• Holcomb Egan opublikował 7 miesięcy, 1 tydzień temu

    Wearable technology refers to any sensor worn on the person, making continuous and remote monitoring available to many people with chronic disease, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Daily monitoring seems an ideal solution either as an outcome measure or as an adjunct to support rater-based monitoring in both clinical and research settings. There has been an increase in solutions that are available, yet there is little consensus on the most appropriate solution to use in either MS research or clinical practice. We completed a scoping review (using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines) to summarise the wearable solutions available in MS, to identify those approaches that could potentially be utilised in clinical trials, by evaluating the following scalability, cost, patient adaptability and accuracy. We identified 35 unique products that measure gait, cognition, upper limb function, activity, mood and fatigue, with most of these solutions being phone applications.

    The development of tailored recovery-oriented strategies in multiple sclerosis requires early identification of an individual’s potential for functional recovery.

    To identify predictors of visuomotor performance improvements, a proxy of functional recovery, using a predictive statistical model that combines demographic, clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.

    Right-handed multiple sclerosis patients underwent baseline disability assessment and MRI of the brain structure, function and vascular health. They subsequently undertook 4 weeks of right upper limb visuomotor practice. Changes in performance with practice were our outcome measure. We identified predictors of improvement in a

    of patients using lasso regression; we calculated the best performing model in a

    and applied this model to a

    Patients improved their visuomotor performance with practice. Younger age, better visuomotor abilities, less severe disease burden and concurrent use of preventive treatments predicted improvements. Neuroimaging localised outcome-relevant sensory motor regions, the microstructure and activity of which correlated with performance improvements.

    Initial characteristics, including age, disease duration, visuo-spatial abilities, hand dexterity, self-evaluated disease impact and the presence of disease-modifying treatments, can predict functional recovery in individual patients, potentially improving their clinical management and stratification in clinical trials. MRI is a correlate of outcome, potentially supporting individual prognosis.

    Initial characteristics, including age, disease duration, visuo-spatial abilities, hand dexterity, self-evaluated disease impact and the presence of disease-modifying treatments, can predict functional recovery in individual patients, potentially improving their clinical management and stratification in clinical trials. MRI is a correlate of outcome, potentially supporting individual prognosis.No-till or direct seeding can be described as seeding directly into the crop stubble from the previous season without use of tillage. A reduction in tillage can result in many benefits, including increased soil organic matter, increased water holding capacity, and reduced fuel costs. However, the effect of no-till and reduced tillage on crop root disease profiles is poorly understood. To study the effect of tillage on disease dynamics, soil samples were collected from commercial wheat fields representing a wide range of tillage strategies in fall 2016 and fall 2017. Because precipitation might affect soilborne diseases, wheat fields located across a diverse gradient of precipitation zones of the dryland Pacific Northwest were selected. Fusarium spp., Pythium spp., and Rhizoctonia spp. were quantified from soil samples using soil dilution plating and quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays. Results of dilution plating showed that the colony counts of Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia at the genus level were negatively associated with tillage. However, the same patterns were not observed when specific causal agents of Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia that are known to be pathogenic on wheat were quantified with qPCR. Furthermore, precipitation affected the population density of some fungal pathogens (F. culmorum, P. ultimum, and R. solani AG 8). Within the scope of inference of this study, results of this study indicate that the benefits of adopting reduced tillage likely outweigh potential risk for increased root disease.Bacterial wilt (BW) disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum species complex is a devastating plant disease that inflicts heavy losses to the large number of economic host plants it infects. In this study, the potential of dried powder of the arid-land medicinal shrub Rhazya stricta to control BW of tomato was explored. Both, in vitro and in planta studies were conducted, using different concentrations of dried powder of plant parts, and applied (surface mulched or mixed) to infested soil at 0, 10, and 20 days before transplanting (DBT). Aqueous extract of leaves (16% w/v) was found to be as effective as streptomycin (100 ppm) in inhibiting the in vitro growth of R. solanacearum. As evident from the scanning electron micrograph, 16% aqueous extract of leaves produced severe morphological changes, such as rupture of the bacterial cell walls. Results from the greenhouse experiments demonstrated that the higher powder dose (succulent shoot), namely, 30 g/kg of soil mixed with infested soil 20 DBT, was found to be the most effective in controlling BW. It increased root length (cm), shoot length (cm), and plant fresh biomass (g) by 55, 42, and 40%, respectively, over control plants. Mixing of plant powder with the artificially infested (35 ml of 108 CFU/ml per kilogram of soil) pot soil was better than surface mulching. The 30 g/kg of soil dose mixed with soil increased root length (cm), shoot length (cm), and plant fresh biomass (g) of treated plants by 67, 36, and 46%, respectively, over control plants. A 37% decrease in disease severity over the control was observed with drench application of 30 g of powder per kilogram of soil applied once at 20 DBT. Our results indicated that the dried powder (30 g/kg of soil) of leaves or succulent shoots of R. stricta, thoroughly mixed with soil, 20 DBT, could act as an effective control method against BW.Regional air quality models are widely being used to understand the spatial extent and magnitude of the ozone non-attainment problem and to design emission control strategies needed to comply with the relevant ozone standard through direct emission perturbations. In this study, we examine the manageable portion of ground-level ozone using two simulations of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for the year 2010 and a probabilistic analysis approach involving 29 years (1990-2018) of historical ozone observations. The modeling results reveal that the reduction in the peak ozone levels from total elimination of anthropogenic emissions within the model domain is around 13-21 ppb for the 90th-100th percentile range of the daily maximum 8-hr ozone concentrations across the contiguous United States (CONUS). Large reductions in the 4th highest 8-hr ozone are seen in the regions of West (interquartile range (IQR) of 17-33%), South (IQR 22-34%), Central (IQR 19-31%), Southeast (IQR 25-34%), and Northeast (lution levels. Regional-scale air quality models are currently being used routinely to inform policies to identify the emissions reduction required to meet and maintain the NAAQS throughout the country. This paper examines the feasibility of the 4th highest ozone, which is used to derive the ozone design value for NAAQS, complying with various current and hypothetical 8-hr ozone thresholds over CONUS based on the information embedded in 29 years of historical ozone observations and two modeling scenarios with and without anthropogenic emissions loading.The development of delivery vehicles for small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) remains a bottleneck to widespread clinical use. Cationic polymers represent an important class of potential delivery vehicles. In this study, we used alkyne-azide click chemistry to synthesize a variety of cationic poly(propargyl glycolide) backbone polymers to bind and deliver siRNAs. We demonstrated control over the binding interactions of these polymers and siRNAs by varying binding strength by more than three orders of magnitude. Binding strength was found to meet or exceed that of commercially available transfection agents. Our polymers effectively delivered siRNAs with no detectable cytotoxicity. Despite accumulation of siRNAs at levels comparable with commercial reagents, we did not observe silencing of the targeted protein. The implications of our results for future siRNA delivery vehicle design are discussed.Collecting large numbers of rare cells for high-throughput molecular analysis remains a technical challenge, primarily due to limitations in existing technologies. In developmental biology this has impeded single-cell analysis of primordial organs, which derive from few cells. In this study, we share novel transgenic lines for rapid cell enrichment from zebrafish embryos using human surface antigens for immunological binding and magnetic sorting. As proof of principle, we tagged, enriched, and performed single-cell RNA sequencing on nascent hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and endothelial cells from early embryos. Our method is a quick, efficient, and cost-effective approach to a previously intractable problem.Industrial workshops or any other industrial premises where noisy machines are operated should be as acoustically absorbent as possible. On the other hand, acoustic treatments are expensive (especially when correcting existing premises), messy, and not always compatible with the implemented production processes. Therefore, there is a need for acoustic specifications to find the best compromise between cost and efficiency. In France, for noisy industrial workshops to be compliant, the regulation requires the rate of decay of sound per distance doubling (DL2) to exceed compulsory limit values, unless this does not have a significant impact on workers’ exposure to noise. However, that rate of decay is difficult and time consuming to evaluate. The purpose of this paper is to provide recommendations based on reverberation time (RT), which is not only easier to measure but is also widely used. The D2L values are conventionally measured in industrial workshops together with RT values and thus a database compiling both RT and DL2 values was available. It has been used to draw up reference limits for RT values consistent with the DL2 regulation limits. These reference limits were validated by comparison with the literature and with a new set of data collected specially for the purposes of performing that comparison. The final limits are divided into four categories compliant/non-compliant, for furnished/empty industrial workshops, using a 95/99% confidence interval. They are intended to enable the acoustic treatment of a workshop to be evaluated using a simple metric, either at the design stage or for monitoring or occupational inspection purposes.

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