• Holcomb Egan opublikował 7 miesięcy temu

    Drug-target Interactions (DTIs) prediction plays a central role in drug discovery. Computational methods in DTIs prediction have gotten more attention because carrying out in vitro and in vivo experiments on a large scale is costly and time-consuming. Machine learning methods, especially deep learning, are widely applied to DTIs prediction. In this study, the main goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of deep learning-based DTIs prediction approaches. Here, we investigate the existing approaches from multiple perspectives. We explore these approaches to find out which deep network architectures are utilized to extract features from drug compound and protein sequences. Also, the advantages and limitations of each architecture are analyzed and compared. Moreover, we explore the process of how to combine descriptors for drug and protein features. Likewise, a list of datasets that are commonly used in DTIs prediction is investigated. Finally, current challenges are discussed and a short future outlook of deep learning in DTI prediction is given.Spider silks have received extensive attention from scientists and industries around the world because of their remarkable mechanical properties, which include high tensile strength and extensibility. It is a leading-edge biomaterial resource, with a wide range of potential applications. Spider silks are composed of silk proteins, which are usually very large molecules, yet many silk proteins still remain largely underexplored. While there are numerous reviews on spider silks from diverse perspectives, here we provide a most up-to-date overview of the spider silk component protein family in terms of its molecular structure, evolution, hydrophobicity, and biomedical applications. Given the confusion regarding spidroin naming, we emphasize the need for coherent and consistent nomenclature for spidroins and provide recommendations for preexisting spidroin names that are inconsistent with nomenclature. We then review recent advances in the components, identification, and structures of spidroin genes. We next discuss the hydrophobicity of spidroins, with particular attention on the unique aquatic spider silks. Aquatic spider silks are less known but may inspire innovation in biomaterials. Furthermore, we provide new insights into antimicrobial peptides from spider silk glands. Finally, we present possibilities for future uses of spider silks.It is well known that hearing loss compromises auditory scene analysis abilities, as is usually manifested in difficulties of understanding speech in noise. Remarkably little is known about auditory scene analysis of hearing-impaired (HI) listeners when it comes to musical sounds. Specifically, it is unclear to which extent HI listeners are able to hear out a melody or an instrument from a musical mixture. Here, we tested a group of younger normal-hearing (yNH) and older HI (oHI) listeners with moderate hearing loss in their ability to match short melodies and instruments presented as part of mixtures. Four-tone sequences were used in conjunction with a simple musical accompaniment that acted as a masker (cello/piano dyads or spectrally matched noise). In each trial, a signal-masker mixture was presented, followed by two different versions of the signal alone. Listeners indicated which signal version was part of the mixture. Signal versions differed either in terms of the sequential order of the pitch sequence or in terms of timbre (flute vs. trumpet). Signal-to-masker thresholds were measured by varying the signal presentation level in an adaptive two-down/one-up procedure. We observed that thresholds of oHI listeners were elevated by on average 10 dB compared with that of yNH listeners. In contrast to yNH listeners, oHI listeners did not show evidence of listening in dips of the masker. Musical training of participants was associated with a lowering of thresholds. These results may indicate detrimental effects of hearing loss on central aspects of musical scene perception.

    To examine associations between parents and adolescent and young adult (AYA) childhood cancer survivors’ (CCS) mental health, and differences by Hispanic ethnicity.

    Participants were 129 CCS (M

    = 19.5 yrs.; 49.9% female) and their parents (M

    = 49.0 yrs.; 87.6% female); 52.7% identified as Hispanic.

    CCS completed assessments of Depressive Symptoms (CES-D), Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) and Pediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL), while parents completed CES-D, Perceived Stress (PSS) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) measures.

    After controlling for covariates, all three negative parental mental health measures (Parent CES-D, PSS, and PTSD), were positively associated with CCS CES-D indicating that higher depressive symptoms and stress in parents was associated with higher depressive symptoms in CCS. Parent CES-D was negatively associated with CCS PedsQL and parent PSS was negatively associated with CCS PTG. Moderation analysis revealed parent PSS to be negatively associated with PedsQL and positively related to CES-D among Hispanic families only.

    Higher parental negative mental health measures may adversely affect CCS levels of depression, while lower values for parental negative health measures were associated with positive CCS mental health outcomes in AYA. Hispanic parents experience more associations with stress than non-Hispanics.

    Long-term survivorship follow-up care guidelines should address the mental health needs of both parents and CCS, paying particular attention to perceived stress in Hispanic families.

    Long-term survivorship follow-up care guidelines should address the mental health needs of both parents and CCS, paying particular attention to perceived stress in Hispanic families.The physical problems associated with fistula result in psychological alteration. This study was aimed to assess whether psychological wellbeing of women with fistula after surgical treatment differ from that of before treatment. Institution-based pre-post follow-up design was conducted. Self-reported incontinence and psychological wellbeing score were assessed. Data were analyzed using Stata 12. Paired t-test and multiple linear regressions were fitted to identify variables correlate with the score difference. In this study, 117 women were interviewed giving response rate of 98.3 percent. Their mean (±sd) age was 27.13 ± 5.37 years. On admission, all women had urinary or fecal incontinence and their mean psychological score was 31.1 (95 percent CI; 30.5-31.6). After treatment, however, 89.7 percent (n = 105) of women reported that they regained continence. Similarly, the mean psychological score has dropped to 18.05 (95 percent CI; 16.4-21.6, p less then .001). Pre-treatment score, normal body weight, regaining continence, and getting counseling service were correlates of score difference. Psychological wellbeing of women with genital fistula was improved drastically after treatment. Establishing a system for early identification and treatment of cases could reduce prolonged psychological alteration.Considerable research has been devoted to understanding and promoting parent-child sexual socialisation. Less attention has been paid to experiences of sibling interactions concerning sex. Drawing on discursive psychology, this study explores how women report interacting about sex and reproduction in their sisterly relationships. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted, using Free Association Narrative Interview technique, with five Black isiXhosa-speaking, middle-aged and working class women in South Africa. Findings show that the participants construct their sisterly interactions concerning sex drawing on three interpretative repertoires silence; safety and secrecy; risk and responsibilisation. The silence repertoire constructs sex talk between sisters as vague and non-viable. Within the safety and secrecy repertoire, sisters are constructed as sharing sexual secrets and providing a safe space for sexual exploration. The risk and responsibilisation repertoire is deployed when understandings of 'proper’ feminine behaviour and sexual purity are breached, with sisters emphasising the importance of avoiding risk and acting responsibly. Thus, alongside encouraging the expression of women’s agency in relation to sexuality, sisters potentially join a patriarchal policing and the shaming of women’s sexuality. These contradictory repertoires have implications for sexual health programmes and interventions targeted at family communication about sex.In 2018, a new practice-based small group learning (PBSGL) pilot initiative was launched in Wales to promote interprofessional learning among different primary care professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the initiative in order to identify its strengths and areas for improvement. Data were collected through focus groups with PBSGL groups in Wales and analysed thematically. Participants generally held positive views of PBSGL and were impressed with the variety and overall relevance of the learning materials, although concern was raised about the relevance of all learning materials to the Welsh context. The interprofessional component was valued for reducing feelings of isolation and all participants were able to contribute to discussions, an outcome helped by existing relationships among group members. Many participants reflected on occasions where they had made changes to their practice as a result of PBSGL activity. Time and funding were cited as potential barriers to continuing participation in PBSGL and there is scope to tailor material more to the context of the healthcare system in Wales.Despite awareness of the role of drug use in shaping sex worker/client interactions, these dynamics remain poorly understood in the context of illicit fentanyl-driven overdose epidemics. This study examined sex workers’ experiences negotiating client interactions amidst a toxic drug supply in Vancouver, Canada. Findings draw from two ethnographic studies. The first, conducted between December 2016 and May 2017, examined the rapid implementation of several low-threshold supervised consumption sites. The second investigated experiences of women accessing a women-only site from May 2017 to June 2018. Data included 200 hours of fieldwork and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 34 street-based sex workers who use illicit drugs. Data were analysed thematically with attention to the risk environment. Participants described providing harm reduction services to clients as a means to reduce overdose-related risks, thus increasing sex workers’ hidden labour. Participants, comments regarding criminalisation and stigma surrounding drug use and sex work indicated a reticence to report overdoses, thereby potentially increasing the risks of overdose-related harms, including death. There is an urgent need for sex worker-led overdose prevention strategies that prioritise health and safety of sex workers and their clients with specific attention to how the criminalisation of particular drugs, practices and people contributes to overdose-related risks.The negative effects of stigma on men living with HIV within gay communities are well-documented. However, few studies have examined the experience of intimacy for men living with HIV as a consequence of the widespread availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This study explores the effect of PrEP adoption on the lives of men living with HIV in one of the first cities that made PrEP widely available, and where adoption had already been in place in treatment trials prior to FDA approval in 2012. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six gay men living with HIV under 40 years old in San Francisco, California. Transcriptions were coded using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Four key themes relevant to experiential changes within the gay community post-PrEP rollout were identified (i) the desire for intimate connection; (ii) remembered experiences of stigma; (iii) men who do not take PrEP are suspect; (iv) and an awareness of the changing meaning of HIV. The findings suggest that, post-PrEP rollout, men living with HIV are experiencing dating, sex and community in ways that reflect a general reduction in the experience of stigma surrounding their HIV status.

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