• Bass Dreyer opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu

    0 ± 4.2mmol/mol, respectively). In unadjusted and minimally adjusted regression, arteriolar to venular ratio, arteriolar tortuosity and venular tortuosity were significantly associated with diabetes (minimally adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.85; 95% confidence intervals [CIs] 0.73, 0.99; P = 0.04, OR = 1.18; 95% CI 1.02, 1.37; P = 0.03 and OR = 1.20; 95% CI 1.04, 1.38; P = 0.01, respectively), although all failed to remain significant following adjustment for potential confounders. No additional associations between other RMPs and diabetes were detected.

    Despite previously reported associations between diabetes and RMPs, our study failed to corroborate these associations in an older community-based cohort.

    Despite previously reported associations between diabetes and RMPs, our study failed to corroborate these associations in an older community-based cohort.Understanding the dynamics of brain-scale functional networks at rest and during cognitive tasks is the subject of intense research efforts to unveil fundamental principles of brain functions. To estimate these large-scale brain networks, the emergent method called „electroencephalography (EEG) source connectivity” has generated increasing interest in the network neuroscience community, due to its ability to identify cortical brain networks with satisfactory spatio-temporal resolution, while reducing mixing and volume conduction effects. However, no consensus has been reached yet regarding a unified EEG source connectivity pipeline, and several methodological issues have to be carefully accounted to avoid pitfalls. Thus, a validation toolbox that provides flexible „ground truth” models is needed for an objective methods/parameters evaluation and, thereby an optimization of the EEG source connectivity pipeline. In this paper, we show how a recently developed large-scale model of brain-scale activity, named COAd approach can be successfully applied to other experimental questions/contexts. We aim at presenting a proof-of-concept of the interest of COALIA in the network neuroscience field, and its potential use in optimizing the EEG source-space network estimation pipeline.N-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) were fabricated in a simple procedure by hydrothermal treatment of cellobiose and urea. When excited at 235 nm or 327 nm, only one emission peak at around 420 nm has been observed. With the addition of phosalone, the excitation band at 235 nm was efficiently quenched within 1 min, while the excitation band at 327 nm showed little change. Accordingly, the fluorescence of the N-CDs-phosalone mixture showed quenching under 254-nm UV light, while nearly no fluorescence quenching could be observed under 365-nm UV light. This phenomenon provides a novel anti-false-positive mechanism for phosalone identification. Therefore, the label-free ratiometric sensor for rapid, naked-eye, and anti-false-positive detection of phosalone was proposed for the first time based on the intrinsic dual-excitation N-CDs. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the linear ranges of the excitation-based ratiometric assay were 0.08~4.0 μg/mL and 4.0~14.0 μg/mL; the limit of detection was 28.5 ng/mL. The as-constructed sensor was applied to detect phosalone residue in actual samples, and results were compared with the standard gas chromatographic (GC) method. The recoveries of the established sensor were between 90.0% and 110.0% with RSD lower than 6.6%, while that for the GC method was between 92.5% and 113.0% with RSD lower than 5.8%. Results reveal that the accuracy (recovery) and precision (RSD) of the as-constructed method are comparable to the standard GC method. In this paper, dual-excitation N-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) were synthesized by a simply one-step hydrothermal method for the first time. The novel dual-excitation ratiometric sensor based on the sole intrinsic N-CDs was constructed for phosalone sensing.Brain tissue deformation resulting from head impacts is primarily caused by rotation and can lead to traumatic brain injury. To quantify brain injury risk based on measurements of kinematics on the head, finite element (FE) models and various brain injury criteria based on different factors of these kinematics have been developed, but the contribution of different kinematic factors has not been comprehensively analyzed across different types of head impacts in a data-driven manner. To better design brain injury criteria, the predictive power of rotational kinematics factors, which are different in (1) the derivative order (angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular jerk), (2) the direction and (3) the power (e.g., square-rooted, squared, cubic) of the angular velocity, were analyzed based on different datasets including laboratory impacts, American football, mixed martial arts (MMA), NHTSA automobile crashworthiness tests and NASCAR crash events. Ordinary least squares regressions were built from kinematics factors to the 95% maximum principal strain (MPS95), and we compared zero-order correlation coefficients, structure coefficients, commonality analysis, and dominance analysis. The angular acceleration, the magnitude and the first power factors showed the highest predictive power for the majority of impacts including laboratory impacts, American football impacts, with few exceptions (angular velocity for MMA and NASCAR impacts). The predictive power of rotational kinematics about three directions (x posterior-to-anterior, y left-to-right, z superior-to-inferior) of kinematics varied with different sports and types of head impacts.White blood cell (WBC) and neutrophil counts are important laboratory tests used by clinicians to assess a variety of conditions. However, current methods to measure WBC and neutrophil counts are difficult to perform at the point of care, being either cost or labor prohibitive. To meet this need, we developed the LeukoScope a portable, imaging-based system to measure WBC and neutrophil counts from a drop of blood. Here, we present the performance of the LeukoScope in 136 pediatric and 164 neonatal subjects at a central hospital in Malawi. For pediatric patients, 95.4, 66.7, and 80.0% of samples with normal, low, and high WBC counts, respectively, were correctly identified, and 88.6, 100.0, and 89.3% of samples with normal, low, and high neutrophil counts, respectively, were correctly identified. Accuracy was lower overall for neonatal samples; 92.1, 64.3, and 26.7% of samples with normal, low, and high WBC counts, respectively, were correctly identified, and 73.2 and 78.6% of samples with normal and high neutrophil counts, respectively, were correctly identified. Results of this study show that the LeukoScope can help meet need for point-of-care measurement of WBC counts in pediatric patients and highlight the challenges of point-of-care assessment of WBC counts in neonatal patients.Partition coefficients quantify a molecule’s distribution between two immiscible liquid phases. While there are many methods to compute them, there is not yet a method based on the free energy of each system in terms of energy and entropy, where entropy depends on the probability distribution of all quantum states of the system. Here we test a method in this class called Energy Entropy Multiscale Cell Correlation (EE-MCC) for the calculation of octanol-water logP values for 22 N-acyl sulfonamides in the SAMPL7 Physical Properties Challenge (Statistical Assessment of the Modelling of Proteins and Ligands). EE-MCC logP values have a mean error of 1.8 logP units versus experiment and a standard error of the mean of 1.0 logP units for three separate calculations. These errors are primarily due to getting sufficiently converged energies to give accurate differences of large numbers, particularly for the large-molecule solvent octanol. However, this is also an issue for entropy, and approximations in the force field and MCC theory also contribute to the error. Unique to MCC is that it explains the entropy contributions over all the degrees of freedom of all molecules in the system. A gain in orientational entropy of water is the main favourable entropic contribution, supported by small gains in solute vibrational and orientational entropy but offset by unfavourable changes in the orientational entropy of octanol, the vibrational entropy of both solvents, and the positional and conformational entropy of the solute.Within the scope of SAMPL7 challenge for predicting physical properties, the Integral Equation Formalism of the Miertus-Scrocco-Tomasi (IEFPCM/MST) continuum solvation model has been used for the blind prediction of n-octanol/water partition coefficients and acidity constants of a set of 22 and 20 sulfonamide-containing compounds, respectively. The log P and pKa were computed using the B3LPYP/6-31G(d) parametrized version of the IEFPCM/MST model. The performance of our method for partition coefficients yielded a root-mean square error of 1.03 (log P units), placing this method among the most accurate theoretical approaches in the comparison with both globally (rank 8th) and physical (rank 2nd) methods. On the other hand, the deviation between predicted and experimental pKa values was 1.32 log units, obtaining the second best-ranked submission. Though this highlights the reliability of the IEFPCM/MST model for predicting the partitioning and the acid dissociation constant of drug-like compounds compound, the results are discussed to identify potential weaknesses and improve the performance of the method.

    Right ventricular (RV) function is increasingly recognized for its prognostic value in many disease states. As with the left ventricle (LV), strain-based measurements may have better prognostic value than typical chamber volumes or ejection fraction. Complete functional characterization of the RV requires high-resolution, 3D displacement tracking methods, which have been prohibitively challenging to implement. Zonal excitation during Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has helped reduce scan time for 2D LV strain quantification. We hypothesized that zonal excitation could alternatively be used to reproducibly acquire higher resolution, 3D-encoded DENSE images for quantification of bi-ventricular strain within a single breath-hold.

    We modified sequence parameters for a 3D zonal excitation DENSE sequence to achieve in-plane resolution < 2 mm and acquired two sets of images in eight healthy adult male volunteers with median (IQR) age 32.5 (32.0-33.8) years. We assessed the inter-test reproducibility of this technique, and compared computed strains and torsion with previously published data.

    Data for one subject was excluded based on image artifacts. Reproducibility for LV (CoV 6.1-9.0%) and RV normal strains (CoV 6.3-8.2%) and LV torsion (CoV = 7.1%) were all very good. Reproducibility of RV torsion was lower (CoV = 16.7%), but still within acceptable limits. Computed global strains and torsion were within reasonable agreement with published data, but further studies in larger cohorts are needed to confirm.

    Reproducible acquisition of 3D-encoded biventricular myocardial strain data in a breath-hold is feasible using DENSE with zonal excitation.

    Reproducible acquisition of 3D-encoded biventricular myocardial strain data in a breath-hold is feasible using DENSE with zonal excitation.

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