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    2). Conclusion Proxy determinant of Complementary Feeding of the breastfed child delivery is culture.Objective This study was aimed to make an application design to facilitate midwives to detect the growth and development of toddlers based on anthropometry. After completing the application, the application will be tested on midwives to provide their perception of convenience. Method It was conducted in August-September 2019 in the Posyandu working area of the Campalagian Health Center in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. It was an experimental study; the study sample was midwives who had the task of monitoring growth and development in the posyandu (integrated health center) area totaling 20 people. After completing the application, the application was tested on midwives to provide their perception of convenience. Results Researchers succeeded in making my sisfor_bidanku application for toddlers’ growth based on anthropometry. Data showed that midwives who had the perception that midwife applications were very easy were ten people (25%), although there were still four people (10%) who stated that conventional applications are also very easy. Conclusion Midwives have the perception that it’s easy to use my sisfor_bidanku application, but the conventional method is also relatively easy.Objective This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of ginger candy to reduce the frequency of vomiting in trimester pregnant women. Methods It was a quasi-experimental study with non-randomized pre-test post-test with control group. The subject was divided into three groups of interventions, i.e. ginger candy, placebo, administering vitamin B6. The samples were 51 the first-trimester pregnant mothers that experience the emesis or vomit 3-5times/day, each group consist of 17 pregnant mothers. Intervention was done as long as 7 days. Results Data shows that before giving the intervention, all groups experienced vomiting 3-5times/day, i.e. 17 people (100%). There was no difference between the ginger candy, placebo and vitamin B6 groups, but after giving the intervention, there were differences in the frequency of vomiting, the remaining ginger candy groups were 4 people (23.6%) who had a frequency of vomiting 3-5 times/day, while in the group given vitamin B6 there are still 16 people (94.1%). The group was given placebo all subjects, namely, 17 people (100%) still experienced vomiting 5-3 times/day. Conclusion Ginger candy can reduce the frequency of vomiting in pregnant women with emesis gravidarum.Objective This study aims to compare serum magnesium levels of normal pregnant women, severe preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia with complications in the third trimester of pregnancy so that they can be used as a basis for earlier consideration of supplementation in pregnancy. Method This study was an observational study with a comparative cross-sectional design conducted in July-September 2019 in four hospitals in Makassar, namely Dr. Wahidin Soedirohusodo General Hospital, Hasanuddin University State University Hospital, Sitti Khadijah I Hospital and Children Hospital Siti Fatimah’s Mother and Child Hospital. Respondents in this study were three-trimester pregnant women who were divided into three groups, 30 mothers with normal pregnancies, 30 mothers with severe preeclampsia, and 12 women with severe preeclampsia with complications. Criteria for respondents in this study were single pregnancy and not with systemic disease. Data collected included age, education, occupation, body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy, parity, the distance of pregnancy, history of preeclampsia, family planning history, history of antenatal care examination and pregnancy planning. Serum magnesium levels were determined using a Magnesium Assay Kit with a colorimetric method that was assessed for absorption by spectrophotometrics. Results The mean serum magnesium levels were the lowest in the severe preeclampsia group (0.61mmol/L) compared to the severe preeclampsia group with complications (0.72mmol/L), and the normal pregnancy group (0.92mmol/L). Magnesium levels of the three groups differed significantly (p=0.008, p less then 0.05) CONCLUSION Serum magnesium levels should be considered as a prognostic factor and supplementation intervention for pregnant women with preeclampsia.Objective The general aim of this study is to identify the events experienced by the caregiver (the husband/wife) in providing care to the post-stroke partner in Palopo City, South Sulawesi. Method This study is qualitative research using phenomenology design. Qualitative study is conducted to find out certain reasons on a topic or to understand the occurrence of a topic. The focus of the phenomenological approach is on the essence or event experienced by the participants. Result The results were processed using NVivo 10; and in terms of feelings, it was obtained the feeling of heavy-hearted, angry, disappointment, pity, sadness, and normal. The role of the caregivers undergoes either changes or no changes. The way of coping with the feelings is by accepting the conditions, calming down, talking to others, support from the children, the daughters, and other family members, praying, and even letting go of the burden. The caregiver overcomes the changes in terms of role by managing time and handling the situation like it used to. Conclusion Based on the result of the interviews as well as the data analysis, a number of subthemes were found related to feelings, role and ways of overcoming.Objective The purpose of this research was to know how the role of the Empowerment Agency of Women and Family planning in children protection. Method To obtain this research data, researchers conducted interviews from some people who were set as samples of research. Data analysis using qualitative methods, data analysis techniques used three stages data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal of conclusions. Result The results of this study found that the Women Empowerment and family planning agency have done several actions to protect children through the child protection issue policy in the development effort to the community as well as against children violence and child abandonment through the Women Empowerment Agency and family planning policies. However, there are barriers due to the limited budget owned by the women’s Empowerment agency and family planning. Other obstacles from the community were a low education factor, low economic level, and the environment of the barriers will lead to an influence on the success of child protection. Hence the empowerment of women and family planning in child protection has not been entirely successful. Conclusion Expected impact of women’s empowerment and family planning agency is to increase public knowledge and awareness of children’s violence as well as declining levels of child violence. However, there are still inhibitory factors that influence the success of child protection and child abuse or violence in children.Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants of smoking behavior of elderly women (Ethnic Kaili) in the city of Palu. Method This type of research is quantitative with an observational study using a cross sectional study design. A sample of 90 respondents with purposive sampling technique and analyzed using the chi square test. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire. Results The result showed that age (p=0.010), education (p=0.013), and employment (p=0.004), and socio-culture (p=0.001), were determinants of smoking behavior of elderly women in Palu City. Conclusion Culture, economic status, education, and employment are determinants of smoking behavior of elderly women (Ethnic Kaili) in Palu City. It is recommended to the relevant agencies to increase the frequency of health education about the dangers of cigarettes, and maximize health promotion media about the dangers of smoking, especially for the elderly.Objective This study aimed to determine the balance point and analyze the stability of the SEIAR-SEI model in malaria with the influence of immigrant infections in patients with symptomatic infections and asymptomatic infections. This study also aimed to measure the level of sensitivity of the spread of malaria to immigrant infection parameters to the magnitude of ℛ0. Method The method used in this study is a qualitative method with steps determining the disease-free and endemic balance points and determining basic reproductive numbers ℛ0 Sensitivity analysis of basic reproductive numbers was carried out on immigrant infection parameters. Result The results obtained showed that the parameter δh fected basic reproductive numbers (ℛ0) Immigrant infection factors in symptomatic and asymptomatic infections affect the increase in malaria infection. Conclusion It is concluded that immigrant infections that occur in symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria sufferers cause an increase in the number of malaria infections, especially in the symptomatic infection class (Ih).Objective The research objectives were to study and analyze the effect of the number of household members, working hours, health, and income on the consumption expenditure. Method This research location was in Merauke District, Merauke Regency, Papua Province, by using quantitative research with the amount of 130 samples as respondents. Research data used primary data such as survey, questionnaire, and interview while the secondary data using a literature review. Result The research results showed that the number of household members did not affect the household consumption household. Working hours affected positively and significantly to household consumption expenditure, while health does not affect the household consumption expenditure either directly or indirectly. Income affected positively and significantly to the household consumption expenditure. Conclusion Several variables that directly have a positive and significant effect on the consumption expenditure of poor households in Merauke District are the use of working hours and income.Objective This study aims to determine the effect of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in improving VO2 Max in Football Students Activity Unit, University of Musamus. Method This research is an experimental study with one group pretest and posttest design research. The population in this study was Football Students Activity Unit, the University of Musamus, which numbered 22 students who were the subjects of the study. Data retrieval technique is by tests and measurements. The instrument used is a multi-stage fitness test (bleep test). The students were given HIIT; it carried out twice a week for four weeks. Analysis of the data used is using t-test at 0.05% as the significance level. Result Based on the results, the number of pretests showed on 39.6773. While at the posttest after there was an improvement, the number showed on 48.5863. Based on the results of data analysis on the hypothesis in the study, it was found that there was a significant effect of HIIT in improving VO2 Max football student activity unit, University of Musamus, it was indicated by the score of t-count that higher than t-table (13.015>2.080). Conclusion There was a significant effect of the HIIT in improving football students’ VO2 of Max at University of Musamus.

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