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Further, higher connectivity within the left hemisphere was also observed for the left-lateralized critical cortical regions of negative affect. Our study also revealed the association of emotion and memory-related subcortical-cortical interactions in positive and negative affect. Right amygdala-right thalamus-frontotemporal cortical areas emanated in positive affect, and right putamen-left hippocampus-frontotemporal cortical regions network stemmed for negative affect. Then, we show the involvement of basal-ganglia structures in approach-withdrawal dichotomy with tight coupling of right-caudate, left-accumbens with anterior cingulate, and insular regions for withdrawal/inhibition system. Further, distinct involvement of the insula (posterior) in affective states while insula (anterior) in approach/withdrawal systems builds up for the existence of a feedback loop between affective and approach/withdrawal systems. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The dorsal subiculum (DSub) has reciprocal connections with the dorsal hippocampus, and these regions play a role in spatial representation in contextual fear conditioning (CFC). Recently, we used AP5 and muscimol infusions to show that the DSub is required for CFC consolidation. The CFC component can be present in other learning tasks, such as step-through inhibitory avoidance (ST IA), which requires the dorsal hippocampus for acquisition and consolidation. This suggests that the DSub may be also involved in ST IA if the CFC component of the protocol is strong enough. Therefore, this study tested whether the DSub participates in ST IA acquisition and consolidation in male Wistar rats. Our data showed that pre-or posttraining infusions of AP5 or muscimol into the DSub did not affect ST IA acquisition and consolidation. We discuss the present results in relation to our previous findings, which showed the involvement of the DSub in CFC consolidation, and highlight some reasons that may explain the divergent results between the tasks. First, we note the possibility to escape from the unconditioned stimulus that occurs in ST IA, but not in CFC. We also suggest that the instrumental component of ST IA seems to be more prominent than the CFC one. Finally, we consider the possible influence of aspects of anxiety present in the ST IA, but not in CFC. These possible interpretations provide a broad framework in respect of the present results and raise new questions that demand further studies exploring the DSub function in inhibitory avoidance. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Persistent alcohol use despite negative consequences is a key feature of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and is typically assessed using punishment in animal models. This study examined relapse-like behavior in male and female alcohol-preferring iP rats following punishment-imposed voluntary abstinence to alcohol seeking. We focused on alcohol seeking in the punishment-associated environment after prolonged abstinence. Finally, we sought to understand the predictability of relapse-like behavior by examining AUD comorbidities, namely, anxiety-like behavior and the response to repeated, moderate punishment. We found no sex differences in operant self-administration of alcohol. However, we did find a reduced propensity to relapse in the punishment-associated environment in female rats following prolonged abstinence. Relapse propensity was associated with the response to punishment during operant training, but not prior anxiety-like behavior. Together these results highlight the importance of studying sex differences in relapse to alcohol seeking. In addition, the behavioral response to a negative consequence may be a predictor of relapse, particularly in females. Improving our understanding of the sexually dimorphic responses in alcohol seeking may be a powerful tool for designing personalized, or at least sex-specific, approaches to treatment and rehabilitation programs. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Conditioned orienting response (OR) is a form of cue-directed behavior thought to indicate increased attentional and/or motivational processing of reward-associated stimuli. OR as a phenotype has been shown to predict both direct drug proclivity in female rats and behaviors indirectly related to drug proclivity in male rats, but no extant research has compared males and females in terms of their OR behavior or its notable substrates. As females are at increased risk for substance abuse, and the ovarian hormone estradiol is often cited as a driving factor for this predilection, it is important to characterize sex differences between males and females and explore what, if any, contribution estradiol has in behaviors which predict substance abuse. In these experiments, male and female rats [intact or ovariectomized (OVX) with/without estradiol replacement] were compared on a battery of behavioral tasks, including OR, novelty-seeking, attentional set-shifting, and ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) to amphetamine treatment. Female rats, regardless of estradiol replacement, had higher OR scores than males. OR score was a predictor of attention impairments, and estradiol availability contributed to this relationship in females. Sex differences were not observed in novelty-seeking, attentional set-shifting, or USV response to amphetamine; however, estradiol replacement did alter the presentation of these behaviors. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Naturalistic stimuli (e.g., movies) provide the opportunity to study lifelike experiences in the lab. While young adults respond to these stimuli in a highly synchronized manner [as indexed by intersubject correlations (ISC) in their neural activity], older adults respond more idiosyncratically. Here, we examine whether eye-movement synchrony (eye-ISC) also declines with age during movie-watching and whether it relates to memory for the movie. Our results show no age-related decline in eye-ISC, suggesting that age differences in neural ISC are not caused by differences in viewing patterns. Both age groups recalled the same number of episodic details from the movie, but older adults recalled proportionally fewer episodic details due to their greater output of semantic and false information. In both age groups, higher eye-ISC related to a higher proportion of internal details and a lower proportion of false information being recalled. Finally, both older and younger adults showed better cued recall for cues taken from within the same event than those spanning an event boundary, further confirming that events are stored in long-term memory as discrete units with stronger associations within than across event boundaries. Taken together, these findings suggest that naturalistic stimuli drive perception in a similar way in younger and older adults, but age differences in neural synchrony further up the information processing stream may contribute to subtle differences in event memory. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Reports an error in „Older adults consider others’ intentions less but allocentric outcomes more than young adults during an ultimatum game” by Isu Cho, Hyun-joo Song, Hackjin Kim and Sunhae Sul (Psychology and Aging, 2020[Nov], Vol 35[7], 974-980). In the original article, there was a typographical error in the grant number awarded to Hyun-joo Song. The correct grant number is NRF-2018S1A3A2075114. The online version of this article has been corrected. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2020-68198-001). The present research investigated age-related differences in other-regarding preferences-the preference for taking others’ benefit into account during social decision-making-between young and elderly adults. Young and older Korean adults responded to multiple rounds of a mini-ultimatum game, and the extent to which each individual considered outcome and intention was quantified using economic utility models. We found that older adults, compared to young adults, were less likely to consider others’ intentions, while focusing more on others’ outcomes. Possible psychological factors underlying our findings, including theory of mind, prosocial values, and decision strategies, are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).What are the consequences for older adults who confront ageism and the perpetrators who engage in ageist behaviors? We compared young (n = 265), middle-aged (n = 338), and older adults’ (n = 235) impressions of an older target and the perpetrator of an ageist action. Participants read a vignette about a pedestrian offering unwanted help to an older woman crossing the street. We manipulated the type of ageism (benevolent or hostile), the reaction of the older target (acceptance, moderate confrontation, or strong confrontation) and assessed perceptions of perpetrator appropriateness and how evaluations of warmth, competence, and overall impression of the target changed over time. The perpetrator’s act of benevolent ageism was perceived to be more appropriate than hostile ageism, and middle-aged and older adult participants reported the benevolent act to be more acceptable than young participants. This finding supports an age stereotype assimilation account. For target perceptions, accepting a hostile ageist behavior led to lower warmth and competence ratings but accepting benevolent ageism reduced warmth but not competence evaluations. Age differences in target perceptions were predicted by social identity theory, in that older adults rated the older target more positively overall. Perceptions of targets who confronted varied by type of ageism and the intensity of the confrontation. When participants perceived the target’s reaction to be disproportionate to the ageist act, the target was viewed more negatively overall. The findings suggest that ageism directed toward older adults is perceived to be normative by adults of all ages and that confrontations of ageist behavior result in negative perceptions of the older target. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Subjective age discordance (SAD) captures the difference between how old one feels and how old one would ideally like to be. We investigated the presence, strength, and fluctuation of this discordance in daily life as well as its relationship to various indicators of physical and psychological well-being with an 8-day diary study. Participants were 116 older and 107 younger adults who completed daily measures of felt age, ideal age, positive and negative affect, physical symptoms, and stressors. We operationalized SAD as felt age minus ideal age divided by chronological age and compared the utility of this discordance to the more established proportional discrepancy of felt age from chronological age. Daily SAD was present in both age groups, such that individuals idealized younger ages than they felt. This discordance was larger in older than younger adults, although younger adults exhibited more daily fluctuations in SAD. Within-person increases in SAD were associated with lower positive affect, whereas larger SAD at the between-person level was associated with more physical symptoms and stressors. These relationships were over and above the associations of felt and chronological age with the outcomes suggesting the utility of daily SAD for understanding daily physical and psychological well-being. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).