Association (EANO) networks. Clinicians were asked to write a text defining their operative definition of a patient with ≥ 70 KPS and to assess KPS and WHO-PS in six different clinical case vignettes.

    Two hundred seventy-six clinicians sent a response. The operative definition mentioned a normal life (89%), what patients were able (26%) or unable (29%) to do, normal cognitive processing (8%) and caregivers (6%). Older physicians mentioned more often what patients were unable to do (p = 0.005). The two scales were homogeneous in less severely handicapped patients only. More patients were excluded for hemiplegia than for expressive aphasia. Older physicians significantly excluded more patients for KPS and WHO-PS. Speciality of the physician significantly influenced scoring. On multivariable analysis, age and speciality of the physicians were correlated with KPS and WHO-PS rating even if adjusted on cases. Discordant scoring increased with severity of the deficit in nearly all cases, the KPS would have denied, while WHO-PS would have allowed, access to a trial.

    Performance scores assigned to brain tumour patients are clinician and score dependant. WHO-PS would allow more access to a trial. Specific criteria should be developed for patients with neurological deficits to facilitate their access to trials.

    Performance scores assigned to brain tumour patients are clinician and score dependant. WHO-PS would allow more access to a trial. Specific criteria should be developed for patients with neurological deficits to facilitate their access to trials.

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