Kenney Nilsson opublikował 7 miesięcy temu
bserved in intermittent feeding group. Because quality of the synthesized evidence was „low” or „very low”, there is considerable uncertainty about this estimate.
In critically ill adults, continuous feeding was associated with lower overall incidence of feeding intolerance, especially in high gastric volume and aspiration. However, decreased constipation incidence and more calorie intake were observed in intermittent feeding group. Because quality of the synthesized evidence was „low” or „very low”, there is considerable uncertainty about this estimate.
An ageing population has resulted in increased numbers of older adults moving to a nursing home, and the challenges triggered by relocation are highlighted. Various factors are identified to be associated with relocation and psychological adjustment to living in a nursing home. However, no systematic review has synthesised the evidence, and its associated factors remain unclear.
To examine and synthesise the best available evidence on the factors associated with adjustment to living in a care facility.
Systematic review.
Nine electronic databases were searched from database inception to March 2020 Pubmed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, China Wanfang Database, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, Chinese Periodical Full-text Database.
The references listed in the included studies were manually checked. The quality of the eligible studies was assessed using the 11-item checklist of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
A total of 20 d with adjustment to living in a care facility.
An increasing number of qualitative research articles have reported on relatives’ experiences of providing care for individuals displaying suicidal behaviour. To contribute more fully to theory and practice, these reported experiences must be synthesized.
To identify original qualitative studies of relatives’ experiences of providing care for individuals with non-fatal suicidal behaviour and to systematically review and synthesize this research using a meta-ethnographic approach.
Systematic review and meta-ethnography.
Literature searches were undertaken in six bibliographic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Scopus) and limited to peer-reviewed original studies. Eligible studies reported relatives’ experiences of providing care for individuals with suicidal behaviour, published in English or a Scandinavian language.
One reviewer screened the titles, abstracts and full texts and then collaborated with another reviewer on excluding ineligible studies. A two-step strategy es, this negotiated perspective of abnormality got stuck in an impasse. They did not interact with their surroundings in ways that would enable them to renegotiate these fixed views, and this stage was named stuck in abnormality. For other relatives, career movement took place as relatives re-positioned themselves as negotiating an alternative perspective of normalcy in the stage from abnormal to normal.
Interactions with other people facing similar difficulties enabled relatives to shift perspectives and alleviated experiences of distress.
Interactions with other people facing similar difficulties enabled relatives to shift perspectives and alleviated experiences of distress.The hippocampus plays an important role in epilepsy progression even if it is not involved in seizure generalization. We hypothesized that abnormal development of the hippocampus may underlie epileptogenesis. Here we analyzed postnatal development of the hippocampus of Krushinsky-Molodkina (KM) rats, which are the animal model of reflex audiogenic epilepsy. KM rats are genetically prone to audiogenic seizures that are expressed in age-dependent manner. The study was performed on seizure-naïve KM rats at several days of postnatal development (P15, P30, P60, P120). Wistar rats of the corresponding ages were used as a control. We showed that at early stages (P15, P30), the hippocampus of KM rats was characterized by significantly smaller cell population, but the number of proliferated cells was increased in comparison with control Wistar rats. Only at P60 proliferation and the total number of the hippocampal cells reached a level equal to Wistar rats. These data suggest delayed postnatal development of the hippocampus of KM rats. Analysis of apoptosis demonstrated significantly increased number of TUNEL-positive cells in the dentate gyrus (DG) of KM rats at P30 that was accompanied with expression of p53, Bcl-2 and cleaved caspases 3 and 9. Additionally, at all analyzed stages in the hilus of KM rats, the number of new-born glutamatergic cells was significantly increased that suggests formation of hilar ectopic granular cells. Our data suggest that in the case of hereditary epilepsy aberrant neurogenesis may be genetically determined.Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a powerful technique for monitoring illicit drugs of abuse in the community. Here, we report upon a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of methamphetamine based upon the assembly of noble metal core-shell nanoparticles on a bespoke glassy nanofibrous electrospun paper matrix. The hierarchical structure of the fibrous paper, modified with the synthesized Au@Ag core-shells (Au@Ag) gave strong SERS signalling, enabling us to evaluate the community-wide prevalence of methamphetamine in wastewater treatment plants within Beijing. We show that, when normalized for the daily flow of the wastewater treatment plants and for population density, higher mass loads of drugs are generally found in sewage influent from urban areas, implying greater local methamphetamine usage than that in less populated areas. The user-friendly and disposable paper sensors demonstrate the applicability of rapid on-site illicit drug detection, illustrating the application to wastewater-based epidemiology, which has the potential to inform government agencies regarding societal interventions.In this study, a combined alkaline (ALK) and ultrasonication (ULS) sludge lysis-cryptic pretreatment and anoxic/oxic (AO) system (AO + ALK/ULS) was developed to enhance biological nitrogen removal (BNR) in domestic wastewater with a low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio. A real-time control strategy for the AO + ALK/ULS system was designed to optimize the sludge lysate return ratio (RSLR) under variable sludge concentrations and variations in the influent C/N (⩽ 5). A multi-layered backpropagation artificial neural network (BPANN) model with network topology of 1 input layer, 3 hidden layers, and 1 output layer, using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, was developed and validated. Experimental and predicted data showed significant concurrence, verified with a high regression coefficient (R2 = 0.9513) and accuracy of the BPANN. The BPANN model effectively captured the complex nonlinear relationships between the related input variables and effluent output in the combined lysis-cryptic + BNR system. The model could be used to support the real-time dynamic response and process optimization control to treat low C/N domestic wastewater.In freshwater systems, sediment can be an important source for the internal loading of PO4. The limiting character of this element in such system leads to consider this phenomenon in terms of eutrophication risks and water quality stakes. A four-months follow-up (January, March, April and May 2019) was carried out in a strong phosphate (PO4) limited secondary channel from an artificial irrigation system of Charente Maritime (France) to link the mobilization of remineralization products in the upper 6 cm layer of sediment (conventional core slicing/centrifugation and DET probes) and the phytoplankton biomass dynamics in the water column. Results showed congruent patterns between the temporal succession of the organic matter mineralization processes in the sediment and the primary biomass dynamics in the water column. In January and March (considered in winter), PO4 proved to be retained by adsorption onto iron oxides in anoxic sediment since pore water nitrate inhibited for about a month the respiration of metal oxides in the first cm of sediment, thus limiting PO4 availability and the phytoplankton growth. In April and May (early spring), after exhaustion of pore water nitrate, the dissolutive reduction of iron oxides released PO4 into pore water generated a significant diffusive outgoing flux from the sediment to the water column with a maximum in April (-1.10E-04±2.81E-05 nmol cm-2 s-1). This release coincided with the nanophytoplankton bloom (5.50 µg Chla L-1) and a potential increase of PO4 concentration in the water column. This work provides some insight on the importance of benthic-pelagic coupling in anthropogenic systems. This conceptual model has to be deployed on other sites of interest where internal loading of P takes precedence over external inputs and nitrate mitigation drives its benthic recycling and ultimately its bioavailability. This is to be essential to characterize the aquatic environment quality in order to limit eutrophication risks.Membrane distillation (MD) has the high potential to circumvent conventional desalination limitations in treating highly saline brines. However, the performance of MD is limited by its low thermal efficiencyand temperature polarization (TP) effect. Consequently, the driving force decreases when heat loss increases.In this study, we propose to minimize TP through localized heating where the thin feed channel was heated uniformly at the membrane-liquid interface without changing the properties of the membrane.This concept was further improved by implementing a new dead-end MD configuration. Investigated for the first time,this configuration eliminated circulation heat losses, which cannot be realized in conventional MD due to a rapid temperature stratification. In addition, the accumulation of foulants on the membrane surface was successfully controlled by intermittent flushing. 3-Dimensional conjugate heat transfer modeling revealedmore uniform heat transfer and temperature gradient across the membrane due to the increased feed water temperature over a larger membrane area. The increase of water vapor flux (45%) and the reduction of heat lossobserved in the new dead-end concept led to a decrease of the specific energy consumption by 57%, corresponding to a gain output ratio increase of about 132 %, compared to a conventional bulk heating, while preserving membrane integrity. A conjugate heat transfer model was deployed in ANSYS-Fluent framework to elucidate on the mechanism of flux enhancement associated with the proposed technique. This study provides a framework for future sustainable MD developmentby maintaining a stable vapor flux while minimizing energy consumption.The formation and fate of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in sludge during anaerobic digestion (AD) is of global importance since the sludge is a significant source of PFAAs to the environment. The formation of PFAAs from polyfluorinated compounds, namely PFAA precursors, is poorly understood in AD. This study aims to investigate the formation of PFAAs from precursors and their partitioning behaviour in waste activated sludge (WAS) during AD process. To achieve this, three isotope-labelled PFAAs were spiked and monitored along with indigenous PFAAs and precursors over eight weeks in a laboratory-scale anaerobic digester, fed with sludge from a local wastewater treatment plant and operated with a hydraulic retention time of 12 days under 35 ℃. In addition to isotope-labelled PFAAs, twelve native PFAAs and eight polyfluorinated compounds were detected in the feed and digested sludges. A mass-balance model, validated by the spiking experiment, was applied to predict the concentrations of PFAAs and precursors assuming no formation/degradation in AD.