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    Objective The back-average technique is very useful to study the relation between the activity in the cortex and the muscles. It has two main clinical applications, Bereitschaftspotential (BP) recording and myoclonus studies. The BP is a slow wave negativity originating in the supplementary motor cortex and premotor cortex that precedes voluntary movements. This wave also precedes involuntary movements in functional movement disorders (FMD), and it can be used as a helpful diagnostic tool. For the myoclonus studies, the back-average technique is very important to help localizing the source of the myoclonus. The hardware needed to do BP or myoclonus studies is standard and available in any electrophysiology lab, but there are not many software solutions to do the analysis. In this article together with describing the methodology that we use for recording clinical BPs and myoclonus, we present BacAv, an online free application that we developed for the purpose of doing back-average analysis. Methods BacAv was developed in „R” language using Rstudio, a free integrated development environment. The recommended parameters for the data acquisition for BP recording and myoclonus studies are given in this section. Results The platform was successfully developed, is able to read txt files, look for muscle bursts, segment the data, and plot the average. The parameters of the algorithm that look for the muscle bursts can be adapted according to the characteristics of the dataset. Conclusion We have developed software for clinicians who do not have sophisticated equipment to do back-averaging. Significance This tool will make this useful analysis method more available in a clinical environment.Purpose Herein we present a case of giant cell arteritis presenting with nodular posterior scleritis and exudative retinal detachment mimicking a choroidal mass. Observations A 67-year-old man presented with sudden onset left-sided periorbital pain, blurry vision, and a choroidal lesion in the posterior pole. Despite treatment with high-dose oral prednisone for suspected nodular posterior scleritis mimicking a choroidal mass, the vision in his left eye did not recover, and he developed optic nerve pallor on exam. Further evaluation revealed an ESR of >140 mm/hr (Upper limit of normal = 20 mm/hr), a CRP of 113 mg/L (Upper limit of normal = 9 mg/L), and a temporal artery biopsy consistent with GCA. The patient was started on methotrexate and the oral steroids were slowly tapered. Conclusions Given the potential for GCA to present with scleritis and the potential for nodular posterior scleritis to mimic a choroidal mass, presence of a painful choroidal lesion with optic nerve swelling should prompt an evaluation for GCA to prevent permanent and bilateral vision loss. © 2019 The Author(s).The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) is functionally linked to the descending pain modulation system and has been implicated in top down pain inhibition, including placebo analgesia. Therefore, functions of the dlPFC may be impaired in patients with chronic pain. Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is one of several syndromes with chronic neuropathic pain. In the present study, we investigated possible dysfunction of the dlPFC in chronic pain using patients with PHN. In a conditioning phase, heathy controls (n = 15) and patients with PHN (n = 7) were exposed to low (LF) and high (HF) frequency tones associated with noxious stimuli weak (WS) and strong (SS) electrical stimulation, respectively. After the conditioning, cerebral hemodynamic activity was recorded from the bilateral dlPFC while the subjects were subjected to the cue tone-noxious electrical stimulation paradigm, in which incorrectly cued noxious stimuli were sometimes delivered to induce placebo and nocebo effects. The results indicated that hemodynamic responses to the LF tone in the right dlPFC was significantly lower in patients with PHN compared to the healthy controls. Furthermore, the same hemodynamic responses in the right dlPFC were correlated with placebo effects. In addition, clinical symptoms of PHN were negatively correlated to cerebral hemodynamic responses in the right dlPFC and magnitudes of the placebo effects. The results suggest that the right dlPFC, which is closely associated with the descending pain modulation system, is disturbed in PHN. © 2020 The Author(s).Plant growth promoting (PGP) effect of Streptomyces on wheat growth in different conditions has been mostly reported although mechanisms which caused wheat cultivars differently response to a PGP Streptomyces has been less studied. In this study, the effect of two Streptomyces strains, previously reported as PGPR, on the growth of four salt-sensitive commercial wheat cultivars under normal and saline conditions was investigated. Strain C-2012 differently affected the growth of the cultivars in the normal and stress conditions. Cultivars Gonbad with the highest (63%) and Zarin without increased dry biomass upon C-2012 treatments were selected for further study. Salinity significantly decreased seedling fresh and dry weight, K+ and chlorophyll content and glutathione S-transferase activity. Moreover, the stress increased proline and Na+ content and peroxidase (POX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in both cultivars. Strain C-2012, generally, ameliorated the negative effect of the stress with increased chlorophyll and carotenoid and reduced Na+ content and APX and SOD activity in both cultivars, however, its effect on biomass was different. Increase in SOD, APX and POX activities in bacterial inoculated-Zarin, but not Gonbad, under normal conditions suggested that this cultivar may recognize strain C-2012 as a gentle stressor and not as a PGPR. These results showed that the responses of the wheat cultivars to a defined PGPR is different in the physiological, phenotypic and molecular level. Based on the results, the evaluation of the effect of a bio-fertilizer on each wheat cultivar is necessary prior to use in a commercial field. © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) accounts for 70-80% of kidney cancer diagnoses and displays high molecular and histologic heterogeneity. Hence, it is necessary to reveal the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in progression of ccRCC to better stratify the patients and design effective treatment strategies. Here, we analyzed the survival outcome of ccRCC patients as a consequence of the differential expression of four transcript isoforms of the pyruvate kinase muscle type (PKM). We first extracted a classification biomarker consisting of eight gene pairs whose within-sample relative expression orderings (REOs) could be used to robustly classify the patients into two groups with distinct molecular characteristics and survival outcomes. Next, we validated our findings in a validation cohort and an independent Japanese ccRCC cohort. We finally performed drug repositioning analysis based on transcriptomic expression profiles of drug-perturbed cancer cell lines and proposed that paracetamol, nizatidine, dimethadione and conessine can be repurposed to treat the patients in one of the subtype of ccRCC whereas chenodeoxycholic acid, fenoterol and hexylcaine can be repurposed to treat the patients in the other subtype. © 2020 The Authors.Background The survival of anorectal malformation (ARM) patients has been improved in the last 10 years because of the improvement in management of neonatal care and surgical approaches for ARM patients. Thus, the current management of ARM patients are focusing on the functional outcomes after definitive surgery. Here, we defined the type of ARM and assessed the functional outcomes, including voluntary bowel movement (VBM), soiling, and constipation, in our patients following definitive surgery using Krickenbeck classification. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study to retrospectively review medical records of ARM patients who underwent a definitive surgery at Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Indonesia, from 2011 to 2016. Results Forty-three ARM patients were ascertained in this study, of whom 30 males and 13 females. Most patients (83.7%) were normal birth weight. There were ARM without fistula (41.9%), followed by rectourethral fistula (25.5%), perineal fistula (18.6%), vestibular fistula (9.3%), and rectovesic appear to be correlated with birth weight, gender, nor ARM type. Further multicenter study is necessary to compare our findings with other centers. © 2020 The Author(s).Introduction The role for steroids in acute spinal cord injury (ASCI) remains unclear; while some studies have demonstrated the risks of steroids outweigh the benefits,a meta-analyses conducted on heterogeneous patient populations have shown significant motor improvement at short-term but not at long-term follow-up. Given the heterogeneity of the patient population in previous meta-analyses and the publication of a recent trial not included in these meta-analyses, we sought to re-assess and update the safety and short-term and long-term efficacy of steroid treatment following ASCI in a more homogeneous patient population. Materials and methods A literature search was conducted on PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library through June 2019 for studies evaluating the utility of steroids within the first 8 h following ASCI. Neurological and safety outcomes were extracted for patients treated and not treated with steroids. Pooled effect estimates were calculated using the random-effects model. Results Twelve studies, irst 8 h following ASCI failed to show a statistically significant short-term or long-term improvement in patients’ overall motor or neurological scores compared to controls who were not administered steroids. For the same comparison, there was an increased risk of pneumonia and hyperglycemia compared to controls. Routine use of methylprednisone following ASCI should be carefully considered in the context of these results. © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Background Uncorrected congenital heart lesions in children keep them in a state of constant hypoxia with compromised quality of life and reduced life expectancy. This requires early diagnosis and interventions including prevention and treatment of the resultant anaemia. Unfortunately, congenital heart disease (CHD) often goes unrecognized and thus untreated. Objectives We determined the occurrence of CHD in children below 15 years at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), assessed the prevalence of relative iron deficiency anaemia in that cohort and the use of iron supplementation in these patients. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study, using a structured data collection tool, by retrospectively reviewing patient records from December 2015 to January 2010. Data was also obtained prospectively from January 2016 to March 2016. Results Eighty cases (44 females and 36 males) of CHD were encountered. Tetralogy of Fallot was the most common (48.8%) CHD. Cases of cyanotic congenital heart disease were reported at autopsy. Of the 80 cases, 48 (72.7%) had signs of relative iron deficiency. Thirty (62.5%) of the 48 patients did not receive iron supplementation. In 14 cases, full blood count was not determined and yet 10 patients received iron at sub-optimal doses ( less then 3 mg/kg/day) and one was given iron at 6 mg/kg/day. Conclusion CHD is a common phenomenon among newborns at KATH. Use of iron supplementation was suboptimal. Compliance with guidelines on the use of iron as well as structures for early detection of CHD for definitive interventions are advocated. © 2020 The Author(s).

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