Hendriksen Jernigan opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu
05. For horses galloping on the correct lead, DF was higher for the inside (lead) leg on the straight and on the curve. For horses galloping on the incorrect lead, there was no difference in DF between inside and outside legs on the straight or on the curve. DF decreased by 0.61% of DF with each 1 m s-2 increase in centripetal acceleration (p less then 0.001). Whole limb inclination angle increased by 1.5° per 1 m s-1 increase in speed (p = 0.002). Limb lean angles increase as predicted, and lead limb function mirrors the functional requirements for curve running. A more comprehensive understanding of the effects of lean and torque on the distal limb is required to understand injury mechanisms.Despite being a priority population in malaria elimination, there is scant literature on malaria-related behavior among gold miners. This study explores the prevalence and factors influencing malaria prevention, care seeking and treatment behaviors in Guyana gold mining camps. A cross sectional survey was conducted among adult gold miners living in mining camps in the hinterland Regions 1 (Barima-Waini), 7 (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), and 8 (Potaro-Siparuni). Multivariable logistic regressions explored factors associated with miners’ self-report of mosquito net use, prompt care-seeking; self-medication; and testing for malaria. A third of miners used a mosquito net the night preceding the survey and net use was higher among those who believed that net use was the norm in their camp (aOR 3.11; 95% CI1.65, 5.88). Less than half (45%) of miners had a fever in the past 12 months, among whom 36% sought care promptly, 48% tested positive for malaria while 54% self-medicated before seeking care. Prompt care-seeking was higher remote gold mining populations. These include efforts to identify and address gaps in distributing mosquito nets to miners and address miners’ barriers to prompt care seeking, malaria testing and treatment adherence. Targeted social and behavior change messaging is needed on net acquisition, use and care, prompt care-seeking, malaria testing and treatment adherence. Additional efforts to ensure the overall sustainability of the community case management initiative include increased publicity of the community case management initiative among miners, use of incentives to promote retention rates among the community case management volunteer testers and public private partnerships between the Guyana Ministry of Health and relevant mining organizations.The CRISPR/Cas9 system is an efficient genome editing tool that possesses the outstanding advantages of simplicity and high efficiency. Genome-wide identification and specificity analysis of editing sites is an effective approach for mitigating the risk of off-target effects of CRISPR/Cas9 and has been applied in several plant species but has not yet been reported in pepper. In present study, we first identified genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites based on the 'Zunla-1′ reference genome and then evaluated the specificity of CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites through whole-genome alignment. Results showed that a total of 603,202,314 CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites, including 229,909,837 (~38.11%) NGG-PAM sites and 373,292,477 (~61.89%) NAG-PAM sites, were detectable in the pepper genome, and the systematic characterization of their composition and distribution was performed. Furthermore, 29,623,855 highly specific NGG-PAM sites were identified through whole-genome alignment analysis. There were 26,699,38 (~90.13%) highly specific NGG-PAM sites located in intergenic regions, which was 9.13 times of the number in genic regions, but the average density in genic regions was higher than that in intergenic regions. More importantly, 34,251 (~96.93%) out of 35,336 annotated genes exhibited at least one highly specific NGG-PAM site in their exons, and 90.50% of the annotated genes exhibited at least 4 highly specific NGG- PAM sites, indicating that the set of highly specific CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites identified in this study was widely applicable and conducive to the minimization of the off-target effects of CRISPR/Cas9 in pepper.
Following the adoption of the World Health Assembly Resolution WHA 65.21 and Neglected Tropical Diseases road map 2021-2030, schistosomiasis control programmes have shifted from morbidity control to disease elimination. However, several gaps continue to be observed in the implementation of control programmes with certain age groups omitted from these campaigns increasing health inequalities and risks of reinfections to previously treated groups. We used the Inverse Variance Heterogeneity (IVhet) model to estimate the prevalence of schistosomiasis infection among preschool-aged children.
We did a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature on schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa for the period January 1, 2000 to November 30, 2020. Quantitative data for cases of schistosomiasis infection were extracted, including country and region where the studies were done, year of publication and specific schistosome species observed. The IVhet model was used to estimate the pooled prevalence estimate (PPE), the hete prolonged schistosome infection.
Schistosomiasis infection among pre-school aged children 6 years old and below is high. This indicates the importance of including this age group in treatment programmes to reduce infection prevalence and long-term morbidities associated with prolonged schistosome infection.Species distribution monitoring and biomass assessment are crucial for fishery management and resource conservation. However, traditional methods such as motor trawling are costly and less effective than the novel environmental DNA (eDNA) approach. This study employs eDNA approach to investigate horizontal and vertical distributions of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis), an economically important species, in the East China Sea. The analysis of 171 eDNA samples collected from 44 stations using the species-specific primers and Taqman probe suggests a presence of small yellow croaker at 28 sampling layers in 44 stations. Significant differences in croaker eDNA concentrations were revealed among sampling stations and layers, consistent with previous findings through motor-trawl capture offshore and nearshore ichthyoplakton surveys, indicating small yellow croaker exhibits strong regional distribution and layer preference. In addition, we found a high eDNA concentration of small yellow croaker in the surface waters beyond the motor-trawl prohibition line, which confirms spawning grounds have been expanded from nearshore to offshore areas. Such expansion of spawning grounds could be a response by small yellow croaker to stressors such as overfishing, climate change, and nearshore environment contamination. To identify environmental variables potentially associated with small yellow croaker presence and absence, we conducted a correlation analysis between eDNA concentration and environmental variables, and the results provide a guideline for further investigation of fishery resources in the future. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the power of the eDNA approach in monitoring small yellow croaker at extensive geographic scales. The developed protocols and the findings are expected to assist in long-term monitoring and protection programs and benefit sustainable fishery in small yellow croaker.In this work, the effect of the inoculation of silver-incorporated titanium dioxide nanoparticles (Ag-TiO2 NPs) in spinach seeds was evaluated on certain growth, physiology and phytotoxicity parameters of the plants. This is an important crop for human consumption with high nutritional value due to their low calorie and fat content, providing various vitamins and minerals, especially iron. These NPs were obtained by means of the sol-gel method and heat treatment; the resulting powder material was characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy and the influence of these NPs on plants was measured by estimating the germination rate, monitoring morphological parameters and evaluating phytotoxicity. The photosynthetic activity of the spinach plants was estimated through the quantification of the Ratio of Oxygen Evolution (ROE) by the photoacoustic technique. Samples of TiO2 powder with particle size between 9 and 43 nm were used to quantify the germination rate, which served to determine a narrower size range between 7 and 26 nm in the experiments with Ag-TiO2 NPs; the presence of Ag in TiO2 powder samples was confirmed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The analysis of variance showed that the dependent variable (plant growth) could be affected by the evaluated factors (concentration and size) with significant differences. The statistical trend indicated that the application of the Ag-TiO2 NPs suspension of lowest concentration and smallest particle size could be a promoting agent of the growth and development of these plants. The inoculation with NPs of 8.3 nm size and lowest concentration was related to the highest average ROE value, 24.6 ± 0.2%, while the control group was 20.2 ± 0.2%. The positive effect of the Ag-TiO2 NPs treatment could be associated to the generation of reactive oxygen species, antimicrobial activity, increased biochemical attributes, enzymatic activity or improvements in water absorption.
Carboplatin is a potent cytoreductive agent for a variety of solid tumors. However, when delivered systemically, clinical efficacy for the treatment of high grade gliomas is poor due to limited penetration across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Direct intracerebral (IC) convection-enhanced delivery (CED) of carboplatin has been used to bypass the BBB and successfully treat the F98 rat glioma. Based on these studies, we initiated a Phase I clinical trial.
This Phase I clinical trial was conducted to establish the maximum tolerated dose and define the toxicity profile of carboplatin delivered intracerebrally via convection enhanced delivery (CED) for patients with high grade glial neoplasms.
Cohorts of 3 patients with recurrent WHO grade III or IV gliomas were treated with escalating doses of CED carboplatin (1-4 μg in 54mL over 72 hours) delivered via catheters placed at the time of recurrent tumor resection. The primary outcome measure was determination of the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). Secondary outc. Further studies are needed to determine the maximum tolerated dose and potential efficacy.
Catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) is frequently used as an indicator of financial protection. CHE exists when health expenditure exceeds a certain threshold of household consumption. Although CHE is reported to have declined in Kenya, it is still unacceptably high and disproportionately affects the poor. This study examines the socioeconomic factors that contribute to inequalities in CHE as well as the change in these inequalities over time in Kenya.
We used data from the Kenya household health expenditure and utilisation (KHHEUS) surveys in 2007 and 2013. The concertation index was used to measure the socioeconomic inequalities in CHE. Using the Wagstaff (2003) approach, we decomposed the concentration index of CHE to assess the relative contribution of its determinants. We applied Oaxaca-type decomposition to assess the change in CHE inequalities over time and the factors that explain it.
The findings show that while there was a decline in the incidence of CHE, inequalities in CHE increased from -0.